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Forum Migration Nov 27th!


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[quote name='ezequielandrush']I am a sysadmin and I support the idea of migrating. I understand the difficulties of having old software and keep it running smoothly. The security issues are really a concern. Sometimes it's a headache just keep things working in a world where the only constant is change. Everything needs to change and everything will change eventually. So embrace it. Fight it just make the thing worse.[/QUOTE]

I'd be fine with this, if all they were doing was moving to new software. But they're not doing that - they're removing the Rocket Builders subforum (for reasons I disagree with) and blogs (for reasons I don't know).
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[quote name='KSK']I understand what you're saying about the technical issues but I must disagree with your second sentence. We are not simply part of the forum - without us there wouldn't [I]be[/I] a forum, merely a collection of placeholder entries on Squad's website.[/QUOTE]

Of course. You are right. What I am trying to say is that is not our responsibility to make things work.
Squad is indie and we must support them. They are doing a great job and I really feel thay listen to us. So... if there's a place where people break regularly the rules and there is a problem with software aging someone need to act. And that someone are not at this our of the keyboard.

I have mixed emotions here, but in the end, kerbal is the best game I have ever played, so if there is doubt, I let them to do their will.


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I looked through all these pages and I didn't see an answer to this question (apologies if I missed it):
Will the new forum have LaTeX support? If not, will it have some sort of support for robust mathematical equation formatting?
We tend to kick around formulas a lot when discussing rocket science and the old setup was lousy for that.

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Oh another thing that I forget is a feature here because I turned it off so long ago: Will we be able to disable pictures in the new forum, but keep avatar pictures? I spend a lot of time tethered to a cell phone and 90% of the images posted on the forums are uncompressed PNGs, but I know people by their forum avatars.
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[quote name='GoSlash27']Mods,
I looked through all these pages and I didn't see an answer to this question (apologies if I missed it):
Will the new forum have LaTeX support? If not, will it have some sort of support for robust mathematical equation formatting?
We tend to kick around formulas a lot when discussing rocket science and the old setup was lousy for that.


I agree, it was really hard to make subscript/superscript.
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One "feature" we could do without is the posting of a huge hi rez image (or at least multiple huge hi rez images) in a post. If we either could disable them in settings, as 5thHorseman recommends, or the forum just limit image size to some maximum kb and/ or pixel dimensions (or quantities of these images in a single post), this would be a good thing. As an example, I often check on the "What did you do in KSP today?" thread and while members are rightly proud of their accomplishments, it seems many posts spam a lot of huge images that take forever to load on my 8 year old Mac. Somehow limiting the size of images would really be helpful for those of us with slower machines or connections.
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[quote name='Dispatcher']Somehow limiting the size of images would really be helpful for those of us with slower machines or connections.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this, but not that implementation. Rather than put the limit on everyone, make it so users can set the limit - like 5thHorseman says, have an option to disable pictures if you don't want/need them. There's no sense in limiting everyone to a max image size or what-have-you. Imagine something like the AVP or KSPRC post with a max image size of 512x512 or 100kb :rolleyes: Half the point of those mods is beautification and you can't show that off in a tiny pic.

Let people post big pictures, just because someone can't or doesn't want to load them doesn't mean no-one else should.
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[quote name='GoSlash27']Mods,
I looked through all these pages and I didn't see an answer to this question (apologies if I missed it):
Will the new forum have LaTeX support? If not, will it have some sort of support for robust mathematical equation formatting?
We tend to kick around formulas a lot when discussing rocket science and the old setup was lousy for that.


[quote name='Sanic']I agree, it was really hard to make subscript/superscript.[/QUOTE]

Subscript/superscript is already available in IPS4 (checked from the test site), even easier to use than on this forum.

Full Latex support isn't present currently. It may come later, as additional features will certainly be added.
But please know a project to add Latex to this forum (vB4) was already in development more than one year ago, and ultimately was shelved (believe the benefits were not considered as good against the added complication and admin burden). Let's hope for IPS4, Latex could be a simpler addition to make.
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The problem with limiting image size in any way is that - currently - the forum isn't directly involved in the image. It's just a link, that isn't even on the site usually. If you were to enforce an image size the forum would have to either check the image, or intervene to process the image and cache it. If you don't cache the image then the poster could just replace the "legal" image later with a larger one.

Granted that's not likely to be a huge problem or anything, but it'd still add a lot of overhead for the server for something that most people wouldn't even understand the desire for (I know I'm an edge case for this one).
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[quote name='diomedea']Subscript/superscript is already available in IPS4 (checked from the test site), even easier to use than on this forum.

Full Latex support isn't present currently. It may come later, as additional features will certainly be added.
But please know a project to add Latex to this forum (vB4) was already in development more than one year ago, and ultimately was shelved (believe the benefits were not considered as good against the added complication and admin burden). Let's hope for IPS4, Latex could be a simpler addition to make.[/QUOTE]

Got it. Thanks!
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[quote name='ObsessedWithKSP']I agree with this, but not that implementation. Rather than put the limit on everyone, make it so users can set the limit - like 5thHorseman says, have an option to disable pictures if you don't want/need them. There's no sense in limiting everyone to a max image size or what-have-you. Imagine something like the AVP or KSPRC post with a max image size of 512x512 or 100kb :rolleyes: Half the point of those mods is beautification and you can't show that off in a tiny pic.

