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Kerny Kerman's Journal (mission reports from a Kerbal's point of view) [Chapter 87: "Among the growing shadows."]


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Plock 33, Y003 
"The unending anomaly" Part 3 

Chapter 49

I haven't slept well in two days and I don't think my restlessness is going to end anytime soon. Cadet Triy is pulling her first watch shift - even though she hasn't officially been commissioned in the KDF, she's already proving her abilities to this crew. Commander Karloff found within the regulations that as captain of this vessel, I have the ability to promote members of my crew as some sort of "field promotion". I'm going to have to do my own research into this. 

It's been four hours since Commander Karloff and Lieutenant Obion headed towards the surface of Minmus. Just as with the first away team, this was as good as it could get. 

"Excursion, this is Lander Two," Karloff's familiar voice called out. "Requesting permission for departure."

"Lander Two," Triy responded. "Permission granted. And may the gods of our ancestors carry you safely."

"Roger, Excursion," Karloff replied. "We'll call you if we need you. Lander Two out!"




We watched our second lander begin the planned deorbit burn and begin its descent to the planet's surface. I'm envious to some extent. I never imagined that I would have command of my own vessel - in space - much the way that those captains on Kerbin's oceans have command of their own ships. In fact, in the data packet sent yesterday by Dr. Haywood, his voice file explained that over the next year, they would be taking input from myself and my crew to begin the process of writing the regulations that will regulate the space forces. For now, we are to follow the general regulations of the KDF and handle things as they happen. 

We watched as the lander carrying Karloff and Obney continued on its journey. 



"Hey, Captain," Karloff's voice filling the command deck of our ship. "We are flying over Lander One's position. Hey, Obney, wave to Hildi and Gilti!" 

Triy and I watched as the image on the monitor gave us a view of what Karloff and Obney were seeing - and there, in that image - we could see the glitter of a metallic object on the surface of Minmus. Karloff was right; that metallic object was Lander One. And by this time, Hildi and Gilti were out on the surface taking samples, pictures, and performing their first surface survey. Soon, Lander Two would be landing on the surface of Minmus near the anomaly detected by the surveyor satellite after our previous mission. Karloff and Obney would be conducting a surface survey of their own. 




"Captain," the familiar voice came over the command deck communications station, " Lander Two has touched down. And Captain, you're not going to believe this --"

"Yeah, I see it, Commander." I replied. "This is one of the reasons Dr. Wernher diverted your landing to those coordinates. He's requested we do a survey of the site. Now that we know it's one of those monoliths..."

"Roger, Captain." Karloff replied. "We'll get it done. We're going to start our sleep cycle now..."

The data packet also contained the latest space center gossip about the ongoing situation between Gene and J. Jim. According to what Lieutenant Megzy told him, from the time they took off at New Kerbin City until they landed at the space center, Gene had the upper hand. Apparently no one knew that J. Jim is terrified to fly!



Here it is, the Kerman that brings us two episodes of The Saga of Emiko Station a week, is actually afraid of flying! This explains why he was quick to turn down the flight to Tulum Station and chose to take the maiden blimp flight instead. Unlike flying on a Dart, the blimp was slow, less than 2,000 meters from the surface, and again, the blimp flew at 36 meters per second, compared to the 240 meters per second and at an altitude of 5,000 meters of the Dart! 

"Oh, so Kerman Sci-fi can't handle... here have another of those tossing bags..." it was apparent that Gene enjoyed every moment of the nearly two hour flight. "Oh, wait until everyone finds out that you... the great and mighty Jim... gets motion sickness!" On the audio Gene's laughter could clearly be heard.

"Gene," Jim began, "I just want to..." *cough! cough! brrraaarrrrff* It was there for all to hear.

As Jim spent most of the trip heaving the contents of his stomach into the tossing bag, Gene continued his fits of roaring laughter. "I'd love to see you put this in your dumb show..." Gene exclaimed as Jim began another round of heaving. 




Megzy only sent about ten minutes of the cabin audio recording to Bobak. He forwarded it to everyone on the standard distribution list. This means Colonel Ralph, Commodore Valentina, myself, Dr. Haywood, and every other commander in the KDF has heard this recording! I'm glad that I decided to view the data packet in my quarters rather than the command deck. I've learned in my many conversations with Triy, she has a crush on Jim. I'm not sure of what kind of relationship Lieutenant Gilti has with Jim and normally I wouldn't care. But having both Gilti and Triy interested in Jim could become a problem. It's a situation I'm going to have to watch. 



