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[0.21.1] Alien Nostromo (ver. 1.3.7)


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Wow this thing is awesome! i love the size of it!

If you need an idea for another big ship, might i recommend either the x-304 Daedalus , or X-303 Prometheus from Stargate-SG-1? i personally would love to see those ships in KSP

any way, great job on this thing! 8)

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Amazing! I object, though, to the ridiculous performance it made when landing on Minmus. \'Twas a ballerina, bouncing around doing little arcs and twirls. I finally got it to land though -


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First off, Thanks for this great addition to my mod collection!

It flies terrible though. Mechjeb doesnt work with it. But thanks man. I\'ll have to take this baby manually to Minmus instead! :)

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  Kreuzung said:

Does MechJeb fail the same way as it does with the Eagle? Just no VTOL?

RedSpar had an acceptable solution for that, I just can\'t remember it right.

No, I did not activate VTOL, just tried usual missile takeoff, MechJeb was unable to follow SURF command of SmartASS.


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  Maraz said:

No, I did not activat VTOL, just tried usual missile takeoff, MechJeb was unable to follow SURF command of ASAS.


I can confirm this. I did extensive testing and it seems that Mechjeb gets completely confused by the Engines/RCS. missile take off is possible but it involves alot of luck holding the ship stable.

Once its in Zero-G Using any orbital operational commands from mechjeb will result in total lack of control even with RCS. It seems to dance around like a ballerina.

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Sorry to disappoint, but I don\'t use mechjeb and never intended the Nostromo to work with it. My current opinion is that mechjeb, while amazing, takes some of the fun and skill out of the game, but that is a discussion for a different place and time.

Eventually I will make this mechjeb compatible, but I am not too familiar with it so it will take time.

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  jcogs said:

Sorry to disappoint, but I don\'t use mechjeb and never intended the Nostromo to work with it. My current opinion is that mechjeb, while amazing, takes some of the fun and skill out of the game, but that is a discussion for a different place and time.

Eventually I will make this mechjeb compatible, but I am not too familiar with it so it will take time.

I respectfully disagree with your opinion, Mechjeb allows us space nuts to perform complex precision manouvers on a regular play session. We the player can set goals in mind before we take off and complete them using mechjeb. In real life astronauts use \'mechjebs\' aswell. No human being is capabale/precise enough to perform all of these actions by hand like rendevous/docking/landing it\'s all computer aided back in the day and fully automated in the present time. Mechjeb isnt all about flying to the moon automated. you the player still have to make the right descisions what function to use and where and when. I know you probably didn\'t want to get into this argument on this absolutely wonderful Nostromo post.

All i\'m saying is that if you want to make this Mechjeb compatible (fairly easy from what i understand) it would be greatly appreciated by me and i think quite a few others.

Please dont stigmatize mechjeb users by saying it removes the skill and fun out of the game. That statement is far from the truth.

Again thanks alot for this great model! :D

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First off, you sir are a freakin genius. This is great. I actually just watched Alien last night, (for the first time in a LONG time.) I do not have trouble flying it at all, it feels very balanced to me.

Since it was brought up...

I use MechJeb mostly for some of the more tedious tasks. When I have completed the design phase of a new ship, and I know it flies, I don\'t need to worry about the launch stuff so much - especially since most of what I have been doing lately is making landers. It\'s much faster to let MechJeb get me to one of the muns and then work with the lander myself. Especially because I have two kids running around trying to make me crash at every opportunity.

Once again, great job. Any plans for a Prometheus?

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Since it was brought up...

I use MechJeb mostly for some of the more tedious tasks. When I have completed the design phase of a new ship, and I know it flies, I don\'t need to worry about the launch stuff so much - especially since most of what I have been doing lately is making landers. It\'s much faster to let MechJeb get me to one of the muns and then work with the lander myself. Especially because I have two kids running around trying to make me crash at every opportunity.

I second this; I\'m often AFK, so I like to be able to put in stuff like landing instructions when I\'m in orbit above the Mun, then go do what I need to, and not waste time.

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Amazing! I object, though, to the ridiculous performance it made when landing on Minmus. \'Twas a ballerina, bouncing around doing little arcs and twirls. I finally got it to land though -


Welcome to LV-426.

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I see that RCS thrusters in this model just have a single thrust vector, while stock RCS thruster and other modded ones have at least four.

Maybe this might be confusing MechJeb and make him impossible to steer the spacecraft?


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First post here. I\'m speechless... This is just so amazingly well done I can hardly believe it! Amazing work! Hope to see more from you! =) Onw thing I noticed though is that the ship seems to be very light compared to it´s size. Maybe some finetuning for an eventual update so it doesn´t hop around so much on landings?

Again, the most amazingly beutiful mod I\'ve seen for KSP!

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