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Forum Migration Nov 27th!


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[quote name='PineCone']They're removing the rep bars, not the rep itself. There aren't going to be any bars anymore, just a green circle that shows the rank when you mouse over it.[/QUOTE]

Do you consider this a bad thing? I'm proud* of my rep, not the number and color of the bars representing it.

[i]*relatively. I'm not like telling my family about it or anything.[/i] :D
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[quote name='322997am']Ok. But why bother with the forum upgrade when you can focus on the game. Like u5 needs work and instead the forum gets updated. If this is not the case i don't care then[/QUOTE]

It's different people working on the forum than on the game - the forum upgrade has absolutely zero effect on the speed of work on u5 and adding game content.
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[quote name='BlueCanary']It's different people working on the forum than on the game - the forum upgrade has absolutely zero effect on the speed of work on u5 and adding game content.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, the devs keep working on the game while I slave away converting an incredibly large database :)
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[quote name='LadyAthena']

Loved the idea of "companies" who will make a ship for you, and people who have a passion to do that, while role playing it. Drama aside doesn't matter where you are in life, or what you're doing, role playing or not, drama is gonna happen. If you don't like drama, go live in the woods in a box.

There's a difference between role playing a rude person, and straight out insulting the role player. If a person doesn't like your role playesque rudeness, than you as a person should stop, or switch personalities for your character, or... just stop role playing with that person. If it does reach those heights, than the moderator has every right to ban the rude person, role playing or not, seeing as a its a very real lack of respect from the real person for continuing when the other person doesn't like it. Which is a real non role play rule infraction.

It's not difficult, or a slippery slope in anyway.[/QUOTE]

hmmm. It's not difficult? I guess you're right. But wait.

but you can't ban me. Because you allowed roleplaying now. And *I* (insert real name) did absolutely nothing wrong. I didn't say those rude things. No it was the the *character* I'm roleplaying that's how he is. And I'm like that all the time, just go ask (insert name here) or (insert 5 more names here) because they all know how I am and no one had a problem yet.. It was all just a big game of make believe. I have no idea why (insert name here) is so upset over it, really they are the problem for having you ruin my roleplaying fun. I was just a roleplaying. So since *I* ( insert real name here) that created the forum account did not actually say those things for real, nor really meant them for really really reals, then you can't ban me. How dare someone come into my rp thread and get upset and tell me how I can or can't roleplay. They can go make their own thread to role play being a little whiny baby in it. I mean you can ask these 10 people they like how I roleplay, look at all the responses. Only one person is upset. It's not fair I tell ya..

yep you're right it's not difficult at all. and there is absolutely no chance that would get out control ever.

simple fact here. Companies and all that they did and could continue to do can be done here In this forum without any roleplaying at all. in fact many modders and community projects have had tremendous succes without. And do so with an abundant amount of passion.

but I guess it's becoming clear that this is yet again another forum that is doomed because people want to do whatever they demand. And can't just accept a really small limitation. Idk

squad has made rules to keep the forum as nice, fun, and inviting to ALL, as the possibly could. They need to enforce such rules to keep order.

i see squad as making a small concession to the rocket builders in that they said the threads should be kept as an archive for a time. Specifically they stated this was to allow those who didn't have time to backup their stuff to continue to save their hard work. I'm guessing they don't want to move whole complete threads over because there are still posts in them that are roleplaying. They can't see or moderate every post. They don't want roleplaying here, to have any posts with it opens the door for, * But I read a post where someone is clearly roleplaying so why can't I now?*

so squad made a small concession in my view, pro rocket builders thread people have made none. Even the fact that all work can continue in a new thread, even with company names, just no roleplaying isn't good enough. Nope for many it's let me roleplay or else.