There was a pleasant surprise in the morning data packet. Colonel Ralph sent me a message about his mission. This is the first I've heard from him since the most recent anomaly. Apparently, he had to return to the space center to have some modifications made to his airship. He said that he complained to Dr. Angelo about the buoyancy issues - it seemed the Moyal Otoch was sluggish in responding to the helm and had a weight imbalance. Dr. Angelo and Dr. Wernher decided to remove a few of the segments and replace the props with turbine electric generators. Although he is now about ten days behind schedule, he says that he should be able to catch up since the Moyal Otoch is now performing within the original design parameters. 

The stolen aircraft, the K-4, has been spotted several times since it left the space center three days ago. The first sighting was in the plains to the north-north-west of New Kerbin City. The K-4 is a slow-flying cargo aircraft with a pretty decent range, but would have had to stop for refueling sometime between the 30th and yesterday afternoon - the most recent sighting. 




Already, according to the data packet's information, there's speculation on where the craft is heading and about who is flying the craft. Even KNN has begun to criticize the space center operations about the lack of security around the hangar. Bobak said that since Gene's return from meeting with Dr. Edmund, there are many who are calling for his resignation. KNN has steadily built a following for this demand by blaming Gene for Jebediah's actions. Dr. Edmund and Prime Consul Katrine have already given their official statement that the Grand Committee stands firm on its unconditional support of Gene's position as the director of the space center.

There's no doubt that Gene has been placed in a difficult position. I wouldn't want his job. 

In about thirty minutes, I will go and relieve Triy from her first watch. I need to go eat before then.

Plock 33, Y003 + 5:20 KST

It has only been two hours since my last entry. There have been some developments on this mission that under the current guidelines I must record. I have also discovered that our mission has not been the only one affected by this most recent turn of events. As I was in the galley, eating from the new style of ration packs, Triy called from the command deck.

"Captain - sir!" she exclaimed. "You better get up here - there's something..." and with that, I headed to the command deck as quick as I could go.


The light from Kerbol was more intense than it had ever been in my lifetime. But there was something more disturbing - a bluish tint on what should have been the dark side of Minmus. Immediately I had that uneasy feeling, as I had with the last anomaly. This time, the anomaly caught us unprepared and two-thirds of my crew were on the surface of Minmus instead of in the safety of the Excursion

"Captain," Triy began. "There's an urgent message coming from Lander Two..."

"Put it on the overhead, Cadet" I said. No need trying to hide anything from her about this. It was evident Triy was not only disturbed by what she was seeing, but knowing that members of our crew could potentially be in danger was getting to her. And it was also getting to me.

"Captain," Karloff's familiar voice called out. "Are you seeing this?"


The image we were seeing on the monitor was exactly what we were seeing out our main viewports. The monolith was now bathed in the eerie blue light. But this wouldn't be the only strange and unnatural thing we would see today. 

"Captain, I'm getting a message from Lander One... and it's Ensign Hildi!"

"Put it on the overhead," I said, almost out of reflex. "And keep both channels open!" 

"Excursion! Captain!" the panicked voice of Hildi filled the command deck. "Lieutenant Gilti... she's gone outside! She is OUTSIDE the lander!"




"Captain," Gilti's voice called out. "It's... fascinating! Can you see it?" 

"Roger, Lieutenant," I responded. "Have you taken any readings?"

"Yes, sir," Gilti began. "Ensign Hildi and I began scanning as soon as we noticed the light coming from Kerbol brighten. Since Kerbolset, about ten minutes ago, we began to see this bluish tint across the horizon. Radicroms are within normal range; they are only elevated by one point five-seven per-hundreths. It doesn't seem the bluish light poses any real danger to us, sir. Ensign Hildi was reluctant to leave the lander, so..."

"So, you decided to go take a look by yourself, Lieutenant?" I asked. Not that I blame her. If I were on the surface and had the chance to go out and see it, I would have done the same thing. 

"Eye, sir," I could hear the apprehension in her voice. She thought she was in trouble. "I have noticed there's a new star on the horizon. It -- I just noticed it about the same time the blue light began. It was almost like some sort... of... explosion!"

"Well, keep us posted, Lieutenant... Commander Karloff?" I began.

