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What is the most HORRIBLE way one of your kerbals died


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A while ago, one of my Kerbals was heading back from Duna. Everything was going fine, until I decoupled my excess fuel and later opened my parachute. All of a sudden, I look up to see my Duna return module flying towards me at high speed. I tried to use RCS to get out of the way, but to no avail, I got most of my capsule out of the way, but the fuel tank managed to shave off only my parachute, sending my command pod into a wild spin that eventually resulted in Lithobraking into a mountain.

Edited by GiantTank
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Early into heavily modified 64k career, and flying tourists to space (suborbital) with a rocketplane is my cash cow. No gears researched and I'm relying on parachutes to land. I opened them too late on that instance. Shuttle 'Icarus' slams into tarmac near VAB, passengers compartment destroyed and cockpit with Jeb somehow lands intact few steps away.

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I don't know if it's the most horrible but good old Rolley Kermans death (or at least MIA status) was the weirdest I've had.

He was sent to explore the abandoned airfield off the coast from the KSC and after a couple of minutes of driving his lander/rover around he was instantly catapulted to a position a few thousand kilometres from Kerbin, heading away from it at very high speed. To make matters worse, there was clearly no chance of a return to Kerbin as it was only the Mk2 lander can that he was in that the airfield anomaly flicked into the black abyss.

I assume the rest of his vehicle ending up somewhere in the intestines of the Kraken.

A cold lonely death to be sure... well, until he popped up on the roster again.

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During my first (one-way) Eve landing, I ordered one of my Kerbals to go out on an EVA to plant a flag and stuff. Well, when I try to get back in the capsule, the ladder wasn't long enough, so the Kerbal was stranded on Eve, in an EVA suit, on a ladder. He (or she) didn't actually die until the next update rolled around.

Oh, and also when I was still a newbie, I thought that w made your planes go up. So when my first plane reached the end of the runway... well, splat.

EDIT: Oh, cool 100 posts for me. Yay.

Edited by Daeridanii
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  On 7/5/2016 at 5:29 PM, Daeridanii said:

Oh, and also when I was still a newbie, I thought that w made your planes go up


When I was first learning to fly planes in KSP, I was a bit used to some other aircraft game that had roll on A-D. So with KSP having roll on Q-E (no I didn't want to remap since this scheme is best for rockets) I had a few accidents when I accidentally pressed the key in between the roll keys to pull the nose up during landing a plane...

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Well, lets see, just as I was bringing Jebediah's capsule to splashdown, the Kore Kraken decided to launch an attack and send him hurtling off into deep space at about 1000 spins a second and 5 times the speed of light.

. . .and lets just say TAC Life Support was installed.

I'd rather believe it was more glorious than horrible. I mean, if I had a choose a way to die, why not be inside a light speed capsule spinning wildly through the beauty of the cosmos with the oxygen bar slowly ticking down? A perfect end. :D

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Back when the better buoyancy mod was necessary to make the oceans less dangerous to land on than the land. Did not expect an EVA'd kerbal to sink... he just sort of sank down into the depths and poofed out of existence somewhere alone in the blackness. The camera wouldn't even follow him ;.;

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  • 1 year later...

I forgot I had disabled the safeties on a DT Vista engine from KSP Interstellar (for those who have never played Interstellar, the DT Vista is a fusion engine that produces extremely nasty radiation for anyone not inside the ship within 2km). I thought I was engaging my maneuvering thrusters to move out of radiation range, but instead switched on the Vista and sterilized my LKO station. (The twelve deceased occupants were remembered with honor) :(


Another was when the orbiter I was piloting spontaneously decided to develop phantom force rotation. . . while my Kerbal was on EVA. Even time acceleration couldn't stop the rotation long enough for him to get back aboard. The final attempt saw my kerbal struck by one of the landing legs while trying to grab the ladder and *poof*.

Edited by JDCollie
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