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Mad Rocket Scientist

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3 hours ago, aramil said:



Excellent, I was hoping someone would come along and take up the gauntlet.

Looks good, I've added this to mine.

LI.ipsPagination_pageJump > *{
        font-weight: bold !important;  

Makes the page jumper bold. Looks ok, havent seen any other elements effected yet. Thanks for sharing :)

I was trying to move around some other elements but I dont know enough about css to keep the layout from coughing up a hairball every time I mess with it...

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DIV.ipsComment_meta.ipsType_light {
    color: white;
    background-color: #3c6994;
    font-weight: bold;
    position: relative;
    left: -15px;
    margin-right: -15px;
    padding-left: 15px;

A cleaner way to modify the post "header" (posted date etc.). Also makes it stretch to both sides of the post area. Note that I have used a different background color.

I would advise against modifying P.ipsType_reset, it is used in various places (I noticed it changed some text in activity stream page).

DIV.ipsType_richText>P {
    -webkit-margin-before: 0.5em;
    -webkit-margin-after: 0.5em;
DIV.ipsType_normal.ipsType_richText {
    line-height: 1.5;

Reduce spacing around paragraphs and lines, tweak to your liking. -webkit-margin-before/after is specific to WebKit based browsers, use margin-top/bottom elsewhere.

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My usual way to view the forum was a list of all threads that changed since my last visit. This last can be configured as an activity stream, but my screen now shows about a quarter of the information it showed before. Is there a better way to stay up to date?

A bonus would be to restrict the search to a subset of the forums. Still, I'd already be happy to get the old information density back.

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36 minutes ago, charfa said:

code snip

A cleaner way to modify the post "header" (posted date etc.). Also makes it stretch to both sides of the post area. Note that I have used a different background color.

I would advise against modifying P.ipsType_reset, it is used in various places (I noticed it changed some text in activity stream page).

code snip

Reduce spacing around paragraphs and lines, tweak to your liking. -webkit-margin-before/after is specific to WebKit based browsers, use margin-top/bottom elsewhere.

cool, thanks. also I noted that this needs changed too. Remove , LI.ipsType_light some unintended elements are changed because of this.

    color: white;
    font-weight: bold;


Just noticed this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126808-made-a-user-style-to-increase-forum-contrast-and-available-space/

So, I'm thinking further style changes would be best served moved there. Keeps things tidy and all in one place.

Edited by Arcwolf
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24 minutes ago, pellinor said:

My usual way to view the forum was a list of all threads that changed since my last visit. This last can be configured as an activity stream, but my screen now shows about a quarter of the information it showed before. Is there a better way to stay up to date?

A bonus would be to restrict the search to a subset of the forums. Still, I'd already be happy to get the old information density back.

The information density can be improved by switching to "Condensed view" by clicking this icon:


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Just passing by, but i m a bit "amused/worried/genuinely interested" with the new drag and drop functionalities, interesting sure but for now a little bit messy allowing to copy paste some weird things all around, i m curious to see how this one will get polished/enhanced medium term with some specific authorization/restriction on some part of the forum GUI, also not a fan a mouse wheel locked while drag and dropping stuff ...

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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I have taken Arcwolf's initial stylish script (available in the Welcome thread 24 hours ago) and done some colorizing. While the colors will not appeal to all (the page button bar colors do not appeal to me, even!), I have found most of the knobs to get the forum to not be an eyesore for me. Also, it's a disorganized mess, sorry (my first time messing with CSS).

And yes, I like light text on dark backgrounds :)



@-moz-document domain("forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com"){

        font-family: Verdana;
    #ipsLayout_header div{
    #ipsLayout_header nav{
    #ipsLayout_header header{

        background: #0f0f0f;
    .ipsApp .ipsButtonBar .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_page a, .ipsApp .ipsButtonBar .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_next a, .ipsApp .ipsButtonBar .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_prev a, .ipsApp .ipsButtonBar .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_first a, .ipsApp .ipsButtonBar .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_last a{
    .ipsButtonBar .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_pageJump a{
    .ipsButtonBar .ipsPagination .ipsPagination_page.ipsPagination_active a{
        background-color: #404040;
    .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li.ipsNavBar_active > a, .ipsNavBar_active{
    .ipsNavBar_secondary > li.ipsNavBar_active > a, .ipsNavBar_active{
    .ipsNavBar_secondary > li >a{
    .ipsSpoiler, .ipsStyle_spoiler{