"Yes, Sir, we're still here..." he responded. 

"You've just heard Lieutenant Gilti's assessment. Do you concur?" 

"Yes, sir, I do... we have similar readings. We cannot verify the new star because it is below our horizon. But if we have your permission, sir, we'll begin our survey as scheduled. And if we see this blue star, we'll let you know --"

"Alright. Listen... I want you all to complete your logs. Be sure to include all your observations, data readings, and any other relevant information about the conditions since this -- " I began, unable to finish my statement. From the KDF classes, we learned that Colonel Ralph was returning from a mission to Minmus when an anomaly brought him from his Kerbin to our Kerbin. Although dismissed as fake science at the time, Dr. Zarkov theorized that such an anomaly could cause a break in time and affect the continuity of what he called parallel existence. I'm not sure I believe it, but it did cause our space program to recall Kerbalnauts when an anomaly is predicted to occur. 

"Anomaly..." Triy finished my statement. But her sentiment was right. We were in orbit around Minmus during an anomaly. 

"Sir, I am getting a flash message from Dr. Haywood..." Triy exclaimed, the panic in her voice was obvious. 

"Put him through," I began. "and close the other channels."

Within minutes, images from across Kerbin began to fill the screen. In some, the light from Kerbol was extremely intense, nearly bleaching out the normal colors. In others, the eerie bluish light we've already encountered. Even some of the probes orbiting other bodies within our solar system had been able to observe this bluish light.





"Captain," Dr. Haywood began. "There's been a... development... and we -- I -- want you to know that we are using all our resources to...

"Dr. Haywood, I began. "I've already heard from both away missions. The bluish light poses no significant danger to my crew or this vessel. Unless you tell me otherwise, we'd like to finish our mission."

"Kerny, as long as you feel you and your crew are in no danger, you can remain on station." Dr. Haywood began. "You have our full support. But for the gods sake, be careful - "

"Doctor," I interrupted. "How did we miss this one? I mean, couldn't it be detected or predict--"

"Kerny," Dr. Haywood let out a long sigh after interrupting me. "No, we were caught off-guard. But Dr. Zarkov actually warned us before your first launch with the Excursion I prototype that the anomaly wasn't over. Because of his unique methods and unproven science, we decided he couldn't be right. I-- we--"

"It doesn't matter now who was right or wrong," I began. "We weren't even given the information --"

"I know. Mistakes were made..." he began. "We simply didn't think Dr. Zarkov was right. We are still in the same anomaly that brought Valentine into our area of the galaxy. We've contacted his assistant. As soon as he tells us anything, Kerny, you will know as soon as we do." It was clear that Dr. Haywood didn't like making mistakes - especially ones this big.

"Roger, Dr. Haywood," I replied. "Excursion out."

I am expecting another data packet in two days. I'm hoping it will have more answers about this anomaly and if my crew and I are in any real danger. For now, the only thing -- the only logical thing -- is to keep focused on our mission. 


Author's note:

The "anomaly" the story has been following for the last few chapters has been my transferring of Kerny Kerman's Journal to KSP 1.3. There have been several mods I was waiting on updating and I even began a mod to add a new star system to Kerbin. The blue-white star you see is that star system. Kopernicus recently had an update that now has everyone that makes planetary systems outside of the Kerbol system in scramble mode. It now requires programming light curves - which I am learning to do. Once 1.3.1 drops AND I figure out how to do the light curves, the anomaly will finally come to an end. Until then, enjoy the difficulties it will bring Kerny and the gang...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, folks... now that my schedule might be returning back to normal, I am hoping to have all the images I need for the next chapter by next week.TM I've not forgotten but have been a little extra busy than normal. And as many of you know, I am creating a new mod pack - a solar system outside Kerbin called Nohochacyum... :D I am real excited to have an opportunity to give back to the KSP Forum community...


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I've been working on getting the images ready for the next chapter. And it's going to be a busy chapter for a number of reasons... :D But to let you all know, it has been a busy week for me. I've had a few student issues to deal with that took a lot of time and created a lot of additional drama for me. Then there was the stomach bug that was so bad that I actually cancelled all my classes and stayed on the couch most of the day. Now, I have a lot of catching up to do... But last night, I did do a few things to get ready for the next chapter...

Oh, and here's a teaser image:


And so you can actually see what it is, here's the same thing but in the SPH...




