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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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I don't know how it happened, I can only assume I fat-fingered something on my phone or tablet, but for some reason the forum thinks I rated this thread 4 out of 5 stars. (And it won't let me change it.... which is a bit insipid on the part of the forum software, to be honest.) I'm fairly binary when it comes to rating systems such as we use here - it's either nothing at all or 5 - so how your thread only got a 4 instead of the 5 I would've given it had I been awake whenever I bungled that up is beyond me.


Anyway, I just noticed the glamour underbody lighting on your Minmus base. Very nifty little detail - not too overbearing, but adds a nice greenish/bluish "glow". 

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Wow! Yet another great instalment

First of all, I was enjoying the interaction of Gene & Wherner, it really seems that those two can speak as equals (come to think of it, where was Gene in the early days while Wherner was playing Jeb?).

Then came Carlenna ... or whatever that "thing" was, all I can say is that this won't end well. Well, I can say a few more things (I don't think this one is too spoilery), firstly that this chapter really shook up my perceptions on the sides, it looks like it's more complicated than I initially thought, and a lot more unsettling.

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On 7/7/2016 at 0:06 PM, Just Jim said:

Ahhh...  if I remember right, the Guardian of Forever almost qualified as a life form... sort of...  :wink:

"Are you... machine, or being?"


"I see no reason for answers to be couched in riddles."


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8 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

Zombies!  Yay :wink:

The Walking Kerbals?  :confused:


8 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

Don't stay there too long.  I hear the radiation is pretty fierce :)

There's some... thing... they have to see first.  :wink:


5 hours ago, AkuAerospace said:

First of all, I was enjoying the interaction of Gene & Werhner, it really seems that those two can speak as equals (come to think of it, where was Gene in the early days while Werhner was playing Jeb?).

Good question.  Gene will be making his first appearance in the next installment of Emiko's backstory.


7 hours ago, Cydonian Monk said:

I don't know how it happened, I can only assume I fat-fingered something on my phone or tablet, but for some reason the forum thinks I rated this thread 4 out of 5 stars. (And it won't let me change it.... which is a bit insipid on the part of the forum software, to be honest.) I'm fairly binary when it comes to rating systems such as we use here - it's either nothing at all or 5 - so how your thread only got a 4 instead of the 5 I would've given it had I been awake whenever I bungled that up is beyond me.

Anyway, I just noticed the glamour underbody lighting on your Minmus base. Very nifty little detail - not too overbearing, but adds a nice greenish/bluish "glow". 

Oh, so it's your fault??? 

just kidding.  lol  :sticktongue: 

As for the lighting, that is also curtesy of the 1.1 update.  I think it was 1.1.  One of the more recent updates seems to have changed the lighting some, and made it more ambient.  Places like Minmus colony it really shows.


3 hours ago, Commander Zoom said:

"Are you... machine, or being?"


"I see no reason for answers to be couched in riddles."


Yes!  Exactly!

The only difference is I haven't decided if the Magic Boulders can actually talk or not.  Still up in the air on that one.

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3 hours ago, Commander Zoom said:

"Are you... machine, or being?"


"I see no reason for answers to be couched in riddles."


Where is that from?

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On 7/10/2016 at 0:12 PM, Draconiator said:

You know, your Zombie Kerbal is severely giving me the creeps.  can it be that Thompberry is controlling her now somehow, and he's going to download his consciousness into her?


Oh, and I also want to continue my story but I did not have any readers last time...so it's a gamble.  what should I do?

On 7/10/2016 at 0:12 PM, Draconiator said:


Zombies creep me out too.  This is why I don't play Dead Island, Left for Dead, Resident Evil, etc,  but I DO watch George Romero movies, the Walking Dead, etc. I can read about or watch a zombie apocalypse...I just can't be IN one.

Btw, what's your story?  I haven't started any of the others' on the forum and I'm more than a bit curious now.


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14 hours ago, Commander Zoom said:

"Are you... machine, or being?"


"I see no reason for answers to be couched in riddles."


"Dumb, stuck-up, arrogant machine-being...  who does it think it is saying it understands so much more than we do??   Spock?  Blast it."

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The reformation (?) of Thompberry proceeds....   I hope he makes it...    and if he MUST pay for his past actions, maybe it could be part of a heroic sacrifice....

"Not in Kansas anymore..."  Of COURSE Kerbin has a Kansas....it starts with a K!  They also have a Kentucky, a Khartoum, a Kalamazoo, a Koln, a Koenigstrasse, a Knightsbridge, and a Katmandu.

The question is....do they have a Dorothy...?

I loved Carlenna's morbid and creepifying return from the outer dark.  I would not want to be the first Kerbal to switch on the lights in Minmus Base.....:shudder!:

BTW, on the subject of evil beings doing good, you must look up a tres fun little game  (Steam has it for way cheap) called "Cthulhu Saves the World".   EVERYBODY must!   :D

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12 hours ago, Crystal_Mace said:

"Not in Kansas anymore..."  Of COURSE Kerbin has a Kansas....it starts with a K!  They also have a Kentucky, a Khartoum, a Kalamazoo, a Koln, a

This is a small spoiler:


In my universe, Kerbin does NOT have a Kansas!  :wink:


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3 hours ago, Just Jim said:

This is a small spoiler:

  Hide contents

In my universe, Kerbin does NOT have a Kansas!  :wink:


Waaaaaaait... Do you mean that sarcastically, or does Emiko's statement actually mean something else?


