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Bill v Bill. Gravity flaws. An interactive story. {Latest: Part 4}


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  • 2 weeks later...

I say destroy it before it destroys everything else. How to destroy it?


1) Fly it into the sun

2) Feed it to the Kraken

3) Hit it with an asteroid

4) Inflatable heat shields?

5) 'Land' with it on Jool

6) Whack a Kerbal

7) Time warp *352726637827

8) Fly it at warp speed into the mun

9) Press random buttons (It always works)

10) I'm running out of ideas

Edited by RedstoneWizard22
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Nothing will work. Redirection is impossible due to the low strength of the Cross Dimensional Barrier between the Kerbal's dimension and the Nightmare Realm. Also, destroying the portal won't work. I mean, this is Darth Maul Bill Cipher we're talking about! He'll just find another way.

So, here's what you need to do:

  1. Get some Nachos.
  2. Stuff the Nachos in a nuclear warhead.
  3. Tape Jeb and Werhner to the warhead (for scientific purposes)
  4. Eat the notebooks to make sure you're not hungry when you launch the warhead.
  5. Launch the warhead into the portal.
  6. Shut down the portal and do an Irish tapdance.

End result: Bill eats Jeb, Werhner, some Nachos, and a 500 megaton nuclear warhead. Problems solved!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 6/17/2016 at 9:05 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Nothing will work. Redirection is impossible due to the low strength of the Cross Dimensional Barrier between the Kerbal's dimension and the Nightmare Realm. Also, destroying the portal won't work. I mean, this is Darth Maul Bill Cipher we're talking about! He'll just find another way.

So, here's what you need to do:

  1. Get some Nachos.
  2. Stuff the Nachos in a nuclear warhead.
  3. Tape Jeb and Werhner to the warhead (for scientific purposes)
  4. Eat the notebooks to make sure you're not hungry when you launch the warhead.
  5. Launch the warhead into the portal.
  6. Shut down the portal and do an Irish tapdance.

End result: Bill eats Jeb, Werhner, some Nachos, and a 500 megaton nuclear warhead. Problems solved!


Wait..... Are you using triangular Nachos? Because Triangular Nachos = Triangles = Bill Cipher = Illuminati

Anyways, destroy it!

Edited by Wildcat111
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/21/2016 at 9:24 PM, RedstoneWizard22 said:

I say destroy it before it destroys everything else. How to destroy it?


1) Fly it into the sun

2) Feed it to the Kraken

3) Hit it with an asteroid

4) Inflatable heat shields?

5) 'Land' with it on Jool

6) Whack a Kerbal

7) Time warp *352726637827

8) Fly it at warp speed into the mun

9) Press random buttons (It always works)

10) I'm running out of ideas


11) Throw snacks at it (it always works)

12) Nuke it

13) Do stuff to it, Danny2462 style

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  On 4/5/2016 at 2:10 PM, HebaruSan said:

Destroy it? Redirect it? But there's unexplored space in there! Look out, creatures from the void, Bill's coming through, and he's got all the experiments and an extreme surplus of delta V!


And his trusty KAS space wrench! Besides, we all know that nothing can really kill kerbals, they just respawn! :D So what do they have to lose? Contract BD Armory and take the fight straight to those silly interdimensional beings! I think this game has already proven that there's nothing kerbals can't do :D

While we're at it...


1) Fly it into the sun

2) Feed it to the Kraken

3) Hit it with an asteroid

4) Inflatable heat shields?

5) 'Land' with it on Jool

6) Whack a Kerbal

7) Time warp *352726637827

8) Fly it at warp speed into the mun

9) Press random buttons (It always works)

10) I'm running out of ideas

11) Throw snacks at it (it always works)

12) Nuke it

13) Do stuff to it, Danny2462 style


14) Glitch it out with the Klaw

15) MOAR BOOSTERS never hurt anything

16) Put it in a bag of holding and see what happens

17) Throw a portable hole in it

18) Activate one of those fancy warp drives halfway through

19) Sacrifice the Magic Boulder to it

20) Alt-F12

21) Whip it with decouplers

22) 'Lithobrake'

23) This is Bill's fault, throw him through with a space wrench and see if he can fix it.

