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We’re Eucl3D (the 3D printing guys). We’ve added mod support and have lower prices!


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About a year ago we posted a survey looking seeing if players of Kerbal would like have 3D printed versions their favorite customized spacecraft. After hearing a lot of positive feedback, we partnered with Squad to offer this service starting in March. However the community indicated to us that they wanted some changes that we we have spent the last 6 months working on.

If you are curious of what we are talking about, Das Valdez from Kerbal Space Academy explains what we are doing in this video

We have two kinds of products which you can find on our website http://eucl3d.com/games/kerbal

Customized crafts: These are your custom crafts that you made in Kerbal. As you can imagine, Kerbal parts, made by Squad and the mod community, aren’t designed with 3D printing in mind, so it takes time for us optimize each model for 3D printing. We only expect to produce several hundred of these by Christmas, so if you want yours this year order soon as we are fulfilling them on a first come first serve basis.

Static Models: These are popular spaceships that are already ready to go for 3D printing. These are some very cool looking ships we have found from the community and would make great presents or christmas ornaments for the space fans in your lives.

We are giving posters here a $5 off discount if they use the code “3DPrint†by Sunday evening.

Here are the changes:

Prices: Our prices used to be $100, $140, $200 for 8-12 inch crafts, we are bringing down the price down below $30, 50, $100 for 4-8 inch crafts.

Mod Support: Kerbal Space Program is a lot about the mods and while it is hard for us to work with new mods, we decided it was necessary and are now offering 3D prints of crafts with mods.

Static Sizing: Last time we posted a lot of people requested static sizing, so that spaceships would be a relative size to their in game counterparts if people were to order multiple. However this is still not a problem we are able to solve now, but we would hope to change this with time and your support.

Kerbal X: If you see a cool craft on Kerbal X http://kerbalx.com/printable_craft and want to 3D Print it, you can send the craft directly from the website to Eucl3D’s site.

Once again, I will mention we are giving you all a $5 off discount if you use the code “3DPrint†by Sunday evening.

We are here (and on reddit -- https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3roryt/hi_rkerbalspaceprogram_were_eucl3d_the_3d/ to answer any questions you may have. Let us know!


Jesse, Brian, and Brian from Eucl3D

Edited by Eucl3D
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Is there a deadline to this service? For instance, if I decide to order something after the holidays will you still be accepting Kerbal stuff? The example models look great btw. It seems like the really long struts get removed completely, is this true? It could be the high contrast of the photo. I'm going to submit one or two things for sure, but I'm in no hurry and want to get something I will really be proud to share and show off. That is why I ask about a submission deadline. Thanks it advance.

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Thanks, we copied this from our reddit post and didn't check the links!

Well, now 3D printing craft sounds good!

How do you guys do fairings, struts, and fuel lines?

Depending on the location of struts/fuel lines we will remove them or keep them. This comes down to whether they are structurally sound enough to be printed. We support fairings!

Can you make a specific list of which mods are supported?

We will generally try to support any mods you throw at us, and if problems come up we'll be sure to communicate that with you.

https://eucl3d.com/games/kerbal works for me

Are you shipping to the UK now, and if so what are the shipping charges like?

We do support international shipping. We have a flat rate of $25.

Is there a deadline to this service? For instance, if I decide to order something after the holidays will you still be accepting Kerbal stuff? The example models look great btw. It seems like the really long struts get removed completely, is this true? It could be the high contrast of the photo. I'm going to submit one or two things for sure, but I'm in no hurry and want to get something I will really be proud to share and show off. That is why I ask about a submission deadline. Thanks it advance.

There is no deadline for our service, however if you wanted it before the holidays you should order it soon! Generally yes, really long struts will be removed. For those to be structurally viable they end up having to be made quite thick.

Edited by Specialist290
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What is the material these are printed with?

These are printed with a sandstone-like material, then finished with a wax coating.

Can you print deployed landing legs?

It depends on the ship, generally they are printed retracted to make them more durable. If you have a specific .craft you want me to take a look at send it to support@eucl3d.com

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