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What's the fastest boat anyone has built?

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Well, I've gotten up to around 100 m/s.

Not on purpose. :). That was an unintentional speedboat, a.k.a. one of my early, clumsy attempts at a seaplane that couldn't quite get out of the water. Wasn't trying for any sort of speed record, I'm sure other folks have done better.
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[quote name='fourfa']Hydrofoils allowed?[/QUOTE]
I guess so:
[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]something that constantly maintains contact with the water on Kerbin[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Anyway, I'm busy this week, but I'll try to see what can be done next week (also more mods will hopefully be updated then).
Objective: hit Mach 1 on water! [SIZE=1]If parts don't break up before; if they do, I guess that would be impossible without cheating...[/SIZE]
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I had a hydrofoil powered by 2 Panters get up to about 125m/s, but at that point it got too high in the water, so that some of the foils came above the surface, caught the air, and flipped the boat over backwards. I was quite impressed---looked just like a wreck in one of those jet boat races in real life ;).
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There you go:


This thing was built with the sole purpose to be a dual-Goliath powered boat, so not optimised at all. Reached 120 m/s before one of the front tail connectors broke up, followed by the rest of the craft shortly after; Jeb survived though.
I don't know how parts handle high speed contact with water, but if they don't break up only because of high speed, then reaching Mach 1 seems possible with some optimisation.
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153 m/s with Firespitter parts, but it's so touchy at this speed one little mistake and BOOM! Your boat's balance, lift, thrust has to be within 1 pixel of absolute perfection or you die.

Stick to speeds around 90-110 m/s. At those speeds you have a pretty good chance of having a craft last longer than 10 minutes.
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[quote name='Foxster']Thanks guys. Interesting stuff.

I was trying a few designs and wanted to see what might be possible. I'm up to about 240 m/s so far with a stable and (just about) steerable craft.[/QUOTE]

240 m/s ? I'd like to see this ship.
I'm still struggling achieving thrust balance without radial attached engines. I [I]want[/I] to use these Goliaths, but they are just too powerful, and my boat dives if I go full throttle.
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I just made one (all stock parts but you need a mod like Vessel Mover to get it in the water and KJR is probably needed to run it) that will reach a bit over 250m/s before dying horribly. I call it the "Holy Mackerel".

Here it is at 251m/s, still at 0m altitude but only touching the water with the very rear end of the hull. The combination of canards and pitch-active air brakes keeps the trim quite well.


But at 256m/s, the ship suffered one of those periodic SAS burps. This made the tips of the lower bow canards touch the water and they broke off. As they were doing most of the work keeping the bow up, the bow dropped....


Resulting in a spectacular series of somersaults......


So, keep the speed at 240m/s and you should be OK, at least until you try to slow down. I've never tried to stop the thing deliberately but I suspect that as the bow comes back into contact with the water, bad things will happen.

Here's what it looks like in the SPH with the CoMs and CoL shown. I figure the aftwards and upwards movement of the CoM as the fuel burns might help maintain trim, but it's never lived long enough to find out.


And here's the craft file if you want it:


Hmmm..... Now that I'm looking at these pics here in the forum, I notice that the vertical rudders on the tail had gone by the boards at some point before the fatal accident. I didn't notice at the time because boat parts just disappear silently, not explosion effects or sounds. Oh well.... Edited by Geschosskopf
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It's not a 1.0.5 quirk per se; splashes are only created when a part that was previously not at all submerged goes to >0 submerge factor. So you'll only get continuous splashes (a wake) if you constantly jounce a part in and out of the water.

Note that that's always been true, but now that water is less "brittle" as it were, parts don't jounce so much anymore.
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I agree that somewhere around 250m/s there is a barrier. Not saying it can't be got through, but it poses a challenge.

There seem to be waves or bumps in the water. As you skim along at >200m/s the ship does little dips every few seconds. Eventually one of these gets you.
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It would be nice if at least parts destroyed by water made a splash and a boom sound as well as the splash sound. So you'd notice it happening and could tell it from normal splashes. Also eake fx seem needed now.

The problem seems to be SAS-related. It's like it has a tolerance for small deviations from the desired attitude it's trying to hold. Thus a small drift will build up over time until SAS notices, then SAS jerks the ship back to the set attitude. I see this with planes too.

I'm still trying to figure out how water kills parts. Parts can make contact with it and remain in contact with it at much higher horizontal speeds than their crash tolerances and be OK. But then they seem to vanish for no reason. F3 says they splashed hard so I suspect vertical velocity but this often happens with no visible vertical movement going on.
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[quote name='Foxster']Anyone noticed weird "plinking" noises with moving craft that are partially submerged?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I guess it happens when parts touch and leave water at some speed. Wierd noise still.

Anyway, I pushed a design to 263.0 m/s, but the craft is very unstable due to SAS at this speed.
Craft nose-dived and exploded a fraction of second later.


Still convinced Mach 1 is doable if you find a way to block the SAS wobbling. Working on it.
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[quote name='Foxster']Anyone noticed weird "plinking" noises with moving craft that are partially submerged?[/QUOTE]

Before 1.05, I used to make a lot of boats (actually wingless seaplanes) using Firespitter pontoons. Those need a fair amount of strutwork between them even with KJR, so they always sounded like somebody running his thumbnail down the teeth of a plastic comb the whole time they were moving at any speed. Get used to it. It's the sound of nautical achievement ;)
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