        border-color:#0f0f0f #0f0f0f #0f0f0f #0f0f0f;
    .cke_inner, .cke_top, .cke_bottom, .cke_panel{
    .ipsDataItem_main, .ipsDataItem_icon, .ipsDataItem_stats, .ipsDataItem_lastPoster{
    .ipsAreaBackground_positive .ipsType_sectionHead, .ipsAreaBackground_positive .ipsType_sectionTitle, .ipsAreaBackground_negative .ipsType_sectionHead, .ipsAreaBackground_negative .ipsType_sectionTitle{
    .ipsComment.ipsComment_selected {
    .ipsBox:not( .ipsBox_transparent ):not( .ipsModerated){
    .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_vertical .ipsWidget_title{
    .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal .ipsWidget_title{
        background-color: #306040;   
        position: relative;
        right: 15px;
        position: relative;
        right: -5px;
        color: white;
        font-weight: bold;
    .fa.fa-share-alt, .fa.fa-share-alt:hover, A.ipsFaded.ipsFaded_more{
        color: white;
    UL.cAuthorPane_info.ipsList_reset, LI.ipsType_light{
        color: white;
        font-weight: bold;
        color: blue !important;



Hmm, need to hit "reason for edit" with a hammer.

Edited by taniwha
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Good news! Some formatting BBcode is still functional! Examples below:

bold, underline, italics. using [ b ] [ i ] [ u ] (without spaces)

Formatting with BBcode!

Size, and color still work too! Using [ size=<number> ] and [ color = 'red' or hex value ]

Big text!
Red Text!


And finally, lists work too. These are the only ones I've tried. All of these get converted to WYSIWYG upon posting, so when you edit they will still be formatted and the BBcode will be gone. But you can still use BBcode for premade posts!


  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3  
Edited by Endersmens
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21 hours ago, charfa said:

DIV.ipsComment_meta.ipsType_light {
    color: white;
    background-color: #3c6994;
    font-weight: bold;
    position: relative;
    left: -15px;
    margin-right: -15px;
    padding-left: 15px;

A cleaner way to modify the post "header" (posted date etc.). Also makes it stretch to both sides of the post area. Note that I have used a different background color.

I would advise against modifying P.ipsType_reset, it is used in various places (I noticed it changed some text in activity stream page).

DIV.ipsType_richText>P {
    -webkit-margin-before: 0.5em;
    -webkit-margin-after: 0.5em;
DIV.ipsType_normal.ipsType_richText {
    line-height: 1.5;

Reduce spacing around paragraphs and lines, tweak to your liking. -webkit-margin-before/after is specific to WebKit based browsers, use margin-top/bottom elsewhere.

Should I add this to the OP?

16 hours ago, WinkAllKerb'' said:

Just passing by, but i m a bit "amused/worried/genuinely interested" with the new drag and drop functionalities, interesting sure but for now a little bit messy allowing to copy paste some weird things all around, i m curious to see how this one will get polished/enhanced medium term with some specific authorization/restriction on some part of the forum GUI, also not a fan a mouse wheel locked while drag and dropping stuff ...

I don't think you can turn that off.

16 hours ago, mcirish3 said:

Anyone know how to do an advance search on tags only?

Click on "search," then the drop-down to the left of search, click the "Advanced search" the "+search by tags."

4 hours ago, DuoDex said:

Does anyone know if I can mess with the results per page setting?

I don't think so, but I'll try to find out.

3 hours ago, WinkAllKerb'' said:

unread private message can be edited (not tested read private message btw)


EDIT: read private message can be edited too actually wich is a bit weird ...

Strange, but it may not merit addition to the OP.

3 hours ago, Val said:

Copy-paste of quotes does not work in Chrome, but does work in IE 10/11 and Edge. Haven't tested other browsers.

I will add that.

Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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3 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Click on "search," then the drop-down to the left of search, the "Advanced search"

A quicker way to do this is to click the magnifying glass icon on the search bar with no terms entered, that will bring you directly to the Advanced Search page. One third as many clicks!

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