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Addiction Aerospace - SSTO Repository (And other junk) New Craft: Feb 6th!

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14 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Getting right on it!


Does it need to carry payload?
Does it need crew?
How much Delta-V margin are you comfortable with?

Yes, and yes.  I'm fine with anything as long as it can get to the Mün and back with some margin for error.

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48 minutes ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

I currently have aconcept for this, but how much payload does it need to take? Does it need to land it?

Yes, and yes.  About an orang tank's worth.  I'm flexible though.  I'd like to throw on top of that, another with the same payload needs, and crew, which can get to (not from) Duna without refueling.  I just want a bit of flexibility and error room.  I'd like to have mining, and converting equipment on that one.  Thank you for taking my order.

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Just now, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Dayum, that's a lot :)


Temporarily closing requests in order to not get bombarded while I work on my most  top secret project. (CliftonM's request)

I know.  I'm not good with making SSTO's, but I can fly them.  Any tips?

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1 minute ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Hmm, I suck too, but I can pass some handy reminders:
-Shallow ascents are key, don't get cocky and pitch up whenever
-If the craft has a SUPER low TWR, make your "speed run" late, A.K.A don't level off too early


Anything else?

Yeah, building is what I mean...

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Very, we all start somewhere, and I coulsnt make an SSTO until MechJeb showed me Delta-V stats

Does MechJeb have an autonomous auto pilot that shoves you into orbit and lands for you, or do you have to program functions into the GUI?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Persistance, two stage to Minmus Spaceplane!
As the picture shows, the spaceplane end looks like a normal longb range Nuke-RAPIER combo, but on the nuke, is a decoupler, and a "Thumper" SRB! The SRB is for an orbital kick, shooting you (if shallow acsent if used) to a 50km or so Ap, and pushing T-Apoapsis to a near 1 minute 45 seconds away! No instructions for this one, hehe, just pitch 10 degrees near the lower altitudes. ;)


Get yours today, for almost 45 THOUSAND Funds!

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On 1/29/2016 at 0:08 PM, RA3236 said:

Im always having trouble getting anything larger than an Aeris 4A to orbit, but I might look at the basic structure of your planes to get designs of mine actually working. They are really cool!

Wait a minute...

How the freak do you get the Aeris 4A to orbit!?!?

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3 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Alright, I've been developing a new cargo craft, and can't find a name!


So, I'll put up a poll and ask you guys!


Scratch that, can't put a poll up!


Suggest me some naems!

Uhhh.  Sorry none here. I always call my ships 1, 2, 3 or 4 or whatever and my planes KA-~~~ or whatever.

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Sorry @Sanic, but I couldn't make anything low tech unless it was a rocket.




Pickaxe, a Mk3 Infinirange Mining Spaceplane (SSTO)!
Well, as stated, it's a simple trick of carrying a mining kit everywhere you go. Can handle EverythingTM except Eve and Tylo.

Flight instructions:
None. Pitch according to thrust output. If thrust is increasing, pitch to the point it is barely increasing.
Pitch level at "speed run" altitude.

Action Groups:
1 Toggle RAPIERS
2 Switch RAPIER mode
3 Toggle Nuclear rocket

Buy ten, get 1, COMPLETELY FREE! 


Also, I'm postponing the release of the cargo craft, as I kinda want to make a competitor for @Rune's White Dart series.

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