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The reason the forum upgrade took so long is...


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The title is pretty self-explanatory. You know how for the past two days there was that landing page that said things like "Playing Fallout 4..." "Running around babbling like an idiot..." "Allowing neutrinos to pass through..." etc.?

The point of this game is to make up silly reasons why it took so long for everything to pan out. You can also post reasons for any of the forum's current... symptoms.

I'll start:

The reason the upgrade took so long is because SQUAD was crushed under all the old posts.

The reason the upgrade took so long is because a wild cow of paradise stampeded through the server room.

The reason we still have Bad Gateway errors is because the new forum's server gateway is a salvaged gateway that turned out to be the one Sauron had been using for Mordor. Get it? BAD Gateway? ;P

Bonus points for creativity and pure hilariousness.

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