Truly sad that so many forums are ruined because people just demand they get to do what they want or else.

finally I love playing ksp and never once have I role played while doing it, alone at the computer for hours. For one it's not a roleplaying game, especially since I control numerous different characters and don't create a single character to play. But if people choose to roleplay in their own games that's fine. I just don't see why it HAS to happen in the forum, I mean to just suspend that for a moment to keep the forums as clean and well kept as possible, it seems reasonable to me. And giving the devs/mods less to worry about seems like it would be benificial to all of us as well, maybe they could focus on much cooler things for us instead.

im very happy we have the mods we do, and I would like to pass along wonderful holiday wishes of any kind to squad and the moderators for whatever they may celebrate. Also to thank them for the wonderful game and forums we have had. And thank many of them for doing it for free. This is one of the few forums ive been a part of that the devs and mods actually care about it as much as the players. And I am very thankful they work so hard to keep what's in all of ours best interests, which is to keep this forum from devolving into that unrelenting madness that ends up consuming so many others, and drives so many away, because people just don't care about it.

also all the best of any sort of holiday wishes to any forum user who celebrates anything as well.

anyways I'm going to take my leave of this place for awhile. Hopefully we will still have a nice, clean, fun forum when all the dust settles from this issue. Edited by Hevak
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Also will the usernames get ported?

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='BlueCanary']It's different people working on the forum than on the game - the forum upgrade has absolutely zero effect on the speed of work on u5 and adding game content.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Wait. So I can't make a cinematic Ksp video and post it. Is that role Playing?
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[quote name='322997am']Also will the usernames get ported?

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]


[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Wait. So I can't make a cinematic Ksp video and post it. Is that role Playing?[/QUOTE]

If I understand the rule right it's only against the rules if you are interacting with other forum users in character. So cinematics are fine, stories are fine, even some in character backstory on craft and threads is fine (I think). But if you were to maintain that character when replying to other users, that's what's against the rule, for the reason that people tend to end up having huge fights and making personal attacks on other people but justifying it by saying "I was just in character".
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[quote name='Hevak']hmmm. It's not difficult? I guess you're right. But wait.

but you can't ban me. Because you allowed roleplaying now. And *I* (insert real name) did absolutely nothing wrong. I didn't say those rude things. No it was the the *character* I'm roleplaying that's how he is. And I'm like that all the time, just go ask (insert name here) or (insert 5 more names here) because they all know how I am and no one had a problem yet.. It was all just a big game of make believe. I have no idea why (insert name here) is so upset over it, really they are the problem for having you ruin my roleplaying fun. I was just a roleplaying. So since *I* ( insert real name here) that created the forum account did not actually say those things for real, nor really meant them for really really reals, then you can't ban me. How dare someone come into my rp thread and get upset and tell me how I can or can't roleplay. They can go make their own thread to role play being a little whiny baby in it. I mean you can ask these 10 people they like how I roleplay, look at all the responses. Only one person is upset. It's not fair I tell ya..

yep you're right it's not difficult at all. and there is absolutely no chance that would get out control ever.

simple fact here. Companies and all that they did and could continue to do can be done here In this forum without any roleplaying at all. in fact many modders and community projects have had tremendous succes without. And do so with an abundant amount of passion.

but I guess it's becoming clear that this is yet again another forum that is doomed because people want to do whatever they demand. And can't just accept a really small limitation. Idk

squad has made rules to keep the forum as nice, fun, and inviting to ALL, as the possibly could. They need to enforce such rules to keep order.

i see squad as making a small concession to the rocket builders in that they said the threads should be kept as an archive for a time. Specifically they stated this was to allow those who didn't have time to backup their stuff to continue to save their hard work. I'm guessing they don't want to move whole complete threads over because there are still posts in them that are roleplaying. They can't see or moderate every post. They don't want roleplaying here, to have any posts with it opens the door for, * But I read a post where someone is clearly roleplaying so why can't I now?*

so squad made a small concession in my view, pro rocket builders thread people have made none. Even the fact that all work can continue in a new thread, even with company names, just no roleplaying isn't good enough. Nope for many it's let me roleplay or else.

