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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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15 minutes ago, Nefrums said:

Assuming that an Agonizer is an energy weapon it should not have mush recoil.

An agonizer is a device from the TOS episode Mirror, Mirror.  Just like the Kerbulans, they lived in a highly regimented and harsh society.  Each crewmember carried a thing called an agonizer on their belt.  If you made some minor mistake or transgression, your superior officer would ask for your agonizer and use it to punish you for the offense.

The gun looks like a (very Kerbulan) pistol to me.

Kenlie Kermulan has now fulfilled his orders and is on his way home.

It's so much worse than I'd feared.
Kenlie Kermulan now knows all about Kerbfleet from Kerbfleet Kenlie's mind and he also knows it's all real!  And he knows all about the Jool mission!
And he carries a pistol!

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

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1 minute ago, Starhawk said:

An agonizer is a device from the TOS episode Mirror, Mirror.  Just like the Kerbulans, they lived in a highly regimented and harsh society.  Each crewmember carried a thing called an agonizer on their belt.  If you made some minor mistake or transgression, your superior officer would ask for your agonizer and use it to punish you for the offense.

Are you suggesting they're from a Kerbin version of the Mirror-verse???   That is so not good!!!

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10 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Are you suggesting they're from a Kerbin version of the Mirror-verse???   That is so not good!!!

Yes.  There was a long series of discussions in the Eve: Order Zero thread as the Kerbulans were revealed.  They are a mash-up of the Mirror, Mirror baddies, the Klingons, and the Romulans.  All the Kerbulans whose faces we have seen have facial hair.

That's why I'm terrified.

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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7 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Yes.  There was a long series of discussions in the Eve: Order Zero thread as the Kerbulans were revealed.  They are a mash-up of the Mirror, Mirror baddies, the Klingons, and the Romulans.  All the Kerbulans whose faces we have seen have facial hair.

That's why I'm terrified.

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

Seriously???  OMG!

I have got to catch up on the other graphic novels... 

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7 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Seriously???  OMG!

I have got to catch up on the other graphic novels... 

Don't feel bad.  I'm still working my way through Emiko Station.  (It's amazing btw).

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

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2 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Don't feel bad.  I'm still working my way through Emiko Station.  (It's amazing btw).

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

Thanks....  I've been meaning to read Eve: Order Zero and the rest.  I think he did those before I came over here from the steam forum.  Whatever the case, I need to catch up.

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25 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Yes.  There was a long series of discussions in the Eve: Order Zero thread as the Kerbulans were revealed.  They are a mash-up of the Mirror, Mirror baddies, the Klingons, and the Romulans.  All the Kerbulans whose faces we have seen have facial hair.

That's why I'm terrified.

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

Graphic novelists, y u get all your inspiration from Star Trek?! And did Melbe die? If Melbe died, I will be SO upset.

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5 minutes ago, TopHeavy11 said:

Graphic novelists, y u get all your inspiration from Star Trek?! And did Melbe die? If Melbe died, I will be SO upset.

No.  Melbe did not die.  Neither Kerbfleet nor the Kerbulans have been to Jool yet.  That was just Kenlie Kerbulan's fiction.  The fact that he's already imagining that happening is pretty frightening in itself.

Happy Concerned Anxious Frightened Alarmed Terrified landings!

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36 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Yes.  There was a long series of discussions in the Eve: Order Zero thread as the Kerbulans were revealed.  They are a mash-up of the Mirror, Mirror baddies, the Klingons, and the Romulans.  All the Kerbulans whose faces we have seen have facial hair.

He's got it right. The only one who needs to be afraid of Kenlie's agonizer is Kenlie himself. :) 

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16 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

No, sorry. Kenlie Kerman might be crazy enough to be a writer, but he's not quite crazy enough to do graphic novels. :) 


He should borrow Bill's space program simulator.  Then.... META graphic novels!

15 hours ago, Scotius said:

Uh-oh indeed :) And evil Kenlie is sooooo persistent - even without missiles he's fully dedicated to "Leave nothing behind" philosophy. Disturbing.

"Steal only fuel and science, leave only slowly drifting wreckage"

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Today's non-visual update from the Bill Space Program:

--rolled out v0.7 of the carrier ship with the basic structure (including hangar deck) and framework in place and minimally strutted. Nothing fell off!
--added booster section (a sizable cluster of Mammoths) and test-launched v0.8. 
--fixed some stiffness and fuel flow problems in the LV-N cluster over course of three launch/reverts
--cockpit views look pretty darn awesome, especially the LSO station inside the hangar deck.
--maintained attitude control through 70km despite having no reaction wheels or RCS. yay, gimbal!
--did not achieve orbit although there's plenty of dV and acceptable TWR after booster drop. Issue is uneven fuel flow to the KR-2L Rhino engines. 
--lower hangar space door assembly needs additional stiffness. 
--still needs interior/exterior lights, reaction wheels, kittehkattwalks in the hangar, solar, comms, engineering section, life support...
--bridge is pretty minimal so far... still deciding who gets to sit there.

