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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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5 hours ago, Just Jim said:

OMG... I am so sick! I think the storm stress, and lack of sleep all that, caught up to me last night. :P

I promise I'll get the chapter done this week... but right now I'm going back to bed.

Well, I finally caught up and I must say, the weirdness level hasn't wavered a bit since last I read this amazing tale :wink:  Great stuff!

It's pretty common to crash hard after a storm, once the adrenaline goes away and the stress poisons get free rein.  Plus, of course, the usual explosion of microbes afterwards, both the normal kind and many new types that normally only live far out at sea and for which humans have no immunities.  Get well soon!

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6 hours ago, The Space Dino said:

You'd better stay in that bed. Get well soon.


2 hours ago, Thedrelle said:

rest well and dream of large celestial bodies. 

1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

It's pretty common to crash hard after a storm, once the adrenaline goes away and the stress poisons get free rein.  Plus, of course, the usual explosion of microbes afterwards, both the normal kind and many new types that normally only live far out at sea and for which humans have no immunities.  Get well soon!

Thank you!

That's pretty much it I think. I spend most all day in bed... feel a little better. Now I have to try and eat something. :P


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Well, at least I made it through the night without heaving my guts out half a dozen times... :P Still feel like a Kraken chewed me up and spit me out, but better than yesterday.

I'm gonna try to work on the screenshots more today. Not because I'm pushing it, but so I can get out of bed and sit up for a while.

On 9/17/2017 at 3:02 PM, KAL 9000 said:

I, for one, welcome our new cat overlords!

I don't have an overlord... I have an Empress!


It's not really on topic, but I did mention her when we got her, so quick update...

We've confirmed she's a true rag-doll Siamese, and she's not just acclimated, she's taken over the house!

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Hey everyone, I need to clear something up.

I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine, asking if I had given up on KSP and moved onto another game called "Transport Empire".  

No.... I haven't.

The deal with Transport Empire is it's an app on my phone, which I usually only play when I'm out and about and waiting in line or something. And in the last few days I've been playing it lying in bed with this miserable cold.  

What I didn't realize until now is every time I do something in Empire, it automatically posts it to Facebook... which the game itself re-activated! So if you saw my Facebook page, it looks like that's all I've done for the last couple weeks.

Again, don't worry... it's a phone app, not a full blown computer game. I'm still hard at work on Emiko.  :)

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Yaaaa... finally got to play today! This stupid cold isn't totally gone, but it's moved mostly into my head now, which is tolerable. 

I'm adding a few more screenshots to the end of the chapter. I can get those tomorrow. And I'm not going to push it, or I'll end up back in bed again (I have a bad habit of doing that ... :rolleyes:) But realistically I see no problem having it done sometime this weekend..... finally!


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3 hours ago, DualDesertEagle said:

If I wrote out what's in MY mind right now I'd probably receive another warning from the mods :D

Well, considering it's been exactly one month since the last chapter, I'd venture to guess you're thinking:

"Shut-up and start writing already..." 


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10 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:


Platypus is Greek; the correct plural in that case would be platypodes.  Of course,  the word has been thoroughly borrowed into English so the actual correct plural is platypuses.  It's something akin to the problem of the word virus; though virus is Latin, it is not so much a foreign word as it is a word that has been borrowed into English and remade into an English word thereby, so the correct plural is viruses.  Actually, in that case, it's necessary; the Latin virus is an uncountable mass noun (it refers to the concept of an overarching, all-consuming pestilence) along the same lines as knowledge (you can have knowledge, and you can have a lot of knowledge, but can you have six knowledges?), so trying to pluralise it as viri or some other hideous construction is incorrect, even in Latin:  one may consider that the word belongs to a hypothetical sixth declension or some such, but it definitely does not belong to the second (which is the one that has singular -us and plural -i; viz. radius becomes radii).

There are complications wrought of the fact that Latin borrowed a lot of Greek words, as well, but generally speaking, one does not mix one's Latin and Greek.  It's not lunology (and it's definitely not moonology!); it's selenology.  When we get to studying Venus in earnest, we'll have aphrodisiologists.  Of course, they may choose to call themselves planetologists (a minor inconsistency given that the word has already been taken up in the field of ecology) just to avoid all of the office jokes.

Anyway, speaking of hideous construction ...

@Just Jim, how is it that you have so many great-looking craft?  You've been writing this story for nearly two years and I have yet to see a miss from you.  Do you have some kind of vetting process, or is it just raw talent?  I never would have thought of using the dishes on the tips of the raptor wings, for example, but the little touches like that really sell it for me.

ETA:  @Torgo, it appears that we need to work out a schedule of rotation lest we inflict some form of grammar overload on these poor people.

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9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:


Gonna go all grammar cop here... Platypus is a word of Greek origin, not Latin. (from Greek platypous flat-footed, from platys broad, flat + pous foot) The correct pluralization is Platypodes. 

However, being a fairly novel plural form, it is seldom used; the plurals platypuses, platypus, or, more rarely, platypi are more common. It should be noted that some use the plural form platypi under the impression that platypus is a masculine Latin second declension noun, which it is not. Thus, in English, the word "platypi" is incorrect. In scientific circles, platypoda is sometimes used as well.

Another example is Octopus, from the Greek Octo (eight) + pous (foot). 

But, most dictionaries have caved to pressure from the vast Platypuses conspiracy and list that as the most common usage.

Now back to this most excellent adventure... Which, as we are being led to believe, is soon to contain a plurality of platypodes!

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36 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

Platypeople, you idiots!

OK, let's not the the attention of the moderators...

I promise I'll answer the Platypus connection tomorrow.  :wink:

1 hour ago, Zhetaan said:

@Just Jim, how is it that you have so many great-looking craft?  You've been writing this story for nearly two years and I have yet to see a miss from you.  Do you have some kind of vetting process, or is it just raw talent?  I never would have thought of using the dishes on the tips of the raptor wings, for example, but the little touches like that really sell it for me.

Thank you!

I put my ships through all sorts of testing, yes. A lot of it is behind the scenes, so readers don't get to see all of it, but that's one of the reasons it can take a while between chapters.

As for their appearance, I'm 55, and I grew up on really old school sci-fi movie space-ships... and that has a big influence in how I design mine. I don't want them to be just functional... I want them to look cool whenever possible. :cool:

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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

As for their appearance, I'm 55, and I grew up on really old school sci-fi movie space-ships... and that has a big influence in how I design mine. I don't want them to be just functional... I want them to look cool whenever possible. :cool:

Here, then.  I think you'll like this.  It's from just after v1.0 and the new aerodynamics came out, and people were re-learning how to fly.

I'll tell you what rockets do fly well now ...

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