I think I know where you're going with this... lol :wink:


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On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 2:56 AM, HebaruSan said:

In real life, the light speed communication delay between Earth and Mars ranges between 4 and 24 minutes. I know the solar system in KSP is much smaller, but would there still not be at least a few seconds of delay each way? The instantaneous interplanetary communication is slightly jarring.

Sorry to nitpick this fun and very creative story. If it's any incentive, communication delays can be an easy source of tension in science fiction, especially if the speaker isn't sure of the well being of the other side; imagine waiting 24 minutes after speaking to find out if the Mars colony survived some cataclysm!

This has been bugging me the last couple days... not in a bad way, but in a geeky way.  I'm really curious now.

So today I finally broke down and started working out just how long it would take a signal to go from planet to planet in the Kerbol solar system plus OPM.  Tomorrow I'm gonna start setting up a spreadsheet to work it all out no matter where I am.  Should be straight forward enough, and kinda fun.  Haven't made a spreadsheet for a game in quite a while.

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25 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Haven't made a spreadsheet for a game in quite a while.

I haven't NOT made a spreadsheet for a game in quite a while. I end up spending more time in the spreadsheet than in the game. My wife thinks it's some sort of Excel addiction.  

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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

So today I finally broke down and started working out just how long it would take a signal to go from planet to planet in the Kerbol solar system plus OPM. 

This is an interesting question.  Some say the speed of light in KSP ("k") is scaled to the size of the planets so is about 1/10 of our "c".  But others say lightspeed is constant,across the multiverse so K = c.  In my own universe, I go with the latter.  IIRC, with k = c, it's only about 1 hour between Kerbin and Sarnus 1-way so 2 hours between asking a question and getting an answer.  Daylight on Kerbin being 3 hours, this is about like having an email or forum conversation with somebody on the other side of Earth.  Ask a question in the morning, get an answer in the evening.

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On 11.7.2016 at 0:32 AM, Torgo said:

If you have seen Dances with Wolves or Pocahontas, you've seen Avatar minus the multi-million dollar special effect budget. 

Why is everyone sayin' such bullcrap??? Avatar beats both of the mentioned movies by MILES!

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46 minutes ago, DualDesertEagle said:

Why is everyone sayin' such bullcrap??? Avatar beats both of the mentioned movies by MILES!

James Cameron, the guy who made Avatar, said it:



GB: There’s also maybe some heritage linking it to “Dances With Wolves,” considering your story here of a battered military man who finds something pure in an endangered tribal culture.

JC: Yes, exactly, it is very much like that. 


But Jim's story thread isn't the place to continue the discussion of outside stories unless we're tying them into how they influence the telling of his story, which my post here is not doing. 

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2 hours ago, DualDesertEagle said:

Why is everyone sayin' such bullcrap??? Avatar beats both of the mentioned movies by MILES!


1 hour ago, Torgo said:

But Jim's story thread isn't the place to continue the discussion of outside stories unless we're tying them into how they influence the telling of his story, which my post here is not doing. 

Woah!!!  Yeah, I haven't seen Avatar, and it doesn't pertain to Emiko that I'm aware of, other than someone in it apparently uses that same quote from Wizard of Oz.

If I'm not mistaken, there's already plenty of threads in the Lounge area where one can argue debate about their favorite sci-fi movie to their hearts content.




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20 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

This is an interesting question.  Some say the speed of light in KSP ("k") is scaled to the size of the planets so is about 1/10 of our "c".  But others say lightspeed is constant,across the multiverse so K = c.  In my own universe, I go with the latter.  IIRC, with k = c, it's only about 1 hour between Kerbin and Sarnus 1-way so 2 hours between asking a question and getting an answer.  Daylight on Kerbin being 3 hours, this is about like having an email or forum conversation with somebody on the other side of Earth.  Ask a question in the morning, get an answer in the evening.

I got a lot of screenshots done this morning, then installed my copy of office onto the new computer and spent the afternoon trying to remember how to use Excel... lol. Been a couple years...  :rolleyes:

Then I needed to get some numbers to work with, and ended up using HyperEdit's orbit editor for my raw data.  While I would never, ever, use it to change a planet orbit, it does work nicely to give me a planet's average distance from Kerbol.  I'm not going to get picky with the orbit's eccentricity and all that, an average orbit radius should be close enough for what I'm doing. 

But I may not have it right yet. I need to check the formula's again tomorrow, but with k = c, I'm only getting about 7-8 minutes between Sarnus and Kerbin.  The longest gap I've got is 52 minutes between Plock and Neidon when they're at their furthest from each other.

There's a storm rolling in.  Not a big deal, it's the rainy season here, but I'm shutting down for tonight.  I'll check the math again tomorrow.

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