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Plock 35, Y003 
"The new normal... is far from normal"

Chapter 50



Yesterday morning began with the recovery of Lander One. Lieutenant Gilti and Ensign Hildi were assigned to complete a ground survey of the landing area they were assigned. It appears the bluish light from that new star which appeared in the sky two nights ago has somewhat subsided. I'm still not too comfortable with how Dr. Haywood and Gene withheld information from this crew, even if the information came from an unusual source. Although the star's appearance doesn't appear to be dangerous, it's blue light is really eerie.

"Excursion, this is Lander One," a young and nervous voice came over the command deck speakers. "Request permission to dock..."

"Lander One, this is Excursion," Cadet Triy responded. "Permission is granted, you are cleared for docking procedures..." Since she became a member of my crew, she has really begun to prove her value to the crew. Even Commander Karloff, who originally had some reservations about her, has now begun to take an active role in her training. He wanted to take her to the surface instead of Obney. I agree with Gilti. With Triy still technically being a cadet, I'd rather have the approval of the Committee on Aeronautics and Space Exploration before I allow her to go to the surface.



The docking, as is with nearly all of Lieutenant Gilti's docking attempts, was perfect. Ensign Hildi took her surface samples and began running the many lab tests Gene and Dr. Haywood had requested during our pre-launch briefings. Although our surface scans indicate the survey area has an ore content of nearly thirty-sixths per hundred part ore. This is outstanding and is nearly unbelievable according to Gene. Even the Munar Arch Base was constructed in an area barely in the twentieths per hundred.

Yesterday evening I received a data packet from Ralph. There was an interesting turn of events that happened since the appearance of the new star in the Kerbin sky. Shortly after the departure of the Moyal Otoch from the space center, some mechanical faults began to develop in the new craft. Although minor at first, Ralph said the problems developed into more serious issues.

"Kerny, it sounded like something was spitting continually. Even Doodemone, my chief engineer, can't do anything about it!" And with that said, the decision was made to return the airship to the space center for some much needed repairs. Doodemone and a couple of others from the crew were going to fly the airship back and once the necessary repairs are completed, they will meet back up with Ralph and the rest of the crew.



Until the return of the airship, Ralph and the part of his crew who accompanied him in the ground surveyor will continue to make their way across the continent conducting the latest mission of the ground surveyor missions. Right before the data packet from Ralph, he said they had crossed some hills, an inland lake, and set up a base camp for the night. It would be another three days before the ground surveyor and airship would meet back up. 

In this morning's data packet from Bobak, there's been a few developments on reestablishing the Zebulan Kerman, a permanent orbiting platform in orbit around Kerbin. With the fifth and final launch of the station components, the new station was assembled remotely. Yesterday evening, the first part of the crew were sent to the new station.





The data packet didn't mention the names of the new station's crew, but from what Bobak did include, it is clear this latest version of the Zebulan Kerman will have the largest crew to remain in orbit. It is designed to host a crew of 12. Unlike ship crews which are considered an indefinite assignment, the orbiting station will follow the same assignment guidelines as a Kerbin-side base. Just like being assigned to one of the stations on Kerbin, those serving on the Zebulan Kerman will serve in orbit for a year - unless this anomaly  requires another evacuation.



As we began the recovery operations of Lander Two this morning, the crew of the Zebulan Kerman were beginning their own docking procedures. Within the data packet were ships orders. It appears that instead of just entering a parking orbit around Kerbin, we are to dock with the space station and from there, we will be transported back to the KSC. Apparently the crew transport vehicle (CTV) we left in orbit has already been set to dock with the station in anticipation of our arrival there in ten days. Yes, that's right. The orders have shortened our mission by five days and will allow for only two more lander missions to the surface of Minmus. I know my crew will be disappointed.

The data packet also contained a bit of a disappointment. There was a theory that maybe small satellites weighing less than 250 kerbograms could be launched from some of our high-performance aircraft, specifically the Knat Mk 5. So shortly after the launch of the first of the Zebulan Kerman's crew, the recently promoted Major Maxey and Lieutenant Raske, a payload specialist, took off in a modified Knat Mk 5 to test this new theory using a small weather satellite.




"Flight Ops Control," Maxey's voice called out. "Now at the testing range. Requesting permission to deploy the package..." It was clear from her voice she was excited to be a part of this latest test.

