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[1.3.1] Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) [v0.3.5] [2017-09-23]


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Howdy @Poodmund.  I really appreciate you doing this.  Since 1.1 came out, I've been using EVE so not having something similar for OPM (which I always use) has been somewhat glaring.  So I'm definitely considering using this.  I have a couple of questions before I get into it, though.

1.  Scatterer
Is there a way for that not to be a dependency?  While I think Scatterer is very nifty, I find it very crash-inducing so I've quit using it.  That was a week or so ago so maybe there's been a recent update that has helped with that, but I'm still leery of it.  Will this mod work without Scatterer?

2.  Tekto
How cloudy is Tekto?  I find Tekto's topography beautiful to look at and would prefer to still be able to see long distances so I can appreciate it.  Plus, I don't want to fly into hidden mountains :)  So can you still see a fairly long way on Tekto with this mod?


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Hey there, Geschosskopf! :D

Scatterer isn't a hard dependency as such, I mean, the mod will still function without it... however, it may not look very good as the whole setup of the configs have been done as such to appear as they do with Scatterer's complimented usage. Basically, it will work but may not look good.

With regard to Tekto's visibility, this will be getting an update in the next patch. I will be reducing the obscurity of the ground layer somewhat but also adding in a thick volumetric cloud layer at a low altitude to simulate a thick atmosphere layer. You will still be able to see mountain ranges on the surface but the sky may look obscured.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, uh, Tekto has no clouds. Again. All of the dependencies are on the latest versions, everything else works fine. But Tekto has nothing, no Clouds, no scatterer, no nothing. I really need this sorted out as it's been stopping my latest career trying to squash all of the bugs. Seriously, I've been at this for over a month, and I really just need this sorted.


Wait, I'm on 1.1.3. Is that the issue?

Edited by Andem
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5 hours ago, Andem said:

Hey, uh, Tekto has no clouds. Again. All of the dependencies are on the latest versions, everything else works fine. But Tekto has nothing, no Clouds, no scatterer, no nothing. I really need this sorted out as it's been stopping my latest career trying to squash all of the bugs. Seriously, I've been at this for over a month, and I really just need this sorted.


Wait, I'm on 1.1.3. Is that the issue?


Have you got SVE installed? The config for scatterer that comes with SVE overrides OPM-VO, and will remove the scatterer effect. I'm unsure about what would be causing clouds to disappear though.

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Thatmo looks like a white star in map mode on the side facing the sun so i hyper-edited to orbit around Thatmo and the surface looks bleached with some parts blue, again the side facing the sun
also its atmosphere is flickering like hell in map mode when orbiting a body other than Thatmo
although all of these issues disappear after entering the atmosphere
is this a scatterer issue?

Engine lighting
Real Plume
SVE (and everything that comes with it)

Ksp v1.1.3.1289

Other than that everything else looks awesome :) really looking forward to Tekto in the next update

Edited by Crazy-Engineer
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8 hours ago, notquitehalf said:


Have you got SVE installed? The config for scatterer that comes with SVE overrides OPM-VO, and will remove the scatterer effect. I'm unsure about what would be causing clouds to disappear though.

Nope, never used SVE, probably never will, although it looks incredible. I do have "Revamped Stock System" and it' EV config installed, is that screwing it up?

8 hours ago, Crazy-Engineer said:

Thatmo looks like a white star in map mode on the side facing the sun so i hyper-edited to orbit around Thatmo and the surface looks bleached with some parts blue, again the side facing the sun
also its atmosphere is flickering like hell in map mode when orbiting a body other than Thatmo
although all of these issues disappear after entering the atmosphere
is this a scatter issue?

Engine lighting
Real Plume
SVE (and everything that comes with it)

Ksp v1.1.3.1289

Other than that everything else looks awesome :) really looking forward to Tekto in the next update

SVE is known to incompatible. Try using normal EVE clouds or write up your own configs.

