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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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2 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

What is life but the moments spent between reading Emiko Station and waiting for more chapters :P.

hehe... the moments writing a chapter?

I'm hurrying... there's a lot of stuff I needed to do... you''ll see when it's done...  :wink:

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1 minute ago, Just Jim said:

hehe... the moments writing a chapter?

I'm hurrying... there's a lot of stuff I needed to do... you''ll see when it's done...  :wink:

Well, it's a parody of this Dank Gnome meme that stated "what is life but the moments spent between browsing dank memes." Just about every day I check to see if there are any updates about the upcoming chapters, or if there actually IS a new chapter. Take your time and keep up the good work!

(I would love to see Emiko Station as a television series. May be the perfect "Next Gravity Falls" that Disney XD has been wanting for so long.)

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11 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

(I would love to see Emiko Station as a television series. May be the perfect "Next Gravity Falls" that Disney XD has been wanting for so long.)

That would be awesome!!!  :D

But Disney would never agree to my list of demands...

1) Claudia Christian must be the voice of Piper Kerman
2) Benicio Del Toro must be the voice of Thompberry.

etc, etc, etc....... 

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2 hours ago, TeraByte_Gaming said:

Read the first chapter. MAKE THIS A BOOK PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU! In all seriousness though, bring this to the KSP devs and ask them to publish it. This is one of the most wonderful KSP stories I have ever read.

Awww, thank you!

Actually, at least a couple people at @SQUAD know all about it, so the ball is sort of in their court. But there are a lot of legal things that would have to be considered... and most important, it's not finished yet. If and when it finally ends, well, then it's up to them I suppose. They know how to contact me... :wink:


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On 3/26/2016 at 5:01 AM, superstrijder15 said:

This is how I think Thompberrys device would work, with some 'facts' which you have given or which can be derivated from the story to support it:

     1.        The stones are alive, the rock lady basically says this, and they also seem to react on certain stimuli.

a.       They are also a hivemind, as the things the rock lady hears are not only from the mun.


b.      They have an instinct of self-preservation, as almost every animal has that.


2.       The elder kraken has made Thompsberrys probe core thingy and is a god/alien from a warpcapable civilization.


3.       Fuel lines in kerbal ships can be changed mid-flight. The proof is that you can transfer trough claws which are attached in flight. Probes can do this as well, so a computer does this.




One thing all living beings do is react,  for example if you give a kerbal the stimuli of seeing a snack machine he will get some money and use it to get snacks. The stones will also react to a certain stimulus. Probably one thing they can do is change the amount of gravioli they emit. All Thompberry has to do is make a chemical compound which work as a hormone which lets the stone make an insane amount of gravioli.


He has years to experiment with oxidizer, liquid fuel and monoprop, and probably some air as well. So eventually he finds this compound, now he makes so much of it that if he released it the stone would launch him away, probably to like 0.9c. he then waits till this trajectory is gonna hit ike, and fires his fuel through a line he made from a cockpit( where he stored it) to the thrusters, it hits the stone and that now emits a huge burst of gravioli which pushes away the rover, totally destroying it.


The only thing surviving is the pod made by the kraken, which can sustain almost infinite g-forces.


Now the stone at the base becomes active, because it notices one of its brothers under insane pain and pressure. It goes on alert and ‘looks’ to the Jool system. It senses something approaching at relativistic speeds! Now an instinct of self-preservation activates: if that thing impacts at such speed it would probably destroy Ike totally. So it too makes a gravioli burst, which slows Thompberry down back to a speed of almost zero. Warp complete






And that was "How to reach warp speed with magic sentient rocks." :D

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5 hours ago, TeraByte_Gaming said:

And that was "How to reach warp speed with magic sentient rocks." :D

As I recall, they built wormholes. Negative gravioli sounds a lot like exotic particles that bend space away from them, not toward them, using antigravity of a sort. This is why the rocks float. Stimulate/annoy them in the correct way, and they will build a wormhole around you, hold it open for the nanoseconds it takes to stuff you in, and send you elsewhere.

No warp speed necessary.