Pretty confident I'll have it in orbit in the next session. I may complicate matters by trying to design it to land on a low-grav world and do its own drilling. If that sounds too hard, remember this ship is going to need hundreds of tons of fuel. Let me put it another way: it would empty Emiko Station in about four fill-ups. So yeah, might rather solve the landing problem than fly fifty or sixty mining shuttle missions. 

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10 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

Any chance of it carrying an asteroid with it for more fuel?

Yeah, actually my original thought was to build the carrier around an asteroid, and simply replace the rock whenever it was drained. The problem is that asteroids only exist (AFAIK) in a belt at Kerbin's solar altitude, and around Dres. So sure, I could stop at Dres for fuel (and provide much-unneeded fanservice to the Dres aficionado faction) but then if Kerbin, Dres and Jool weren't lined up nicely for me then it's just be a headache waiting for windows/kicking doors/wasting fuel etc.

Landing on Bop or Pol, however, seems much easier. Four belly-mounted aerospikes would be enough to land and lift off even if REDACTED ends up being ~1000-1200 tons fueled. Then I just drop a dozen or so drills into the crust, fire up the fuel cells and have at it. :) Naturally the system would have to work on Minmus as well so I can tank up before heading out.

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13 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Landing on Bop or Pol, however, seems much easier. Four belly-mounted aerospikes would be enough to land and lift off even if REDACTED ends up being ~1000-1200 tons fueled. Then I just drop a dozen or so drills into the crust, fire up the fuel cells and have at it. :) Naturally the system would have to work on Minmus as well so I can tank up before heading out.

And Gilly would be even easier! Just in case you feel the need to detour to Eve space to investigate the mysterious loss of Evestation ;)

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Landing on Bop or Pol, however, seems much easier. Four belly-mounted aerospikes would be enough to land and lift off even if REDACTED ends up being ~1000-1200 tons fueled. Then I just drop a dozen or so drills into the crust, fire up the fuel cells and have at it. :) Naturally the system would have to work on Minmus as well so I can tank up before heading out.

If it's for the evil dudes, I would cast my vote for Pol...... it can be a pain to land on, but it looks so beautifully sinister! 
I have a weird love/hate thing going on with Pol


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23 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Aww, what't the big deal? So there's an evil race of sadistic murderous lunatics who destroy every 'foreign' craft they see and are so violent they even carry around pistols on EVA. It's not like they'll be able to figure out where Kerbin is, or find KSC, or--

...uh oh. 

High praise from the master of the omninous unseen enemy, thank you :) 

Well, now you've got a real case of piracy on your hands.....

BTW, nifty EVA pistol there.  No recoil, apparently, or the Kerbulian would have gone sailing off when he pulled the trigger.


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5 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Today's non-visual update from the Bill Space Program:

- snip -

Pretty confident I'll have it in orbit in the next session. I may complicate matters by trying to design it to land on a low-grav world and do its own drilling. If that sounds too hard, remember this ship is going to need hundreds of tons of fuel. Let me put it another way: it would empty Emiko Station in about four fill-ups. So yeah, might rather solve the landing problem than fly fifty or sixty mining shuttle missions. 

That's a huge amount of engineering work!

And a design that size requires a lot of detailed design work.  I know that you'll be quite pleased to show it off when it's finally unveiled.

Wow that's a huge amount of fuel!
Good luck with solving the landing issues.  Both Bop and Pol have pretty uneven surfaces.  Flat spots are few and far between.

Happy Concerned Anxious landings!

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14 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

BTW, nifty EVA pistol there.  No recoil, apparently, or the Kerbulian would have gone sailing off when he pulled the trigger.

I assure you he was applying forward thrust with his EVA pack the whole time. :) But hey, let's figure this out... if a Kerbulan cartridge is comparable to 9mm parabellum, we're talking a 7.5 gram bullet leaving the barrel at 380 m/s. As everyone knows, a Kerbal (or Kerbulan) suited for EVA masses 94kg. 

Conserving momentum: (.0075 kg * 380 m/s ) / 94 kg = .030 m/s. Not a lot. Total momentum of the four shots he fired would have sent Kenlie backwards with a total velocity of 12 cm per second--just enough to mess up his grouping a little :) 


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8 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Every Kerbal and Kermulan deserves a fair trial with due process of comic law.

That makes me wonder, if Kerbfleet was ever in a position to put (evil) Kenlie Kermulan (or any other Kerbulan) on trial, would they be ready to deal with someone so violent, being the peaceful bunch that they are? They don't even have a word for murder, let alone a law dealing with it. Or from a different perspective, there's no law to break, so technically murder (or intent) may not be against Kerbfleet law?

Edited by FyunchClick
Edit for correct use of designations after Starhawks explanation
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