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Preview posts?

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3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:


They weren't removed. They don't exist on the new forum. Supposedly, the wysiwyg editor makes them unnecessary.

Okay, I was poking fun about the bannable thing. Anyway, It's still sorta silly that you can't do the previews, in my opinion.

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IPS4 no longer technically supports BBCode. Which I see as a sufficient reason to axe the whole thing and go back to the old forums pending a better software choice. It doesn't have a preview function because its ability to understand BBCode at all is too limited to matter, and it's seen as an outdated concept because, apparently, some people think other people always want to have less flexibility in trade for simpler usage. <_<

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7 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Supposedly, the wysiwyg editor makes them unnecessary.

Operative word: Supposedly.
In practice, you may note that almost all my posts say "edited". Why? Because annoying editor and no preview.

Whoever is in charge of this mess, please reinstate a non-WYSI(S)WYG, plain-text + BBCode editor with a preview function. The old system had one, if the new one cannot do this then it is simply an inferior solution. Less is not more, and simpler is not better.

Edited by steve_v
No preview function
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