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has anyone done a mun run using no time acceleration?

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I am thinking of bumping up the fun and do a real time mun run.

has anyone done it? does it take around 4 days like the Apollo missions?

Also I want a super reliable and efficient mun lander.

can you guys post pics of your best mun lander?

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  RocketPropelledGiraffe said:
Well, you would have about six hours for the transfer with absolutely nothing to do in-game.

Plenty of time to watch Bob Ross, if guess...

What you need to do is send along a little friend probe. Every rocket needs a friend probe. Nice, happy friend probe.

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  Beatz0121 said:
does it take around 4 days like the Apollo missions?

Apollo missions actually lasted between one and two weeks.

I don't remember the duration of your typical Mun mission, but recall that Kerbin days are 6h long. A 4 days mission would actually last 24h.

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Well, the trip to the mun only takes 6h IF you're going by the ( sensible ) Hoffman transfer. Now, if you're willing to spend much more dV, you can do it somewhat faster ... Abyssal Lurker and Scott Manley both got to the Mun and back in less than one hour ;)

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  r_rolo1 said:
Abyssal Lurker and Scott Manley both got to the Mun and back in less than one hour ;)

I don't know about AL, but SM even cheated. It was like; go there, assume that you've maintained an orbit, and hurry back! And the sheer SIZE of that monster! That's not the way to go, if you ask me (which - I know - you didn't).

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  r_rolo1 said:
Well, the trip to the mun only takes 6h IF you're going by the ( sensible ) Hoffman transfer. Now, if you're willing to spend much more dV, you can do it somewhat faster ... Abyssal Lurker and Scott Manley both got to the Mun and back in less than one hour ;)

It actually only takes a small amount of extra delta-v to cut it down to like 3.5-ish hours (like, 100-ish m/s total, maybe even less. I forget the exact numbers but the ship wouldn't require any sort of large redesign).

  Harry Rhodan said:
Hohmann. :P

Hasselhoffmann? ;)

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Hey , people can't do a typo once in a while ? ;)

That said, and back on topic, a full typical Mun and back mission in stock KSP is probably something around 15-16h ( suposing some time in parking orbits and some time spent in actually doing something in the ground :P ). While I haven't done what the OP asks, I've already done straight 16 h KSP binges ( mostly rovering ... driving in KSP is HARD ), so I would not be surprised if anyone had sat down and made a full Mun and back in one sit non stop with no timewarp...

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  Renegrade said:
It actually only takes a small amount of extra delta-v to cut it down to like 3.5-ish hours (like, 100-ish m/s total, maybe even less. I forget the exact numbers but the ship wouldn't require any sort of large redesign).

It actually only takes a small quite significant amount to extra delta-v to cut it down to like 10-ish minutes... :P

IIRC, some have done it in less than 5 mins, but that's quite old. Would be interested to know the post-1.0 record.

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  Renegrade said:
It actually only takes a small amount of extra delta-v to cut it down to like 3.5-ish hours (like, 100-ish m/s total, maybe even less. I forget the exact numbers but the ship wouldn't require any sort of large redesign).

I have done this many times to Minmus or other planets, some 100 m/s more and you save half the trip time, yes you will need just as much extra dV slowing down.

- - - Updated - - -

  Gaarst said:
It actually only takes a small quite significant amount to extra delta-v to cut it down to like 10-ish minutes... :P

IIRC, some have done it in less than 5 mins, but that's quite old. Would be interested to know the post-1.0 record.

the issue with an Hohmann transfer is that you go very slow at the end, just try to make some nodes on you Minmus trip and half the time are done on the last 20% of the distance so increasing the burn a little will save you a lot of time.

Now this have diminishing return, first factor is slowdown because of Kerbin gravity, just reaching escape speed or 100 m/s extra solves a lot of this and you end up using as much fuel braking as accelerating.

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  Alshain said:
Two different threads in two different forums. Been practicing your photoshop skills? ;)
  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
That's the "New Posts" page. Access it from a button at the top of the forum.
  Alshain said:
Oh, interesting. Didn't know that was there.

Yeah it's how I interact with the forum 99% of the time. I load that page and just load threads that either are new, interesting, or that I've commented on in the past.

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Well I'm currently trying the "I can munshot Alpha" challenge.

Timewarp cannot be engaged when in close proximity to the surface in that version, so I can relate a little.

It took too long for too little reward for my tastes. I could have gone for a (coffee)break though...maybe I'll do that the next time!

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Ill just repost my old post here, feel free to ignore anything irrelevant, I'm currently using a mobile and editing so much text on such a small screen is a huge pain

  TheXRuler said:
Soo I didn't feel much like describing everything seperately so instead I whipped up something in the VAB quickly which is almost the same, costs 2000 funds more, wheigs a little less and has the same exact amount of parts.

First off, that trick for geting radial decoupling weas new to me as well and at ~1000h ingame time there aren't many things I haven't seen so thanks for that :P

I just played around, minmaxing the stages a little. You see, on the first two or three stages the additional couple hundred kg from the cockpit won't make a huge difference, however, on the final stage it's really well worth using the lander can, since that has a lower mass and it will actually be carried the entire way. Basically make you stinginess with added weight directly proportinall to how long you will be carrying that stage with you, the further the stingier. Also I made the lander design two stage which has two main advantages, more dV due to dropping unnecessary weight and more stability because the center of mass is lower down and you have a wider base.

The rest of the rocket is mainly unchanged apart from the fact that I use two skipper engines instead of just one as that allows you to carry quite a bit more fuel to orbit at little additional cost. I also slightly increased the length of the first liquid fueled stage since otherwise you would be wasting precious lifting capacity. One thing I did, then reverted because I don't know what you have unlocked was stick some winglets (preferrably with control) at the base of the first LFO stage, this will give you control early on, since the SRB's are ungimballed and the radial lander design shifts the CoL far forwards.

As you can see from the screenshots, this setup will give you around 4000m/s of dV once in orbit, which should be way more than you need for going to and from the mun.

Here is the craft file in case you wish to muck around with my design/take a closer look. (Edit: Turns out dropbox is a little messed up atm and I can't upload the file there, if you still want it PM me and I'll send it to you via hamachi/teamspeak/skype/facebook/email/whatever)

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May not be my best lander but it's the only fully stock one and it has oodles of dV. Maybe you can learn some interesting things from this :P note that you could significantly improve the dV by adding fuel lines to the last stage

Edited by TheXRuler
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