"Roger, Sparky." Kuzzter's voice replied. "The 'Old Kerman" says you are go for deployment..."

"Deploying package in three... two... one..." This time, Raske's voice was heard over the speakers. <click... thud> "Package has been deployed..."

"Roger, Sparky Two... we are tracking -- " Kuzzter said. "Gene... you might want to see --"



Once released from the Knat, the weather satellite never changed its trajectory. Instead of angling itself up, the satellite's on-board navigation computer never corrected it's course. The LFO engine ignited and propelled the satellite even faster towards the ocean below.

"Sparky, this is Control," It was obvious Gene was frustrated by this failure. "Tracking has lost the package. Do you have a visual?"

"Gene, we can see the vapor trail leading directly to the -- " Maxey began.

"Gene, we have confirmation. The satellite has hit the ocean. The last telemetry -- "

"Dammit," Gene could be heard saying. "Ok, so who is going to tell Dr. Wernher this idea didn't work?" And with that statement, that portion of the data packet ended as the tracking center could be heard erupting in laughter.

The data packet also contained an interesting development in the organization of the pilot training program. It seems that Gene and Dr. Haywood were able to convince Dr. Edmund to allow the old Island Air Field to be used to train new pilots. Although just a standard text file, it became clear why this was necessary. More pilots and Kerbalnauts are being trained which require more flights. Dr. Wernher and Dr. Angelo are wanting to continue the development of a new type of reusable space craft and will require more runway time. The idea behind this development is a multiple-use space vehicle that will be able to land at the space center as it returns to Kerbin.


The first test launch of the new vehicle happened yesterday afternoon. What amazed me about the video feed was the graceful launch. Simply called the Space Transportation System, it launches like a standard rocket. But yesterday's launch wasn't about testing the vehicle's landing system as much as it was about its launch capability and emergency crew evacuation procedures.


Just as it was planned, the craft began it's roll to the proper angle for orbital insertion. But as the solid rocket boosters ran out of fuel and were jettisoned, the crew began turning the vehicle towards the space center peninsula. And that's when things began to get interesting.


"Mission Control, we are in position at an altitude of 7,500 meters. Awaiting clearance for emergency evacuation procedures..." I didn't recognize the Kerman's voice, but then again, there were a few test pilots I never met.

"Roger, Flight STS  X1. Proceed with evacuation test." Bobak's voice has always been easy to distinguish from Gene's or Kuzzter's.

And with that, I watched as the cockpit area of the craft detached itself from the rest of the vehicle. And unlike the rest, it gently floated to the shore of the space center peninsula. The first test flight had been a success. According to the rest of the information about this new craft, once it is placed into service, it will be what ferries both cargo and crew into orbit. It would then return to the KSC and land on the runway, be taken to the VAB, and made ready to fly again within a week! That's from landing to launch within seven days. And what's even more interesting is the plan is to have five of them - each with their own crew of four. 

The second lander's crew, Commander Karloff and Lieutenant Obion, completed the survey of the anomaly site detected from the orbital survey satellite before our arrival. The landing was a little challenging, but Obion was able to land on a fairly significant slope. It wasn't until earlier this morning when the two would finally be able to go survey the monolith. Karloff has always enjoyed being the first on any mission to step out onto the surface. But not to be outdone, Obion had to make his entrance - or exit, as it was - something even more grand until...





Shooting past Commander Karloff, he soon came face-to-face with the monolith. "Captain, I never realized it is... so..."

And I couldn't agree more. Nothing can prepare you for seeing one of these monoliths anywhere but Kerbin. Even in some of the more remote areas of Kerbin, the monoliths we've discovered can still be unnerving. But there's something about seeing them in the blackness of space and on another world. Unfortunately for us, their mission on the surface had to be cut short. The data packet contained orders that we were to watch the presentation being held by Dr. Zarkov at the Island Air Field. Although the presentation was considered as an academic presentation, Dr. Haywood and Gene decided we needed to watch it. After all, I had let it be known during our last remote briefing I didn't appreciate my crew and I not being given information.




About an hour after docking was complete, we assembled on the command deck to watch the presentation on the viewer. Bobak had asked the Island Air Field commander to relay the camera feeds so those of us who were on missions could watch the presentation. As Triy captured the relay signal, we watched as an airship -- Ralph's airship -- landed near the old abandoned hangars.




