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Laythe Submarine Challenge


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Hi Kerbonauts , I have a challenge for you. The challenge is simple, yet hard to complete! The challenge is to land two submarines on laythe and dock them in Laythe's Sagen Sea. The only mods you are allowed to have are Firespitter (for the propellers it contains), and Ballistanks (so that the subs will sink). You need to provide a screenshot of the subs docked in the Sagen Sea. Note: Laythe is One Of Jools Moons! A badge will be awarded to the winners. (only 2). The winners are the first 2 people to submit a qualifying entree. You can also use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement  and Kerbal Engineer ReduxHAVE FUN!

UPDATE:  Submarine Systems Is now an allowed mod!

                                                                              Good Luck,


You Are also allowed to use balastanks-extended If you prefer!

Edited by Gelix
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Hello there, i am interested in this challenge. Is Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Mod allowed? Kerbal Engineer? If not, i refuse to try.
I have visited Laythe in my career, and doing your challenge all stock is very difficult, not impossible, but a real hard nut.
Where is your attempt?
Does watering one submarine not be enough for a challenge?
This is a hell of a task.

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This could potentially be interesting, but to quote the challenge guidelines:

"Is this challenge possible?

Many challenges we see are nearly or literally impossible to achieve, and usually very little thought has gone into them, these challenges just annoy people, waste forum space and show that the submitter hasn't really tried.

So test your challenge yourself first to make sure it is possible, you don't have to be successful but you'll soon know if the challenge has a hope of being completed."

Additionally, limiting it to badges for the first two completions means most people probably won't bother trying, if they're the badge-collecting sort. Just FYI.

Also, yeah, KER is fairly vital here, as per Mikki's comment, as that's going to tie to making this actually possible.

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  On 12/18/2015 at 4:58 PM, Mikki said:


Hello there, i am interested in this challenge. Is Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Mod allowed? Kerbal Engineer? If not, i refuse to try.
I have visited Laythe in my career, and doing your challenge all stock is very difficult, not impossible, but a real hard nut.
Where is your attempt?
Does watering one submarine not be enough for a challenge?
This is a hell of a task.


Regarding your first question, I suppose Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and Kerbal Engineer are fine. 

Regarding your second question, I am currently working on my own but I decided to see if others could beat me to it.

Regarding you third question, I believe in doing things "not because they are easy, but because they are hard"! 

I'm glad to see your intrested! Good Luck (You'll Definitely Need It)

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  On 12/18/2015 at 5:29 PM, Gelix said:

Regarding your first question, I suppose Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and Kerbal Engineer are fine.
Regarding your second question, I am currently working on my own but I decided to see if others could beat me to it.
Regarding you third question, I believe in doing things "not because they are easy, but because they are hard"! 
I'm glad to see your intrested! Good Luck (You'll Definitely Need It)



(You can squezze new line gaps with shift-enter)
I am currently doing another Jool-5 challenge with ISRU, maybe i can drop your subs with a Seaplane the same time. I do this in my careersave, a glitch broke my actual save and i reverted to a point where my Kerbs had mediocre experience...
But i am still interested in your own attempt, the ballast mod in your OP looks somehow also interesting.
But again, dropping two subs and dock under the SAGEN SEA... wow.

EDIT: you could provide the subs for us to try out... i never made a sub until now.
i would download the ballastmod/firespitter and take a look how you engineer a functional sub however. greetings Mikki!

your second extended mod link is unavailable, Europa btw

Edited by Mikki
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  On 12/18/2015 at 6:07 PM, Gelix said:

Sorry about the link I will fix it! I would be honored to provide the sub for testing, however i cannot simply snap my fingers and get it done. However, to comply with your request I will start immediately.

Link is fixed!



If this challenge makes its way, i would prefer the first mentioned ballistanks mod, it adds a distinguished part and a certain rule for all entrys.
I am looking forward to this challenge, take your time and flesh it out so i or others can make a attempt with a example submergable.
I think this challenge should give the option to drop a offered sub, OR build one by the participants themself with at least the same specs of your example sub.

Have a good time and post when you have some news!  

Your added submarinemod link leads to your OP above! Check again!:wink:

Edited by Mikki
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