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Sigma Dimensions


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First, this is a great mod and a big help for resizing things. Great work.

Second, I've been having a go at creating PQSCity groups for KerbinSide. My config is attached below. I used the method of looking for the PQSCity names in Kittopia, and creating the config file from that.

The good: The stuff around KSC (KSCUpgrades in KerbinSide) works great, and everything shows up where it should be, except the KSC VAB Helipad.

The bad: all the other KerbinSide sites aren't being moved together as groups. (I've been trying on 3.2x rescale with buildings at 1x.) Also, on some of them the a spawned craft starts under the terrain, while on others it is on the pad like normal. Anyway, it seems like this feature is partially working, but not many people seem to be interested in it so it's probably a low priority.

For others who are interested, for lauchsites and runways (and any other spawn point) Kerbal Konstructs seems to create a PQSCity name that matches the name of the Launchsite in the KK config file. For other things, it creates a PQSCity name of of [groupname]_[staticname]_[index] (without the brackets). Index starts from 0 and counts up for duplicate statics in a group. So, an example would be TheShelf_ksidelighthouse_0.

Config File

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20 minutes ago, Wercho said:

First, this is a great mod and a big help for resizing things. Great work.

Second, I've been having a go at creating PQSCity groups for KerbinSide. My config is attached below. I used the method of looking for the PQSCity names in Kittopia, and creating the config file from that.

is there a particular reason why you chose to define the group manually rather than use KKtoSD?

20 minutes ago, Wercho said:

The good: The stuff around KSC (KSCUpgrades in KerbinSide) works great, and everything shows up where it should be, except the KSC VAB Helipad.

I noticed the helipad has spaces in its name, that could be the cause of the issue. do you think you would be able to go into Kerbinside cfgs and change the helipad's name to be "KSC_VAB_Helipad", use that name in your PQSCity_Group  cfg and see if that works?

otherwise I'll take a look personally

20 minutes ago, Wercho said:

The bad: all the other KerbinSide sites aren't being moved together as groups. (I've been trying on 3.2x rescale with buildings at 1x.) Also, on some of them the a spawned craft starts under the terrain, while on others it is on the pad like normal. Anyway, it seems like this feature is partially working, but not many people seem to be interested in it so it's probably a low priority.

it's not low priority, but usually I work on the feature for which I receive bug reports, so progress on this feature is slow because nobody seems to be using it

I'll try to get a closer look at your problem, but I remember getting it to work in the past so I think it should work now as well

KKtoSD should also be able to fix this, unless you have a particular reason to not use that mod I would suggest you try and see if it solves your issue



Edited by Sigma88
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@Wercho I did some tests

I used CentralLakes as test base

SD groups seem to work well with CentralLakes using the following cfg:


		name = CentralLakes
		body = Kerbin
			PQSCity = Central Lakes Space Operations
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksideapartmentblock1_0
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksidearcology_0
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksidearcticshack_0
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksidebarracks3_0
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksidebaywalllong_0
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksidebaywalllong_1
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksidecommsstation1_0
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksideterrainbeachgrass_0
			PQSCity = CentralLakes_ksidevabsph2_0

notice that I put the "Space Operations" first because when a central point is not defined, SD will assume the first PQSCity listed is the center

also, I've chosen that mod as the center because it is the one directly below the spawn point

for now it would seem that moving the spawn point is not possible

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2 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

is there a particular reason why you chose to define the group manually rather than use KKtoSD?

Dang, I wish I'd known about that before I worked on the config :wink:  I suggest adding a link to that in the OP under the PQS section. Everything seems to be working fine now. :)

Second, is there a way to exclude a static from KKtoSD? There are a few that shouldn't be relocated (like the radar tower from KSCUpgrades) because they match specific geographical features.

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3 minutes ago, Wercho said:

Dang, I wish I'd known about that before I worked on the config :wink:  I suggest adding a link to that in the OP under the PQS section. Everything seems to be working fine now. :)

huh, I thought I had included it... weird

5 minutes ago, Wercho said:

Second, is there a way to exclude a static from KKtoSD? There are a few that shouldn't be relocated (like the radar tower from KSCUpgrades) because they match specific geographical features.

I think if you define a brand new group and include that PQSCity KKtoSD will not be able to group it with KSCUpgrades

but I'm not 100% sure

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, lordcirth said:

That's hilarious!  What happens if you try to land on it?  Does it even have a sphere of influence?

Quite disappointing really. I braced for impact and then... nothing! My spaceship went right thru the moon like it wasn't there. I'm still puzzled about why did it happen.

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1 hour ago, JeeF said:

Quite disappointing really. I braced for impact and then... nothing! My spaceship went right thru the moon like it wasn't there. I'm still puzzled about why did it happen.

So if I recall correctly, the other bodies you see are in a different scene in Unity, and they overlay the cameras.  And only the body you're currently in the influence of is loaded.  Now, if you shrank the Mun and cranked up it's gravity, you might pass into it's SoI before hitting the surface, so maybe try that!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there.

Firstly, Great mod.

Secondly I'm playing at 10x size, and often get a problem with craft spawning clipped into the launchpad/runway, also spaceplanes sometimes fall through the runway while taking off.
Any idea what might be causing this? Thanks.

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I'm not sure what causes my problem, but I suspect Sigma Dimensions / Kopernicus / Galileo Planet Pack or their combinations killing my main menu. It is impossible to click on any of the menu items, while other menus (scatterer or loading screen configurator) on the same main screen work fine.

I have a fresh install of KSP 1.3.1, but I have seen exactly the same with 1.3.0 some months ago. Now, I have Galileo Plantet Pack installed (via ckan), in KSP 1.3.0 I have tried RSS and Galieo as well.

KSP 1.3.1 Vanilla - works fine

KSP 1.3.1 + rescale 2.5 (Kopernicus rel-1.3.1-2, ModularFlightIntegrator, Module Manager 2.8.1, Rescale x2.5, Sigma Dimensions 0.9.5) - works fine

KSP 1.3.1 + Galileo (galileo pack 1.5.3, no rescale, no sigma) - works fine

KSP 1.3.1 + Galileo (galileo pack 1.5.3, no rescale, sigma installed) - works fine

KSP 1.3.1 + Galileo rescaled (galileo, rescale x2.5, sigma installed) - dead menu

KSP 1.3.0  RSS with real scale (cannot remember mods and versions) - dead menu

Config: KSP 1.3.1 64bit, Debian Linux (testing), i7, 8GB RAM, nvidia 1050ti (earlier 560ti)

I have searched through the forum topics of the main mods above, but no similar case.

I have not seen any relevant error message in the logs either.

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