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[1.0.5][Dec 15, 2015] Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 0.3: Air Flights, Tours, Coast Guard, STS


What should I name this pack? I need help deciding before 1.0 release.  

129 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I name this contract pack?

    • Aerospace Exploration and Rescue Operations
    • Giving Aircraft a Purpose
    • SSI Aerospace

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  On 12/30/2015 at 3:57 PM, skykooler said:

I believe it was the Coast Guard Rescue contract, with Lt. Dan.

I've also got a few contracts with the opposite problem: I accepted a contract for flying tours. I then crashed an unrelated ship. This failed the flying contract, and as a result I've got a whole bunch of extra tourists in my roster with nowhere to go.


Unrelated ship crashes are fixed in 0.4. Not released yet. Neither is 0.5 which I finished last week. Possibly also not 0.6 which should be done this week. 

Let me know how u can duplicate a lt. Dan recovery failure as I am unable to do so.

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Almost time for some GAP 2.0 planning. Here's what I've got so far. See updated DEVNOTES here: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/DEVNOTES.txt

else here is the version as it stands now planned with this post:

2.0 Giving Aircraft a Purpose - GAP Extended

*Wright-Barnstorm - Wright Aeronautical: Barnstorm Jebediah's tool shed (custom shed spawned just for this purpose)
*Wright-BarnstormIsland - Wright Aeronautical: Barnstorm the Island Airfield hangars
*Wright-Mountains - Wright Aeronautical: Take tourists on a tour of the K2 Mountains (fly a series of waypoints)

*KSP-ValsHeli - Kerbal Space Program: Build a Coast Guard Search and Rescue station at the summit of Valentina's Island

Maritime Missions Merge Project
*CoastGuard-RecoverCapsule - KSC Coast Guard: Recover space capsule (check for parts required for basic orbital spacecraft)
*CoastGuard-RecoverSpaceCrew - KSC Coast Guard: Recover space crew (check for parts required for basic orbital manned spacecraft)
*CoastGuard-BlackBoxRecovery - KSC Coast Guard: Recover black box for Flight 11

*Wright-Glider-Mountains - Wright Aeronautical: Glide over Western Mountains
*IslandTours-Glider - KSC Island Tours: Launch a boat powered glider

Sky Diving!
*SSI-ParachuteTest - SSI Aerospace: Test an EVA parachute!
*Wright-Skydiving5k - Wright Aeronautical: Skydive 2-5 Kerbals from 5000m.
*Wright-Skydiving9k - Wright Aeronautical: Skydive 2-15 Kerbals from 9000m.
*KSP-Skydiving60k - Kerbal Space Program: Skydive from 30km!
*KSP-Skydiving60k - Kerbal Space Program: Skydive from 60km!
*KSP-SkydivingSpace - Kerbal Space Program: Skydive from the edge of space!
*KSP-OrbitalEscape - Kerbal Space Program: Skydive from orbit!

BASE Jumping, Hang Gliders and Wing Suits!
*Wright-BASE-VAB - Wright Aeronautical: BASE jump off of the VAB (wingsuit or hang glider ok to use)
*Wright-BASE-Island - Wright Aeronautical: Hang glide or wingsuit off of Valentina's Island Search and Rescue station!
*Wright-BASE-K2 - Wright Aeronautical: BASE jump off of K2 (wingsuit or hang glider ok to use)

