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Fairing Colliders?

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A small question, is it possible for fairings to have colliders, that disappear when they are jettisoned?

For example, this heat-shield has a larger conical fairing, when the fairing is present, it would make sense to have a larger conical collider, rather than the smaller heat-shield collider.

After jettison from below decoupler, it would be wise to disable the fairings collider, to prevent collision bugs (if possible?).

I think the stock NTRs do this, but I have not been able to pin their exact behaviour.

Kind Regards :)




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What I've had to do is have a ring of box colliders to rough out the shape of the fairing, and then you could just have a normal cylinder for the inner part. Put the ring of colliders under the wider fairing in the Unity hierarchy. Will that work? I have no idea, don't ask me, apparently my Atlas fairing makes the whole rocket explode when you separate it. But it's worth a try.

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The way I make fairing colliders, or generally hollow part colliders, is to simply duplicate my model file, decrease poly count if required, import it to Unity, add in a Mesh Collidee to your model and choose the model. Make sure to not set the collider to convex, otherwise it won't work. ;)

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The way I make fairing colliders, or generally hollow part colliders, is to simply duplicate my model file, decrease poly count if required, import it to Unity, add in a Mesh Collidee to your model and choose the model. Make sure to not set the collider to convex, otherwise it won't work. ;)

Doesn't KSP require convex colliders...?

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What I've had to do is have a ring of box colliders to rough out the shape of the fairing, and then you could just have a normal cylinder for the inner part. Put the ring of colliders under the wider fairing in the Unity hierarchy. Will that work? I have no idea, don't ask me, apparently my Atlas fairing makes the whole rocket explode when you separate it. But it's worth a try.

That may work! You would not be able to get the exact shape (as you say, rough) - but could be the resolution I need. :)


The way I make fairing colliders, or generally hollow part colliders, is to simply duplicate my model file, decrease poly count if required, import it to Unity, add in a Mesh Collidee to your model and choose the model. Make sure to not set the collider to convex, otherwise it won't work. ;)
Doesn't KSP require convex colliders...?

They work currently (sometimes) but, won't work at all in 1.1 :)

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Non-convex colliders currently "work" in KSP to a point, but have problems. They fall right through the launch pad, for instance. Plus, if two non-convex colliders come in contact with each other, they pass right through.

But yes, in 1.1 (Unity 5), they will all be required to be convex, so it's best to stick to convex now and save a headache of figuring it out later.

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Make a ring of box-like colliders, as descibed. Adjust their top part and maybe the collider of the heat-shield itself so that the colliders don't intersect, when heatshield and fairing are combined (In fact the models itself should also not do this to look perfect). Then you will have no problems. They will separate just fine. The donut-shaped droptank of my breeze-m also consists of a ring of trapezoid-like sections (like you cut a piece of cake out of a donut) and the whole tank slides over the core of the breeze with no problems.

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