We had a pretty good laugh as we watched Captain Obney corner the newest cadets as they exited the airship. This new class is going to be the largest number of cadets to enter training at one time. According to one of the data packets, there will be eleven cadets within this class. It was clear that one thing hadn't changed since I was in training. The Kerbal Defense Forces still has the new cadets wearing blue jumpsuits. For the next year and a half, they will continue to wear the blue jump suits until they are formally accepted into one of the advanced training programs. At that point, they will wear the suit with stripes which indicate their specialty. Dark green for scientists, orange for pilots, and red for engineers.

While we were enjoying watching the torment Captain Obney was giving the new cadets, the images on the screen suddenly shifted to the interior of one of the classrooms. As the picture changed, the blue "communications secure" light filled the command deck of our ship.

"Wow, I didn't realize it was a secure signal," Triy said. "Captain, do we need to acknowledge it?"

"No. I've already entered in my identification code," and to be truthful, I had done it when we first established the communications channel to the space center in accordance to the orders in the data packet.



"What I believe we are witnessing," began Dr. Zarkov, "is a series of folds in space -- "

"Now how do you expect me to believe that load of --" Gene began.

"You and Dr. Haywood invited me here to share my theories. And I'm here. But I'm not going to tolerate your..." Doctor Zarkov began. "Anyhow, over the last few weeks we have witnessed some extra ordinary developments. First, we had the red super giant, Valentine, appear in our nighttime sky. Then a few days ago, a bright blue light appeared and it is my theory that it's the ancient star, Nohochacyum."

With the exception of Gene, it was clear the mention of the name from some of our oldest legends bothered those attending the presentation. NohoChacyum was one of the creation and destroyer gods. In his battle with the reptilian god Hapikern, resulting in destruction of the heavenly realm of the gods. And it seemed that what Dr. Zarkov was adding to the unease of his audience - and us!

"You really expect us to believe this --" Gene interjected. "You're talking speculation here. No real scientific da --"



"Oh, there's plenty of data," Obviously Dr. Zarkov was irritated with the frequent interruptions from Gene. "In fact, I suspect because of various radio signals and observations that Nohochacyum may be a ringed star. It also might have a few planets, but until we can launch an interstellar deep space probe --"

"See, I told Dr. Haywood you aren't... I mean, after all, you're using words like 'may' and 'might' a lot." Gene again interrupted. "And how do you know this is the star, Nohochacyum?"

"If you'd been paying attention to the earlier part of his presentation, Gene..."  J.  Jim, began. "He went through --"

"Who let you in here, Jim!?" Gene began to protest. "I thought this was only for those cleared by Dr. Edmund..."

"Yes, that's right and yes, Dr. Edmund cleared me." Jim began. "So shut up and let Dr. Zarkov speak!"

For the remainder of the presentation, Gene sat fairly quiet. Dr. Zarkov explained that some of the pictoglyphs found at the pyramids predicted the return of a small point of bluish-white light in the skies of Kerbin. And the pictographs indicated the ancient Kermen called that star, Nohochacyum. The rings Dr. Zarkov speculated about happen to be all that remain of the three innermost rocky planets of the ancient solar system.

"There's a gas giant, about the same size of Jool, within that system, or at least according to what we have found in the ancient legends." Dr. Zarkov added. "It wasn't always larger than Nohochacyum. But the legends do tell us that the star changed colors at night... to the color we see now --"

This time it was Jim who interrupted, "Doctor, what did the star used to be... before it did whatever it did to change colors?"

And for the next two hours, Dr. Zarkov explained, in great detail, his understanding of what the burn cycle of a star might be. Then he began to explain his "folds in the heavens" theory - as he called it. "And because of these folds in space, caused by the anomalies we've been experiencing, we should have expected that many of these old legends - particularly the ones dealing with our stellar neighbors, just might have some truth to them --"

"Oh, so you expect that eventually more stars will appear?" Gene began to interrupt again.

"Not more stars, Gene," Jim began. "Even I paid attention to those ancient stories in primary school. If those stories are correct, there were only three main stars in our nighttime sky --"

This time it was Dr. Zarkov who interrupted. "Yes, that's correct. Valentine, Nohochacyum, and Xaman Ek, a bright yellow-orange star much like Kerbin."

"Yes, but Doctor," one of the other Kerman began, "if they're coming back, then when did they leave and why?"

