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1.0.5 - Can't Recover Vessels

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Just updated my game to 1.0.5 and have launched two vessels which both landed with the pilots unharmed.

Upon trying to recover the vessels however, I get an endless loop of 'Do you want to recover the vessel?' followed by the recovery inventory. The vessels and their pilots are still where they landed.

Any thoughts please?? Val is currently my top pilot and she's unrecoverable out in the wilderness! ;.;

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It will take a while for your mods to all be updated, all I can really suggest is you check them and update them as soon as you can.

Other than that please see the sticky thread on getting support, we need more info from you to figure this out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you have [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785-1-0-4-ON-HOLD-Kerbin-Side-%28v1-0-5%29-Supplements"]Kerbin Side[/URL]? I have the same problem and it is fixed after uninstalling that mod.

Seems the developer is aware it's broken, so the only option available right now is to uninstall it and wait for a fixed version.
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