KAB Merge Project
*Wright-Altitude2500 - Wright Aeronautical: Fly an aircraft to 2500m!
*Wright-Altitude5000 - Wright Aeronautical: Fly an aircraft to 5000m!
*KAB-Altitude10000 - Kerbal Aircraft Builders: Fly an aircraft to 10000m!
*KAB-Altitude20000 - Kerbal Aircraft Builders: Fly an aircraft to 20000m!
*SSI-Altitude35000 - SSI Aerospace: Fly an aircraft to 35000m!
*SSI-Altitude60000 - SSI Aerospace: Fly an aircraft to the edge of space!
*SSI-Speed - SSI Aerospace: Break the sound barrier! 220,330,1000m/s
*SSI-Cargo-Mk1 - SSI Aerospace: Test the Mk 1 Cargo Bay
*SSI-Cargo-Mk2 - SSI Aerospace: Test the Mk 2 Cargo Bay
*SSI-Cargo-5t SSI Aerospace: Fly 5 tons to KSC Island.
*SSI-Cargo-7t SSI Aerospace: Fly 7 tons to KSC Island.
*SSI-Cargo-14t SSI Aerospace: Fly 14 tons to KSC Island.
*SSI-Cargo-20t SSI Aerospace: Fly 20 tons to KSC Island.

additional maculator's goals for KAB
- More simple flights (fly in altitude x over location y)
- Exotic locations (get your plane to the poles, desert etc.)
- Specific part tests


what kind of contracts do you want to see? I already have KSC 2 and North Pole base construction and flight contracts planned for 3.0, and Spaceplane and STS contracts planned for 4.0. Offworld flying will probably be slated for GAP 5.0.

Edited by inigma
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Well, I can't reproduce the Lt. Dan issue; I guess it's an intermittent thing.


What do I need to do to complete the "Land on a helipad" mission? I landed a helicopter there, but the contract didn't complete because "safely" wasn't checked (even though both things under it were).

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  On 12/31/2015 at 6:35 AM, skykooler said:

Well, I can't reproduce the Lt. Dan issue; I guess it's an intermittent thing.


What do I need to do to complete the "Land on a helipad" mission? I landed a helicopter there, but the contract didn't complete because "safely" wasn't checked (even though both things under it were).


All you need to do is just land a craft piloted by a certified Kerbal pilot, and land that craft on the VAB helipad or Admin building helipad with max speed of 0.5 or less. I was unable to duplicate any issue. The safety check only runs after the landing check, which completes the contract. What building are you trying to land on and where on the pad? 

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  On 12/31/2015 at 6:57 AM, inigma said:

All you need to do is just land a craft piloted by a certified Kerbal pilot, and land that craft on the VAB helipad or Admin building helipad with max speed of 0.5 or less. I was unable to duplicate any issue. The safety check only runs after the landing check, which completes the contract. What building are you trying to land on and where on the pad? 


I only have level 2 buildings, so there's only a helipad on the VAB. I've been trying to land on that. But I've been probably landing faster than 0.5 m/s, because my heli has wheels, so nothing breaks as long as I'm going slower than 10 m/s.

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  On 12/31/2015 at 3:23 PM, skykooler said:

I only have level 2 buildings, so there's only a helipad on the VAB. I've been trying to land on that. But I've been probably landing faster than 0.5 m/s, because my heli has wheels, so nothing breaks as long as I'm going slower than 10 m/s.


Do you come to a braking stop? You need to come to a stop on the helipad less than 0.5 m/s. It doesn't check to see how fast you're going when you land, just defines landing as being stopped at the helipad less than 0.5 m/s.

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  On 12/31/2015 at 3:24 PM, inigma said:

Do you come to a braking stop? You need to come to a stop on the helipad less than 0.5 m/s. It doesn't check to see how fast you're going when you land, just defines landing as being stopped at the helipad less than 0.5 m/s.


Oh. Yes, I am doing that.


Also, how do I complete "land at the KSC Island airfield"? I'm there, I'm landed, but the darn thing isn't checked.



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Land on a Helipad is the only other GAP contract. Besides that, I have some stock ones:

  • Haul LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine into flight over Kerbin
  • Build a new orbital station around Kerbin
  • Test LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine in flight over Kerbin
  • Explore Duna

All of these were active before I accepted the KSC Island Landing contract.