For thirty more minutes, Dr. Zarkov explained that the anomalies began about ten thousand years ago. There were legends that explained the anomalies were reoccurring and always happened in sets of four. The first anomaly we experienced corresponded with the first anomaly. The second one, which is the one we are enduring now, lasted for nearly six months from what Dr. Zarkov could understand from the ancient legends. He was still trying to decipher the pictoglyphs about the last two anomalies. But it was the fourth anomaly which would bring in another ten-thousand year period of stability for our region of space. 

"Well, all this is nice," Gene offered. "But are my crews in any danger? Remember, we still have the Excursion in the orbit of Minmus. Are they in danger?"

"No, I do not believe so." Dr. Zarkov answered with a voice of certainty. "Nohochacyum is too far from us to really impact Kerbin with its radiation. Now I do suspect it will eventually settle in an elliptical orbit around our own star. Our system will become sort of a binary star system, if you will. Nohochacyum's orbit will be well beyond our outer planet and at the extreme edge or beyond of our Kerbiosphere - where our star's energy and interstellar space meet. But it does mean we will experience the light from the star. Blue-white star light is some of the most intense light, which is why Nohochacyum is so visible from Kerbin --"

And with that, the video feed ended and Bobak appeared on our screen. "Captain, we ended the broadcast. Dr. Haywood wanted me to send you another data packet with orders for your last two surface missions before your operational day ends."

"Thank you, Bobak," I replied. "Excursion out." And with that, we closed the video feed while Triy began the procedures for downloading the new data packet. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day for myself and my crew. We have two missions to the surface to conduct over the next two days, then a third day in orbit to prepare for our return to Kerbin. So this is how we begin our civilization's new normal?

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Way cool! Great visuals on that new star system! If I know Angelo, he's itching to go take a look..  And there's a third star too! Pity the small sat launch didn't work out though, and really annoying that the airship had its issues.. Also,


"What I believe we are witnessing," began Dr. Zarkov, "is a series of folds in space -- "

Those series of folds in space might not be too far off...



Gravitational waves confirmed! I wonder if that'll make it into Kerny's journal. :) Now to make a gravitational wave detector and experiment...

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I'm on mobile right now and cannot help the tagging spacing areas.

@Angel-125aha, so you are saying I've caused you to have more ideas for mod development? I'm working on adding the planets to the Nohochacyum system. There will be a total of three planets and four moons...

"All of these worlds are yours to use except..."

I also had not seen the National Geographic article until you shared it. And here I was trying to take a theory I had read about a year ago and make it like one of those quasi-scientific theories you'd expect to hear off Star Trek...

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21 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

I'm on mobile right now and cannot help the tagging spacing areas.

@Angel-125aha, so you are saying I've caused you to have more ideas for mod development? I'm working on adding the planets to the Nohochacyum system. There will be a total of three planets and four moons...

"All of these worlds are yours to use except..."

I also had not seen the National Geographic article until you shared it. And here I was trying to take a theory I had read about a year ago and make it like one of those quasi-scientific theories you'd expect to hear off Star Trek...

Next MOLE update has a new Gravioli Wave Experiment... :)

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Plock 37, Y003 
"An extra day in orbit of Minmus"

Chapter 51

We've been given an extra day on our current mission. This morning, or what would have been dawn at the space center, Gilti and Hildi began their journey back to the surface of Minmus. They've been given another area of the surface to survey. Gene expects it to take them roughly a day and a half to complete the survey, gather additional samples, and to plant a marker on the site. And as usual, their departure was perfect. Lieutenant Gilti even tried a new departure procedure that shaved nearly ten minutes off their drop time.




They've been on the surface for about three hours now and already have completed nearly a quarter of the ground survey and gathering samples. But during the descent, Gilti and Hildi forgot they were on VOX. And we all heard their conversation...

"Well, why don't you just answer my question, Lieutenant?" Ensign Hildi asked. "I really would like to know --"

"Know what? We had this same discussion -- " Gilti interrupted.

"No, you never answered then, either!" Hildi interrupted back. It was clear she was tired of not getting whatever answer she was after.

"Captain," Lieutenant Obion asked. "Do you think we should tell them they're on VOX?"

"Lieutenant... why would you want to do THAT!" Commander Karloff asked. "No, we should continue to 'monitor' their communications --"

"In case there's trouble --" I added.