Truly sad that so many forums are ruined because people just demand they get to do what they want or else.

finally I love playing ksp and never once have I role played while doing it, alone at the computer for hours. For one it's not a roleplaying game, especially since I control numerous different characters and don't create a single character to play. But if people choose to roleplay in their own games that's fine. I just don't see why it HAS to happen in the forum, I mean to just suspend that for a moment to keep the forums as clean and well kept as possible, it seems reasonable to me. And giving the devs/mods less to worry about seems like it would be benificial to all of us as well, maybe they could focus on much cooler things for us instead.

im very happy we have the mods we do, and I would like to pass along wonderful holiday wishes of any kind to squad and the moderators for whatever they may celebrate. Also to thank them for the wonderful game and forums we have had. And thank many of them for doing it for free. This is one of the few forums ive been a part of that the devs and mods actually care about it as much as the players. And I am very thankful they work so hard to keep what's in all of ours best interests, which is to keep this forum from devolving into that unrelenting madness that ends up consuming so many others, and drives so many away, because people just don't care about it.

also all the best of any sort of holiday wishes to any forum user who celebrates anything as well.

anyways I'm going to take my leave of this place for awhile. Hopefully we will still have a nice, clean, fun forum when all the dust settles from this issue.[/QUOTE]

But there can be rules to prevent such a thing.
Rule [I]x[/I] : Roleplaying is allowed in the Rocket builders forum only. When roleplaying you must still abide by the rules.
It's really simple to just ban this action.
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No - but I see no reason why roleplayed forum-goers shouldn't have to abide by the same rules as 'real' forum-goers. In other words it doesn't matter if you're posting as you or as some character you're playing - the same standards of conduct should apply in each case. No need to ban roleplaying outright.

I say 'real' because a lot of people with have some kind of online persona in any case, whether they formally announce it as a roleplayed character or not.
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[quote name='Sequinox']But there can be rules to prevent such a thing.
Rule [I]x[/I] : Roleplaying is allowed in the Rocket builders forum only. When roleplaying you must still abide by the rules.
It's really simple to just ban this action.[/QUOTE]

Its simpler to just ask that no roleplaying happen here.

its not about it being simple to just ban someone that got carried away roleplaying.

whats being lost in this whole discussion I think is this. It cause more load on the moderators, which at times includes the squad devs. Many People have exactly the mindset in my above example, it's just make believe roleplaying. Overall this always causes more issues to arise because people treat it as such. Other people don't see it as roleplaying, and eventually the line of true insults or roleplaying gets blurred, then disappears completely.

it causes a burden to the staff moderating the forum as more opportunities for moderation arise, it's true and the mods said so themselves in a few posts. And really if even on dev has to come spend more time moderating the forum, which I've seen devs moderate before, couldn't that persons time be spent doing much better things for KSP?

and do we really want to increases the amount of chances and rate of banning because people inevitably overstep when roleplaying? Does banning someone ever work out well? Many times they make a new account and come back with even more of an attitude and just try to cause disruptions because they feel slighted from being banned.

Isnt it really much simpler to just ask us as a community to not roleplay. They are working with people to save their hard work and creations, and allowing them to continue working together building, and sharing creations. Isn't it really simpler to say ok we won't roleplay and cause more issues for mods to deal with. Allowing them to keep the forum even nicer by spending time dealing with the real problems here?

Roleplaying gets carried away, it causes more issues. many times it's just someone who got carried away or it's a 3rd party who joins in and doesn't like something. I don't think many of these people need to be banned. People like to use the human argument here, well it's also a fact that people will exploit these blurred areas to truly be a donkey and hurt people. And in the process someone who makes a mistake and gets carried away would end up in the middle and getting banned when they probably shouldn't be.