Let people post big pictures, just because someone can't or doesn't want to load them doesn't mean no-one else should.[/QUOTE]

Or use something like mod_pagespeed to do image rescaling on the server and send the right size image to the client..
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[quote name='Foxster']Really? 37 pages discussing a forum migration?[/QUOTE]

A forum migration.

And a subforum removal.

And an opportunity to change features in the forum without being too disruptive.

So yeah, really. Why would you expect anything different? Edited by Holo
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[quote name='Frozen_Heart'][...]

PS: Maybe keep all the desingns and ideas of Rocketbuilder in a separate read-only thread is not a bad idea. I just don't know if it can be done without a large amount of effort.[/QUOTE]
I'm trying to back up all of them into the wayback machine. Link in sig.
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[quote name='5thHorseman']The problem with limiting image size in any way is that - currently - the forum isn't directly involved in the image. It's just a link, that isn't even on the site usually. If you were to enforce an image size the forum would have to either check the image, or intervene to process the image and cache it. If you don't cache the image then the poster could just replace the "legal" image later with a larger one.

Granted that's not likely to be a huge problem or anything, but it'd still add a lot of overhead for the server for something that most people wouldn't even understand the desire for (I know I'm an edge case for this one).[/QUOTE]

Also while we have such useless imgur embeds putting in big pictures seems like the only option for me, the albums are tiny on PC and don't even load half the time on my phone, so I find even massive pictures are a better option.
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[quote name='Holo']I'm just glad that you're holding roleplaying away from we plebeians. We are all too foolish to handle the responsibility that comes with it, so it's fortunate that you're able to step in and intervene before any of us idiots get hurt.

After all, it would be awful if people were to play games on a game forum. We might start mistaking fiction from reality if we were to indulge in even the slightest interaction with it. It's why I also prefer not to play Kerbal Space Program - I simply can't trust myself to avoid believing that I am a green man living on Kerbin, and I believe many others like me feel the same way.[/QUOTE]

If past evidence/incidents were not enough, several recent posts of people freaking out because OMG a piece of their LIFE is going away!!! indicates that yes, some people [i]do[/i] and [i]have[/i] over-invest(ed) in these activities. One well-known rocket builder has said that he doesn't view this as "pretend" - he's been fully immersed in the [b]role[/b] that he was [b]playing[/b], for a few hours a week over several years.

That is a burden that a [i]game forum[/i], and the moderators of said forum, were never intended to and should not have to bear. "Harmless" in its current form or not, they simply don't want to have to deal with it, at all, and I don't blame them. Edited by Commander Zoom
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[quote name='Zucal']Will the look of the forum change at all?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, here's a screenshot from page 4 of this thread:

[quote name='KasperVld']I don't think those are planned features at the moment, but it's something we can look into down the line :)

I've taken [URL="http://i.imgur.com/W73ty98.jpg"]this screenshot[/URL], which is only a [I]rough indication[/I] of what the new forums will look like. And ignore the missing avatars :)[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='diomedea']Full Latex support isn't present currently. It may come later, as additional features will certainly be added.
But please know a project to add Latex to this forum (vB4) was already in development more than one year ago, and ultimately was shelved (believe the benefits were not considered as good against the added complication and admin burden). Let's hope for IPS4, Latex could be a simpler addition to make.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for answering my question.
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I might get banned for this, but since SQUAD is intent on destroying so many people's work, IDGAF.

I know the Rocket Builders section has had problems. I won't point fingers, because at some point, everyone in that section, including myself, has done some sort of roleplaying. However, we haven't had any incidents in nearly a year. Most of us just want to build things, and enjoy the collaboration of working in a group. Like any group, there were a few bad eggs. Some people take it too seriously, but for many, it's because they've spent a good chunk of time on their company, and don't want it all wiped out. Look at zekes, for instance. I don't like the thought of a bunch of my old posts being deleted, so I can only imagine what it's like for someone with a few thousand posts.

I know that my voice has no meaning. Heck, after the past few days, I don't think any of the Rocket Builders have a voice anymore. The writing is on the wall, and I doubt anything can change it. So, to any mods or staff members who see this, I have one thing to say: I hope you're happy. You have alienated several upstanding community members, people who have been kind and helpful on this forum for years, people who loved KSP and this forum with a passion I have never seen; your actions have driven them away for good, and angered many more by showing them that their voices are meaningless. I know it's your forum at the end of the day, and I understand that you can manage it as you wish; but please, don't push so many away for the actions of a few.

I have loved this forum from the day I logged in. The community here is the kindest, most brilliant group I have ever been part of. I love it here, but I cannot abide what is being done. I will not beg or plead for the Rocket Builders to be saved, but if this plan is implemented, know that it will tarnish the image of SQUAD permanently, both in my eyes and the eyes of many others.

kmMango Edited by kmMango
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