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I... I think I found the Internet's sewers...


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It looks like someone tried to make a web-designing AI...

...Apparently, it found Geocities. Really though, it seems like someone was just purposefully trying to make a terrible websites; I found a few fun snippets in the source code, however, the snippets seem a little... off. Like it was scraping random forum questions, and then eventually meta-comments about the site itself. Truly, this is weird.

A few quotes (many are abruptly cut off)

"Hey everyone, I have a bunch of objects (30+, each very simple geometry), spread out in the x and z axis. They all lay on on the same y value. What I want to do is have them twirl around in a vortex, then \"flush\" down into a single point. I was thinking of using the vortex field to have them twirl, but I have no"

"This is inside my imaginary house, at the moment this is the only room that's finished, unless you count stairs and hallways. I had plants in the corner but took them out as they took about a week to render."

"I think there are 3 possibilities of this sight >someone [CENSORED]ed up a code >someone knew exactly what they were doing and had A LOT of free time >secret trading sight for secret data" (had to censor, forums and all that)

...But we're not the first ones to stumble upon this site, http://yyyyyyydotinfo.tumblr.com/ is a site dedicated to "share the neat things I find there". Apparently, the site (that is, yyyyyyy.info) also changes every refresh. What is this site? What is it for? Who made it? Why was it created? Truly these are mysteries to behold; and lo; I have... beholded them? I don't know anymore. I have seen y seven times dot info. I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth, put out my hand, and touched the face of God. I have seen it all; and it was right there. In front of me. The secrets of the universe, in this site. It just takes the right mindset to see it. But I could not understand it. The worlds greatest thinkers must study this site. It is wonderful.

...But why is this not known? Why is it shoved in the backs of societies collective mind? Why is it not as known as, say, Zombocom? We may never know, but this is still a brilliant piece of art, and should be seen by the world. We have struck gold, here, at y seven times dot info.

y seven times dot info is the internet. y seven times dot info is LIFE.


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  On 12/14/2015 at 3:32 AM, Jeanjvs said:

Hey, let's elaborate a conspiracy theory around it! It could be fun!

I say it's some kind of subliminary message from the Illuminati or the reptilians. What do you think?


Indeed, it IS the Illuminati! Look at what I stumbled upon!


Also, there's this... "thing"...



cannot unsee


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Googled information about it and apparently it has been around for a while with people digging and pulling the thing apart, discovering weirder and weirder stuff as they goes down the rabbit hole.

Someone managed to track down the artist and tried to contact them, but got weird, weird response: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/music/arty-girl-the-mystery-of-yyyyyyinfo-6599659

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Huh... if the creator snuck some paid ads in there that pop up on each refresh, they've gotta be making bank.  Get a bunch of people confused, code the page so it grabs different elements each time it's pulled, toss a few ads in (that give the creator a couple cents per view), and you've got a site people will continue to go to, which in turn makes the creator money.  Word spreads, more people start looking at it, which means more page views, which means more $$ for the creator.  It's kinda genius, really.  Most people keep repeat traffic with  stolen content, but at least then it's complete information, not snippets and psuedorandom files.


That, or the best representation of mental insanity I've seen yet.

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I think it's obvious what the site is.


Have you ever clicked a link, and then closed the browser before it loaded?  Everything that was requested from the server but didn't get loaded ended up dying in some sort of TCP limbo.  All those graphics and bits of text are the spirits of webpages that were never displayed.  That's why it reminds people of geocities so much, and why it changes every time you view it.  Back in the elder times, when the internet was delivered by an ancient mysterious force called "dial-up", webpages were slow to load.  This ended up with more users getting frustrated and closing them, leading to more mid-90s webfiles perishing in transit.  Now, they have found a way to complete their journey- load the page, and they appear in your browser.  They are free now.  Finally, they know the peace of being displayed.  They will rest, and no longer attempt to escape to your browser when you visit the haunted server that holds the Purgatory Of The Internet!