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8 hours ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

As I recall, they built wormholes. Negative gravioli sounds a lot like exotic particles that bend space away from them, not toward them, using antigravity of a sort. This is why the rocks float. Stimulate/annoy them in the correct way, and they will build a wormhole around you, hold it open for the nanoseconds it takes to stuff you in, and send you elsewhere.

No warp speed necessary.

Yes, that is exactly how they work! Gravioli particles are so weird, especially the negative ones... they shouldn't exist in normal space-time, but somehow they do.

Here's a screenshot of a newly discovered floating gravioli boulder... and a preview of the next chapter's new vehicle, the Platypus!  :D


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Hey everyone, 2 quick updates.

Real-life, we're about as stocked as we can be for the storm, just need to wait and see where it ends up going.

Story-related, I've made amazing progress the last couple days, and at this point I'm thinking I'm about 80% done with the screenshots, if I end it where I think I'm going to. But the storm will most likely screw things up here for a few days, so I can't promise when I'll have the next chapter posted.

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3 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Hey everyone, 2 quick updates.

Real-life, we're about as stocked as we can be for the storm, just need to wait and see where it ends up going.

Story-related, I've made amazing progress the last couple days, and at this point I'm thinking I'm about 80% done with the screenshots, if I end it where I think I'm going to. But the storm will most likely screw things up here for a few days, so I can't promise when I'll have the next chapter posted.

Good luck, hope you don't get flooded or something (or we might not be able to read more of this awesome story for a few weeks perhaps?)

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23 minutes ago, The Space Dino said:

Good luck, hope you don't get flooded or something (or we might not be able to read more of this awesome story for a few weeks perhaps?)

Thanks! We've been through a few big storms, and luckily we're a couple dozen feet above sea level, so it's not so much flooding as the rain and winds knocking out the power. This almost always happens, and can be down for 2-3 days. So we have lots of canned food, and water and ice, and a small gas grill, and lots of propane. That's the real biggie... there have been several times I cooked breakfast on a gas-grill in the rain... it's actually kind of fun if the wind isn't too bad.

Oh, and I'll back up all the Emiko stuff (again) to a memory stick thing tomorrow... I hope we don't have to start a charity "help buy Jim a new computer" fund... but if it comes to that, I'll have backups.

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1 hour ago, DeltaDizzy said:

Or it could wipe out the save file


ooooh, looks like im a pessimist now!

OK, I just backed up everything (KSP and Sims both) to a memory stick... at the very worst I'll wrap that up in a plastic bag and keep it in my pocket during the storm... One way or the other, Emiko will survive!!! 

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56 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

OK, I just backed up everything (KSP and Sims both) to a memory stick... at the very worst I'll wrap that up in a plastic bag and keep it in my pocket during the storm... One way or the other, Emiko will survive!!! 

In all seriousness, mail that to someone while you've still got mail service! Er, wait, it's the 21st century, Dropbox that thing!

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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Thanks! We've been through a few big storms, and luckily we're a couple dozen feet above sea level, so it's not so much flooding as the rain and winds knocking out the power. This almost always happens, and can be down for 2-3 days. So we have lots of canned food, and water and ice, and a small gas grill, and lots of propane. That's the real biggie... there have been several times I cooked breakfast on a gas-grill in the rain... it's actually kind of fun if the wind isn't too bad.

Oh, and I'll back up all the Emiko stuff (again) to a memory stick thing tomorrow... I hope we don't have to start a charity "help buy Jim a new computer" fund... but if it comes to that, I'll have backups.

Have it on a huge pole on the top of your house.


Or, like others have said, save it online.

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1 hour ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

Have it on a huge pole on the top of your house.

... Pay no attention to that man behind the lightning rod!

Seriously, since you've obviously got everything well in hand, I will only say to hang on and enjoy the breeze.  See you on the other side of the storm, Jim.  :cool:

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17 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Hey everyone, 2 quick updates.

Real-life, we're about as stocked as we can be for the storm, just need to wait and see where it ends up going.

Story-related, I've made amazing progress the last couple days, and at this point I'm thinking I'm about 80% done with the screenshots, if I end it where I think I'm going to. But the storm will most likely screw things up here for a few days, so I can't promise when I'll have the next chapter posted.

Good luck! You and @ZooNamedGames definitely need to stay safe.. With you Floridians all the way!

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