Edited by ruiluth
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/7/2016 at 3:08 AM, ruiluth said:

1) Fly it into the sun

2) Feed it to the Kraken

3) Hit it with an asteroid

4) Inflatable heat shields?

5) 'Land' with it on Jool

6) Whack a Kerbal

7) Time warp *352726637827

8) Fly it at warp speed into the mun

9) Press random buttons (It always works)

10) I'm running out of ideas

11) Throw snacks at it (it always works)

12) Nuke it

13) Do stuff to it, Danny2462 style

14) Glitch it out with the Klaw

15) MOAR BOOSTERS never hurt anything

16) Put it in a bag of holding and see what happens

17) Throw a portable hole in it

18) Activate one of those fancy warp drives halfway through

19) Sacrifice the Magic Boulder to it

20) Alt-F12

21) Whip it with decouplers

22) 'Lithobrake'

23) This is Bill's fault, throw him through with a space wrench and see if he can fix it.


24. F5, F9

25. All out WAR

26. Keep calm and eat snacks, then throwing the garbage into the portal

26. Use the Transcendence Device on the portal


Edited by Wildcat111
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Easy. Shoot it with a Mass Relay.

Else, pull it apart with Klaws.

Or, use paradoxes on the portal. This one should work.

"If you teleport stuff to that dimension, shouldn't you teleport yourself?"

Unless Bill built it with paradox-absorbing crumple zones.

Edited by DaElite101
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  On 8/18/2016 at 11:50 PM, Wildcat111 said:

1) Fly it into the sun

2) Feed it to the Kraken

3) Hit it with an asteroid

4) Inflatable heat shields?

5) 'Land' with it on Jool

6) Whack a Kerbal

7) Time warp *352726637827

8) Fly it at warp speed into the mun

9) Press random buttons (It always works)

10) I'm running out of ideas

11) Throw snacks at it (it always works)

12) Nuke it

13) Do stuff to it, Danny2462 style

14) Glitch it out with the Klaw

15) MOAR BOOSTERS never hurt anything

16) Put it in a bag of holding and see what happens

17) Throw a portable hole in it

18) Activate one of those fancy warp drives halfway through

19) Sacrifice the Magic Boulder to it

20) Alt-F12

21) Whip it with decouplers

22) 'Lithobrake'

23) This is Bill's fault, throw him through with a space wrench and see if he can fix it.

24. F5, F9

25. All out WAR

26. Keep calm and eat snacks, then throwing the garbage into the portal

26. Use the Transcendence Device on the portal

  Reveal hidden contents




  On 8/19/2016 at 12:21 AM, DaElite101 said:

Shoot it with a Mass Relay.



  On 8/19/2016 at 12:21 AM, DaElite101 said:

pull it apart with Klaws.



  On 8/19/2016 at 12:21 AM, DaElite101 said:

use paradoxes on the portal.



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Truthfully,  if we wanted to destroy the portal in a manner that will keep the parts reserved and the "rift" from the deconstruction safe and secure, I suggest putting it on some faraway planet like Eeloo. Since kerbals can't be trusted as they can be easily susceptible to Bill's persuasive and lying ways, I suggest building an AI to handle the rift. You came up with warp drives and interdimensional portals and doohickeys like that, right? Building an AI should be easy. And since you have those warp drives, delivering it to Eeloo should be easy and quick. First, I to dismantle the portal,  gently pull on the side's with Klaws. Keep increasing throttle until it breaks. Then use a grabber arm to grab the rift and store it in a spare goo container. Instruct the AI to not let any kerbals within 5k meters. And done! Bill can't really influence machines themselves, right? Sorry for the long post and possible grammar errors, I'm on mobile right now. 

If you're fed up with the portal, simply give it democracy. Nexter's Lab has some democracy-based weapons.

