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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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8 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

I probably should post a quick update... I'm taking the next couple weeks off.

It's nothing bad, just nothing I can talk about, either. :)


He has been enlistes by the Military to write a book to distract the enemies. :cool:

(If you belive that, go bang your head against the wall foe being stupid lol)

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5 minutes ago, Thedrelle said:

It looks like you made this account just to post on this thread!

OMG, I think you're right!

1 hour ago, Lithobrake said:

Hi! I've been reading this story since the summer! I really like it, and good job!

Thank you, and welcome to one of the coolest forums on the internet!

There are a lot of other great fan-fiction stories in here besides mine... and all the KSP related stuff you could ask for!


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Thank you!

On 2/19/2018 at 12:55 PM, Thedrelle said:

It looks like you made this account just to post on this thread!

I actually made this account because I wanted to make my own fanfiction (which I'll get around to someday)

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7 hours ago, Lithobrake said:

Hi! I've been reading this story since the summer! I really like it, and good job!

Welcome to the forums. May your days here be punctuated by great stories, unanswerable questions, and rediscovery of forgotten threads (but not revival).

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10 hours ago, The Dunatian said:

Bet your FBI agent knows... :D

Brings me back to a conversation I had with a friend on Discord a while back, where we "Talked" to the FBI agent assigned to stalking me. We asked them how their day was, how the kids were, but he/she never answered back :(

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Given the timing, I wouldn't worry.  @Just Jim will be back just as soon as you can say Form 1040 or Offshore Account.  (Key West doesn't count, Jim!  Save your money!)

On a more serious note, there are a few possibilities when it comes to alien biochemistry.

If you believe in panspermia, then it is possible for the Laytheans and the Kerbals to have somewhat similar metabolism and nutritional needs.  That, in turn, would depend on the relative complexity of the progenitor cell--a primordial bacterium that lacks chloroplasts means that Laytheans and Kerbals might be susceptible to the same diseases but subsist on totally different food sources.  Food for one could be poison for the other.  On the other hand, Laythe plants could be adapted to be hyper-efficient in the use of the much weaker sunlight (3% of Kerbin) at Jool, or they could be adapted to extract more chemical energy, which Laythe ought to have a lot of for a number of different reasons.  If KSP modelled radiation and tides, Laythe would be a lot more active; the amount of electrical exchange between Jool and Laythe could fill the place with high-energy nitrates.

If you believe in deliberate seeding or in exactly congruent co-evolution (which can be a component of panspermia), then it's probable that the Laytheans and the Kerbals are biologically compatible.  That's not to say that you could have interbreeding (Spock is most likely a biological impossibility), but they could eat one another's food without problems aside from the usual risk that some plants may produce poison, and different species can be poisoned by different chemicals.  Mint's cooling sensation on the tongue is mostly pleasant to us but it gives small mammals a very bad day.  Chocolate is great for humans but bad for dogs, and so forth.  Caffeine is an insecticide.  Onions make you cry because they don't want to be eaten ... you monster.  And don't even begin to speak about fugu.  The point is that Laytheans may be perfectly able to eat Emiko's tacos ... but maybe they won't taste right unless they have a drizzle of machine oil on top (for extra hydrocarbons to simulate the water back home) or a coating of dried rotten bugs (for that slimily piquant hint of chitinous crunch!), or something like that.

If you believe in autonomous biogenesis (this is the 'life finds a way' camp), then it's possible for Laythean and Kerbal life to be completely alien to one another.  Clarke touched on this in his book 2061:  a ship had crashed in Europa's sea and a crew member's body fell overboard, whereupon it was eaten by a large Europan shark-like creature.  A minute later, the creature vomited and died, inadvertently confirming that there was no food to be found in the alien biosphere of Europa.

Given that the Laytheans stole food, the second possibility is most likely, but given also that we don't know how long the Laytheans have been living on Kerbin, it's possible that they began in one of the other two camps but though extreme selection or deliberate modification (their own or a benevolent boulder's, perhaps), they adapted to be able to survive on Emiko's tacos.

Of course, aliens being alien, it's possible that we've got it completely wrong and the tacos aren't food for Laytheans at all.  It said that the Laytheans were relieved at the sight of food, but they never actually ate on-screen.  Maybe the Laytheans need the tacos for some kind of religious ritual that dates all the way back to the ancient scrolls.  Maybe Emiko is superimposing her own judgement on the Laytheans' actions:  she sees the tacos as food, so she's making an unconscious assumption there.  Maybe the Laytheans are hungry, but they can only eat from their hidden on-base food synthesisers ... which happen to be powered by a Tacomak Fusion Reactor ....

Okay, I couldn't resist that one.  I probably deserve the beating.  But what else were the Laytheans supposed to think?  They've been waiting all this time for the Kerbals to develop a fusion power source so they can go home (and the Grand Kerbal banning nuclear technology had to be a disheartening blow), and then when a neutrino source shows up not one hundred kilometres away, of course they grabbed the container that looked as though it had tacompatible reactor fuel ....

Yes, I'll stop now.

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3 hours ago, Zhetaan said:

Given that the Laytheans stole food, the second possibility is most likely, but given also that we don't know how long the Laytheans have been living on Kerbin, it's possible that they began in one of the other two camps but though extreme selection or deliberate modification (their own or a benevolent boulder's, perhaps), they adapted to be able to survive on Emiko's tacos.

You’re missing the fourth (fifth?) possibility: Emiko’s tacos are just that good. :D

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9 hours ago, Thedrelle said:

They employ him to rebuild their infinite improbability drives, and pay him with tacos. 

you need someone who can see ALL the nonsense to do that.

All the nonsense eh? Take over the world with tacos!

How did I not remember this sooner?

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