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Apollo Mission Recreation (And More!) [Requesting Ground Crew Aid!]


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[quote name='adsii1970'][CENTER][url]http://i.imgur.com/AlDo5yS.png?1[/url][/CENTER]

Artwork for the proposed program patch... Comments?

It still needs some tweaking, but it is a good place to start...[/QUOTE]

Yeah set it for real world since we're using RSS.

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[quote name='CliftonM']Everything else looks good. I'm excited to have an official patch![/QUOTE]

It is awesome! I will add to the OP.

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[quote name='adsii1970']Can be done... so, Earth, change to Moon instead of Kerbin's two moons...
Everything else ok?[/QUOTE]

Only thing I'd like to add is a star for every role in this operation, and three obviously different stars to represent the flight crew, maybe around the moon (since that's they're final destination).
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Yeah set it for real world since we're using RSS.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

It is awesome! I will add to the OP.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Only thing I'd like to add is a star for every role in this operation, and three obviously different stars to represent the flight crew, maybe around the moon (since that's they're final destination).[/QUOTE]
I like that.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

So have I become the official PAO, or am I still just standing in?
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[quote name='Gaarst']About Monday's mission:
I need to discuss important points of the mission with the relevant members, especially I need to have a mission duration, flight plan and resources on board, so that I can set up a detailed plan for the crew.

Also, are EVAs even possible on an Apollo or Gemini mission, considering the resources and equipment that astronauts have ?
If yes, then I would like to set up an EVA for one of the mission members during the Gemini mission. If ever there was a problem that only an EVA repair could fix during the mission to the Moon, even though highly unlikely, I would like to have the crew as prepared as they can be, for any situation.

I'll try to hang out on the Steam group chat more often, so that we can talk more easily about these things.

EDIT: I need to discuss these things especially with EECOM, FIDO and Retro. I would also like to talk to the crew-members about the EVA: I would like to have CMP do the EVA(s) but we have none so far, so another crew-member would have to do it.[/QUOTE]

Major plans are still being made, but an EVA with objectives can be made. Like reaching specific areas of the spacecraft and or assembling select objects.

If you'd like to add objects to the spacecraft, let me know so I can add it to the official flight plan of this mission.

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[quote name='CliftonM']I like that.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

So have I become the official PAO, or am I still just standing in?[/QUOTE]

If your up to it, then sure.

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Also saving that patch to my phone because I like it :) .
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Major plans are still being made, but an EVA with objectives can be made. Like reaching specific areas of the spacecraft and or assembling select objects.

If you'd like to add objects to the spacecraft, let me know so I can add it to the official flight plan of this mission.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

If your up to it, then sure.[/QUOTE]
OK. As I've told you, I have really been working on getting my computer optimized. I've done some test streams, and the quality's good, with a good frame rate, so I just need to get the actual game frame rate a little better, and I'll be good to go.
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[quote name='CliftonM']OK. As I've told you, I have really been working on getting my computer optimized. I've done some test streams, and the quality's good, with a good frame rate, so I just need to get the actual game frame rate a little better, and I'll be good to go.[/QUOTE]

Are you a good commentator? Go watch as much of a YT playlist from a YTber called LunarModule9 . Search for the "full Apollo 13 mission" and it should link you to his playlist he made consisting of all PAO-Ground-Flight conversations. Go listen to as many of those as you can so you know what we need.

But don't forgot that on the REAL mission there will be a CHARITY going with this. So don't let the charity aspect down either.
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Are you a good commentator? Go watch as much of a YT playlist from a YTber called LunarModule9 . Search for the "full Apollo 13 mission" and it should link you to his playlist he made consisting of all PAO-Ground-Flight conversations. Go listen to as many of those as you can so you know what we need.