Edited by DaElite101
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  • 2 months later...

do what i did to summon the kraken my first time

attach it to a asteroid bigger then it

use free pivot

mesh into the asteroid

be an idiot and ignore it thinking that when you get out of timeworn everything will be fine and think that you will have completed a tutorial for the first time in your life

de-timewarp while inside the asteroid

VOILA! problem solved :D

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  • 1 month later...

So... it's been some time... but I might pick this up again.

Looks like Bill wants to destroy that portal. 


BTW, if I can find a way to make wheels useful again, I kinda feel like rebuilding everything for my old Oceans of Eve story. 

Would anyone be interested in that if I did? 

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  On 12/19/2015 at 6:39 AM, Tw1 said:

Part 2


Bill Kerman:  "If this is a deal, what is my part in it?"

Bill Cipher: "Just let me into your mind kerb Bill. That way, I'll be able to share knowledge with you. Also, you can't tell anyone about me. Ha ha, but seriously, it messes with my power."

This didn't sound too terrible. I looked at the moisture- my own sweat, beginning to collect on the inside of my helmet. My suit's systems had already began to fail.

Bill Cipher: "Come on. Life. Knowledge unlimited. Just shake on it."

I took the deal.



The next thing I knew, I was face down on the concrete, back at KSC.



Bill Cipher: "Ha ha ha! An excellent choice! I'll see you again very soon kerb Bill.

Until then, really-is-a-simulation-the-universe-is-a-computer-game-buy-probes byyye! "



The triangle was gone. I looked around. I saw my friends, overby the crawlway, surrounded by a mishmash of parts. Feeling as fit as ever, I walked over.





Jeb: "Oh hey Bill"

Bill: "Hi guys. What are you up to?"

Bob: "We are trying to develop a way to rescue you. You should see Wernher, he is getting pretty desperate. "

Val: "Wait a second.." 

Jeb: "Bill!!! How are you here!?!"

I told them I didn't know. That it was some sort of freak miracle.
I was immediately whisked of to the medical Bay where they began a series of tests, physiological and psychological to ascertain my identity. Eventually, they were convinced it was me.

That night, I had the most amazing dream .

  Ideas, plans, concepts I never dreamed of understanding.



I approached Wernher in the science labs the next day.
Within days we had achieved nuclear fusion.
Within weeks we were testing Warp drives.



In less than two months, new spacecraft were on their way to the planets,
overtaking, and relieving missions launched years ago.



The dreams continued.

Bill Cipher:  "Well well well! Just look at you!  Already gone and changed the world! I'm so proud, you deserve a prize!
Here, have a booster fuelled by the souls of the damned! "



Bill Kerman:  "Whoaaaaaah- Bill, that's creepy!"

Bill Cipher:  "Ha ha ha. Just kidding. But seriously, I'm looking forward to going further with you,  kerb Bill."

You'll never get anywhere as a species if you stay cooped up in this 4 dimensional, 32 bit little universe. So for our next trick, we'll do a portal to the rest of the multiverse!"



I presented the idea to Wernher the next day.
But to my surprise, his reaction was not one of excitement, but of fear.



Wernher: "Where are these ideas coming from?

One moment, you're lost in space, the next you're back here, solving fusion,   inventing Warp drives, and now you're going to build a portal to higher dimensions? I'm starting to think I've missed something.

Are you an Alien? What's going on? Who are you, and what have you done to Bill Kerman?"




What should Bill do? 

Reveal the truth?

Or lie, and try to calm Wernher down?

Note: Whatever the choice is, the story will continue. But the consequences will change. 


Bill Cipher have to invade the Kerbin world to Weirdmageddon, then 10 million kerbals destroying bill cipher.

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  On 12/20/2016 at 9:46 PM, LucasGamingBestAll said:

Bill Cipher have to invade the Kerbin world to Weirdmageddon, then 10 million kerbals destroying bill cipher.


Please don't quote an entire long post for a reply. Edit the quote down to the important part, it's better when everyone on the forum doesn't have to scroll through the same thing twice when they don't need to.

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