It it causes a much more difficult situation, and more work for the mods. They have explained as much in a few posts. And in my view I agree that negative aspects outweigh the positives of letting people roleplay on forums. The decision is truly being made to to keep and make this a better place and experience for everyone, as much as possible. Making things harder on the mods, and possibly causing them to leave isn't good. If it becomes difficult here for mods and they start leaving, and if moderating becomes that difficult often times the moderators found become of lower quality. And when that happens things begin to devolve. I for one feel we have great devs and mods here, as they are just as passionate about this place. That's generally not the issue in most forums.

anyways I've said all I can really. At this point I'll just be repeating myself if I were to continue, as I already have some.

Apologies for all the long posts, and I truly hope this community and begin to understand that this is not some nefarious plan by squad as some suggested at times in this thread. and that this is really a minor thing the is beneficial to the overall health of the community.
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Hi, if its anything like [URL="https://community.invisionpower.com/"]*THIS*[/URL] then this forum is going to be amazing. I think this is sounding great. It is very responsive.
I hope it goes well. Please go well.

KSP has a bad track record for stuff like this though, I remember a certain time that shall not be mentioned.... :sticktongue:
I know this will go well though, you guys really seem like you've done the proper prep work.
Good luck.
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What about old blogs with information that's worth revisiting, like


Or this:


Some of these are great to revisit. Will these be backed up and made available somewhere?

Will signatures be maintained?
If the text editor doesn't do BBcode, what does it do?

[quote name='PineCone']They're removing the rep bars, not the rep itself. There aren't going to be any bars anymore, just a green circle that shows the rank when you mouse over it.[/QUOTE]

Just one circle?
It doesn't sound like a very useful thing. Who's going to bother checking? Edited by Tw1
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[quote name='KasperVld']A discussion of the roleplay rule is not the topic in this thread, so I kindly ask everyone to move away from that topic :)[/QUOTE]

Very well then. [i]Can[/i] we have a discussion of 2.2j in a [i]different[/i] thread? On the merits, and potential reevaluation of restrictions thereof?

It's a bit of an odd observation, but I find that often the longest-standing rules are the ones in the most dire need of revision.
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[quote name='Tw1']If the text editor doesn't do BBcode, what does it do?[/QUOTE]

It does what any other text editor does. It just doesn't require esoteric symbols and formatting.

And if you really want BBcode, you can write a post in a BBcode preview site, then just copy and paste the results into the forum editor.

[QUOTE]Just one circle?
It doesn't sound like a very useful thing. Who's going to bother checking?[/QUOTE]

Kind of like the current rep bars. :wink:

I think the new version shows a number within the circle, rather than a somewhat hard to count row of green bars.
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[quote name='Tw1']Questions.
What about old blogs with information that's worth revisiting, like


Or this:


Some of these are great to revisit. Will these be backed up and made available somewhere?

Will signatures be maintained?
If the text editor doesn't do BBcode, what does it do?

Just one circle?
It doesn't sound like a very useful thing. Who's going to bother checking?[/QUOTE]

If you want something backed up, I'd recommend you put it on the Internet Archive.
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[quote name='DMagic']It does what any other text editor does. It just doesn't require esoteric symbols and formatting.

Damn that was poorly phrased by me. So just a WYSIWYG editor of some sort. Got it.

[quote name='Robotengineer']If you want something backed up, I'd recommend you put it on the Internet Archive.[/QUOTE]

True, but these things are posts from old Devs. It'd be nice to have them on here somewhere.
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I am personally all for the port to the IPS 4 software.

The new features of the IPS are just awesome! Notifications when quoted - I wanted that all the time!

I don't mind deleting the Rocket Builders forum, since I've never visited it. Missing livestreaming calendar? No blogs? Meh.. I can live with that.

All in all, I think the advantages significantly overweight the disadvantages.
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[quote name='Tw1']True, but these things are posts from old Devs. It'd be nice to have them on here somewhere.[/QUOTE]

I already did a few of those ;) [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/140282-Help-Save-the-Dev-Blags%21-%28Wayback-Machine-before-they-re-gone%21%29[/url]
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