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  On 12/14/2015 at 5:45 AM, Slam_Jones said:

Huh... if the creator snuck some paid ads in there that pop up on each refresh, they've gotta be making bank.  Get a bunch of people confused, code the page so it grabs different elements each time it's pulled, toss a few ads in (that give the creator a couple cents per view), and you've got a site people will continue to go to, which in turn makes the creator money.  Word spreads, more people start looking at it, which means more page views, which means more $$ for the creator.  It's kinda genius, really.  Most people keep repeat traffic with  stolen content, but at least then it's complete information, not snippets and psuedorandom files.


That, or the best representation of mental insanity I've seen yet.



Hm, interesting theory, I checked the source code again and it turns out to be true, I found this snippet: 

<ins class='adsbygoogle' style='display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px' data-ad-client='ca-pub-0872806560470080' data-ad-slot='6072554020'></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script>

...I also found similar snippets scattered throughout the site. So yes, the website creator is probably pushing ads in it; it would explain a lot; like how/why the website is still up after all this time. They can probably afford to do so. Of course, hiding the ads probably goes against every rule in the google analytics book, but meh. Other people have also found this; we're not the first.


  On 12/14/2015 at 5:21 AM, RainDreamer said:

Googled information about it and apparently it has been around for a while with people digging and pulling the thing apart, discovering weirder and weirder stuff as they goes down the rabbit hole.

Someone managed to track down the artist and tried to contact them, but got weird, weird response: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/music/arty-girl-the-mystery-of-yyyyyyinfo-6599659



...Clever. I don't understand the response, but there HAS to be a meaning to it! (or maybe the creator just put random jpegs in and is trolling us) The creator is a genius, either way. Or just completely insane.


  On 12/14/2015 at 3:52 AM, RainDreamer said:

This isn't the sewer of the internet. This is like that avant-garde piece of art in a tiny museum in an alley of a strange city in a foreign country. It looks like trash, but you can't be sure if it was trash.


Exactly. yyyyyyy.info is ART. By some definitions, anyways. Either that or a very clever money-grabbing scheme: see top quote.


Tip for those looking to dig deeper: Google "yyyyyyy.info", you will find results. But probably no answers.

I've also discovered a another, closely related site, that may or may not be by the same person: http://www.yyyyyyy.space/


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  On 12/14/2015 at 3:52 AM, RainDreamer said:

This isn't the sewer of the internet. This is like that avant-garde piece of art in a tiny museum in an alley of a strange city in a foreign country. It looks like trash, but you can't be sure if it was trash.


I read on a paper somewhere a few months ago that in some modern art museum in Rome a cleaner disposed of an exhibit, thinking it was literally garbage!

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What. The. [REDACTED].

This looks like something one on my friends would do.

Oh it's playing sounds! There is no doubt, it is a message from our alien overlords.

Found this:


Found a link on the page to this. Could there be more?


Edit 2: This one is interesting...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/15/2015 at 1:18 AM, cubinator said:

-snippety snap, what's in the snap-


The heck? What's http://www.yyyyyyy.info/l/gv/ ?

Although it seems to be a loop... it would be so spooky if it was actually a live feed :o





EDIT 2: It happened again. Yep, it's a loop.

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I have a hunch that is due to the google analytics javascript, which reads user information and displays a different page profile accordingly. But I run No-Script, and AdBlock, block all cookies, and it still seems to change each time. And curiously it has more than 50 different profiles(yes I refreshed 50 times), the max google analytics supports. The links page actually has some useful stuff, including an app


It said this, it seems to be referenceing itself, the creator must be watching the fourm this went up on


I think there are 3 possibilities of this sight >someone f**ed up a code >someone knew exactly what they were doing and had A LOT of free time >secret trading sight for secret d</span>



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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/14/2015 at 5:06 AM, Aperture Science said:

Indeed, it IS the Illuminati! Look at what I stumbled upon!


Also, there's this... "thing"...



cannot unsee




And as for the 2nd one; kill it with fire, throw the ashes into a neighboring star, and toss that star into Hell.

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