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Poodmund! i'm trying to revive astronomer's visuals and so far i have got the core mod functioning and now i'm working on the cfgs for duna's sandstorms. I was wondering if you could give me some assistance helping the .cfg's :D have a great day! 



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for some reason i only have a very thin layer of tekto cluds, they are there, but very thin and white. Does anyone have any ideas whats going on... i'm kinda embarrassed to say this because i'm the guy rebooting AVP for 1.1.3 using SVE's configs :) (with permission of course :D)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/15/2016 at 9:33 AM, Crazy-Engineer said:

Thatmo looks like a white star in map mode on the side facing the sun so i hyper-edited to orbit around Thatmo and the surface looks bleached with some parts blue, again the side facing the sun
also its atmosphere is flickering like hell in map mode when orbiting a body other than Thatmo
although all of these issues disappear after entering the atmosphere is this a scatterer issue?

Thatmo is still using very old KSP 1.0 configs at this time as I never got around to adjusting it for 1.1's lighting and therefore looks really bright.

On 8/2/2016 at 0:27 PM, Matchlight said:

for some reason i only have a very thin layer of tekto cluds, they are there, but very thin and white. Does anyone have any ideas whats going on... i'm kinda embarrassed to say this because i'm the guy rebooting AVP for 1.1.3 using SVE's configs :) (with permission of course :D)

No idea to be honest, sorry.

On 8/4/2016 at 3:58 PM, Starslinger999 said:

Hey guys, I liked the mod so i try installing it and i cant seem to get it working.

Is it possibly availible on CKAN? Or could someone show me how to install the mod? Thanks.

CKAN integration is not an option at this time as I do not have a package that is ready for release yet.


Sorry guys, I've been away for pretty much like 2 months without dabbling in KSP at all. Taking a breather, I'll be back and swinging into things when 1.2 drops and the modding community starts knuckling down getting this mod's dependencies up and running. :D

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A funny problem- Using this mod disabled EVE for me. Kerbin had no clouds. Looked around, neither did Eve (planet). Didn't look at the outer planets though. Your link to EVE? 404ed. So I'm guessing this mod requires a specific version. That version, of course, is unknown to me, and the link is broken. So I will have to not use this mod, which is a massive shame as I hate planets with crappy/no clouds. However I have yet to actually get to any planet outside the Kerbin system. Hopefully this can be fixed before then.

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1 hour ago, Pavel ☭ said:

A funny problem- Using this mod disabled EVE for me. Kerbin had no clouds. Looked around, neither did Eve (planet). Didn't look at the outer planets though. Your link to EVE? 404ed. So I'm guessing this mod requires a specific version. That version, of course, is unknown to me, and the link is broken. So I will have to not use this mod, which is a massive shame as I hate planets with crappy/no clouds. However I have yet to actually get to any planet outside the Kerbin system. Hopefully this can be fixed before then.

Go to the EVE thread, download the latest version from github, and then download this. Drop them both into the gamedata folder and it should work fine.

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Thanks for the heads up guys, I have updated all the links in the OP to the latest builds. :wink:

On a side note, as far as I know this mod should work fine with the latest release builds of the dependent mods as I know of users that are doing exactly that. If you encounter any bugs or otherwise information, please let me know.

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On 8/29/2016 at 3:08 AM, Neptunian said:

im sorry to ask again but is eve a requirement?


thx if you reply.

As said above, yes it is. The EVE plugin is a dependency but the EVE configs are not. You are free to use whatever EVE configs you like for the stock planets like SVE or KSPRC etc. Just make sure that if you do that you use my PlanetsList.cfg bundled with my mod in the Scatterer\Configs folder otherwise the Scatterer effects will not be applied to the OPM planets/moons.

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Well, Scatterer does work and it works with this mod (presuming you're running KSP 1.x.x). :sticktongue:

If you don't want to use the Scatterer and EVE mods in your KSP install then unfortunately this mod offers pretty much nothing for you as its primary source of visual change is the use of EVE and Scatterer's feature set. Sorry.

Edited by Poodmund
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