But don't forgot that on the REAL mission there will be a CHARITY going with this. So don't let the charity aspect down either.[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Yeah set it for real world since we're using RSS.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

It is awesome! I will add to the OP.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Only thing I'd like to add is a star for every role in this operation, and three obviously different stars to represent the flight crew, maybe around the moon (since that's they're final destination).[/QUOTE]

Ok, two different versions. I prefer the one with the unoutlined stars. I chose the colors based on the three primary colors: yellow, red, and blue. After I uploaded the new images, I realized that it can be considered as a hat tip to the Star Trek original series... How fitting considering the role of this project...


[IMG]http://http://i.imgur.com/TM4ao9I.png?1[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ngrzTft.png?1[/IMG]


I'm working on another graphic, so what are the three groups that the stars represent? Edited by adsii1970
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[quote name='adsii1970']Ok, two different versions. I prefer the one with the unoutlined stars. I chose the colors based on the three primary colors: yellow, red, and blue. After I uploaded the new images, I realized that it can be considered as a hat tip to the Star Trek original series... How fitting considering the role of this project...


[url]http://i.imgur.com/c0qqXsg.png?1[/url] [url]http://i.imgur.com/hmemjGH.png?1[/url]


I'm working on another graphic, so what are the three groups that the stars represent?[/QUOTE]

Ok, I'd like more Apollo-ish styled stars, but I'll let you manage that.

There should be two groups of stars, the first group represents the mission control team, and the second represents the flight crew.
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Ok, I'd like more Apollo-ish styled stars, but I'll let you manage that.

There should be two groups of stars, the first group represents the mission control team, and the second represents the flight crew.[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']So who's going to help me on the Twitter front?[/QUOTE]
I don't have twitter, but I will do the stream advertising.

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(not twitter)
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[quote name='CliftonM']I don't have twitter, but I will do the stream advertising.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

(not twitter)[/QUOTE]

Bah! If we're going to get Scott's attention we need to attack in mass! Not one or two guys. We need lots of people!
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I don't have twitter, but I do know Scott's forum account. It's illectro. The last time he was on the forum was on the 13th. Also, can you confirm the ignition time (EST)? It's on Monday, right?

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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Ok, I'd like more Apollo-ish styled stars, but I'll let you manage that.

There should be two groups of stars, the first group represents the mission control team, and the second represents the flight crew.[/QUOTE]

[CENTER][IMG]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M7a71fab9e752b7e2649b08d1b140049ao1&pid=15.1[/IMG] [IMG]http://cdn3.volusion.com/qhwyd.ybxka/v/vspfiles/photos/A1611-2.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]

Ok,There were two basic designs NASA used for the Apollo missions, a five pointed outline star and a beveled four pointed star. The overall program patch contains four pointed stars. Then there are a handful of patches that do not contain any stars at all.

How many stars for the mission control team? Are there stars for ground crew as well? Let me know so I can do this today.
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[quote name='ZooNamedGames']Ok, I'd like more Apollo-ish styled stars, but I'll let you manage that.

There should be two groups of stars, the first group represents the mission control team, and the second represents the flight crew.[/QUOTE]

I think it should be "Kerbalkind", no? Not Kerman.
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[quote name='adsii1970'][CENTER][url]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M7a71fab9e752b7e2649b08d1b140049ao1&pid=15.1[/url] [url]http://cdn3.volusion.com/qhwyd.ybxka/v/vspfiles/photos/A1611-2.jpg[/url] [/CENTER]

Ok,There were two basic designs NASA used for the Apollo missions, a five pointed outline star and a beveled four pointed star. The overall program patch contains four pointed stars. Then there are a handful of patches that do not contain any stars at all.

How many stars for the mission control team? Are there stars for ground crew as well? Let me know so I can do this today.[/QUOTE]

There are 3 for the flight crew (CDR, CMP and LMP), and 10 for the flight crew. So 13 stars in total. I'd prefer the bevel pointed star, but you do what looks best. YOUR the artist, not me, so it's your choice ultimately.

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[quote name='Aperture Science']I think it should be "Kerbalkind", no? Not Kerman.[/QUOTE]

Well if we had the aid of the modders, we would have HUMANS and not KERBALS. But sadly we just have to deal :/ .
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