"Absolutely, Captain, you're right --" This time it was Obney adding his support to our plan.

"I cannot believe you -- boys!" This time, it was Triy, the only female currently aboard the ship...

"Fine. You really want that answer?" Our attention immediately turned back to the drama currently being played in Lander One. Clearly Gilti was becoming frustrated with the never-ending demand being made by Hildi. "I do love him. Yes, there you go, I DO love Jim!" A strange quietness filled the command deck and the lander.

And with that, Triy flipped a switch on the ship's communication console. "Lieutenant, you do realize you're still on VOX, right?"

For about three minutes, a second and even more awkward silence filled both our command deck and the lander's command module. It was finally broken by the voice of an angry Hildi. "Captain, we have landed on the surface..."


Soon after we received confirmation that Lander One had indeed reached the surface, Commander Karloff and Cadet Triy prepared to begin their mission to the surface. Dr. Haywood gave us permission to send her to the surface over Gene's objections. The last data packet contained not only Dr. Haywood's blessing on our request but when she gets back, she will officially be promoted to the rank of Ensign. But not even Karloff knows this yet. In fact, I have made sure that those orders were encoded so they could not be opened by anyone but me.

The departure of Lander Two went smoothly. Karloff did his own version of what Gilti had tried. And within moments, he and Triy were heading for Minmus for what we have now begun to call as a dark landing.





After a tense seven minutes, we finally received word. "Captain," It was Triy's voice over the communications panel speakers. "Lander Two has touched down. We are within 25 meters of the original Minmus landing site."

"Roger, Lander Two..." Obion responded. "Next communication is scheduled for 0230 space center time."

"Roger, Excursion," This time it was Karloff's voice. "0230 SCT. Lander Two out."

With both of the landers on missions on the surface, Obion has decided to use his time to catch up on a few video broadcasts of The Saga of Emiko Station. Speaking of that show, I am concerned with Hildi and Gilti and their infatuation with Jim. At first, I wasn't willing to get involved - let them work it out. But with their conversation being transmitted by VOX, I suspect that Gene now knows as well. I don't think Gene likes Jim; this could get really rough on Gilti...

In the data packet Bobak sent, apparently Major Maxey has turned down the offer by Dr. Edmund to be permanently assigned to New Kerbin City. To celebrate her decision, she was able to fly the latest craft developed by Dr. Wernher yesterday. It's the latest variant of the Hornet, a high-speed aircraft designed for the sole purpose of defending Kerbin. The Triune Council decided to invest more into the defense of Kerbin since the last unidentified alien craft encounter. Although I enjoy being in space and the position I currently hold, there are times I miss the simplicity of atmospheric flight.








According to the data from the flight test, Maxey was able to get the Hornet Mk 2 up to nearly mach 2. But neither Gene or Major Thompberry were too happy with her request to go full throttle - especially on the introductory flight! The radio exchange was actually funny.

"Gene, this is Lightening. Requesting permission for full throttle flight --" she began.

"Oh, you're already doing mach 1.78 at seven-five per hundreds throttle..." Thompberry answered, totally breaking radio protocols. "Why do you need even more speed? Why even faster --"

"Lightening, this is tracking," Gene interrupted. "As much as I hate to do this, I agree with Thompberry... stay at seven-five per hundreds throttle and bring it back in. Dr. Wernher wants to download the flight computer --"

Apparently, Ralph and his crew are still exploring the surface in the ground explorer. The airship was diverted, as we knew from the previous data packet, to take Dr. Zarkov to the Island Air Field for his presentation. Sure, Gene and a couple of trainees also flew with him, but the main reason is Dr. Zarkov is actually scared of high altitudes and high speeds. I can understand why Dr. Edmund authorized the diversion of the airship.



From what the data packet indicates, it will take about three days for the airship to meet up with Colonel Ralph and the rest of the crew.

I'm going to have to end this log and pick it up again it later. Obney just sent a signal indicating I have an encoded and secured communication coming from the Sinaan - Commodore Valentina's ship.

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12 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

I have an encoded and secured communication coming from the Sinaan - Commodore Valentina's ship.

26 minutes ago, obney kerman said:

I've got a bad feeling about this...

Agreed... in any of the older Star Treks, no matter who it was or what the reason, if a Commodore  showed up, or even sent a message, trouble wasn't far behind.  :0.0:

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