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  On 12/31/2015 at 5:07 PM, skykooler said:

Land on a Helipad is the only other GAP contract. Besides that, I have some stock ones:

  • Haul LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine into flight over Kerbin
  • Build a new orbital station around Kerbin
  • Test LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine in flight over Kerbin
  • Explore Duna

All of these were active before I accepted the KSC Island Landing contract.


Hmm. Ok. well I did re-draft the entire set of contracts in the last few development versions. I'm working on GAP 0.7 and I'm not able to reproduce it with that. I know I made massive changes to the parameter completion checks in 0.4 and 0.6. I think a lot of what I did then really helped kill any intermittent completion bugs from 0.3. I know I have modifed the heli contract several times over since 0.3. Testing 0.3 now is a bit awkward since I'm several iterations deep. I can't duplicate it for now. Wait until 0.7 comes out to retry the heli contract.

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0.7 is in QA. I have finished all contracts for GAP 1.0.  wow - 33 contracts, 20,000+ lines of config code.

yippie! Now it's time to do QA. :D  looks like we're going straight into GAP 1.0 beta release just as soon as @nightingale is able to find a moment to finish up CC 1.9.2.

Edited by inigma
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The final GAP 1.0 contract has been developed! Time for QA testing the whole thing before a beta release! :D


Ok, I've developed two contracts for subs: one for testing your first sub, and the other for taking tourists on a tour of a sunken wreck:


I hope to release GAP 1.0 beta soon.

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GAP 0.7 beta is ready as soon as CC 1.9.2 releases.

Here is an acceptable landing zone / parking area:  the KSC Spaceplane Hangar Air Terminal. You guys are going to have fun with this pack. :)


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I managed to make the "Land on a Helipad" contract complete by EVAing after landing on the helipad. However, that didn't work for the island landing. 


Also, I was trying to do the KSC Shoreline Tour contract for like an hour and was getting frustrated that the first checkpoint didn't show as reached - then I double checked the map view and realized that both checkpoints are labeled "KSC Shoreline Tour Start". I went to the other one and it checked off "Start". But neither one would complete "end", so that's added to my list of incomplete contracts. Can't wait for 1.0!

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  On 1/2/2016 at 2:13 AM, skykooler said:

I managed to make the "Land on a Helipad" contract complete by EVAing after landing on the helipad. However, that didn't work for the island landing. 


Also, I was trying to do the KSC Shoreline Tour contract for like an hour and was getting frustrated that the first checkpoint didn't show as reached - then I double checked the map view and realized that both checkpoints are labeled "KSC Shoreline Tour Start". I went to the other one and it checked off "Start". But neither one would complete "end", so that's added to my list of incomplete contracts. Can't wait for 1.0!


Thanks for catching the shoreline waypoint names. I'll fix that asap.

Edit: Fixed for 0.7! thanks skykooler

All those other bugs are fixed post 0.3. :) I've tested all contracts for 0.7. Found lots of stuff to clean up. Nice and tidy and all working now. All 34 contracts. Any remaining bugs are hopefully non-critical.

I still have to do a reward and penalty balance pass though. I'll take any ideas anyone has for contract payouts and balances in beta.

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Contract Configurator 1.9.2 is out. This means I can finally get to publishing 0.7 which technically is GAP 1.0 beta. Hopefully sometime tomorrow. :) When I do, I will be releasing it on CKAN, posting a new thread in Add On Releases and asking mods to delete this development thread. Stay tuned.

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  On 1/3/2016 at 6:42 AM, inigma said:

Contract Configurator 1.9.2 is out. This means I can finally get to publishing 0.7 which technically is GAP 1.0 beta. Hopefully sometime tomorrow. :) When I do, I will be releasing it on CKAN, posting a new thread in Add On Releases and asking mods to delete this development thread. Stay tuned.


I'm excited! It's like Christmas again!

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Good news. All milestones completed. Now going through a balance pass on the numbers since I've not done this yet. After the balance pass I'm doing right now, I'll work on publishing GAP 1.0 beta. Give me an hour or so.

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