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Need help fixing an old part.


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Hey all, I don't know the first thing into converting a part's texture, nor fixing it (bottom attachment node is starting to glitch), so I humbly ask assistance from our modding community.

The part is the old FTmN280 2,5m nuclear engine from the old "kommit_nucleonics".
 - First, it still uses a TGA texture that needs to be converted to the new type (sometime it'll glitch and I'll get a white part, without texture)
 - Second, the bottom attachment node seems to be not working, or rather seems inverted (you attach on top of the bottom of the engine instead of below it.

Kommit Nucleonics has been taken over by another author but before he original one decided to let go, he replaced the model of that part by a new one I liked less, hence me hanging on onto the old part.
If anyone wants to help me, please send me a PM and I can e-mail you the current part so it can be fixed.  I really no not know how long this would take to fix, but I figured I'd ask.

Thank you.

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First let me say that as a newb myself,  I may not know what I am talking about.. that being said.
I think you're referring to an engine from one of these two mods by Kommitz which I would Love to see updated.


However it appears Kommitz listed these with an all rights reserved license..
Which I think prevents anyone else from Adopting them.?
I think that the most one could do with that is modify the .cfg file themselves.

Although I believe the nodes positions and size can be adjusted in the .cfg file

Also you could probably convert the texture yourself, then point to the replacement texture in the .cfg file

Just my .02

If someone else can be more specific and\or I am incorrect by all means feel free to override what I have said.

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Aivoh, they are from very early on in the first thread you posted:

@Francois424 which version of Nucleonics do you have?... I have v2, v2.13, & v2.32...


So I just tested v2.32 on 1.0.5....And it all seems to WORK!!... Unfortunately, Kommitz's choice of license prohibits redistribution of any of his stuff... :(
But if you have copies, just go into each part's .cfg, and change the 5th variable in the "node_stack_bottom" line (seems to be always "1.0"), to "- 1.0" ... (no quotes of course)...

Then you can use the DDS4KSP to convert the whole "kommit_nucleonics" folder to .dds... (Dont forget to check "Delete Textures after Conversion" box...)

Beyond that, I'm not sure, but you may want to also rebalance the them, and maybe change the crash & heat tolerance variables...


EDIT: God, I hate this new forum... :(

Edited by Stone Blue
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Thanks, you helped me fix the attachment node... that works great now.  However the texture converter you asked me... I found it but does not contain any executable.. so damn.
I found a free converter, but it makes the part dark with while strips so does not work either.
So I am stuck with the texture, but it's the only part that isn't a DDS so it should not matter too much. 

As for balance, I already copied all the relevant bits (including heat generation, and all that stuff from the original squad file, and it woks very well as a substitute for 4 regular LV-N's.
Thanks for the help !

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@Francois424 Sorry... I guess I should have looked for a link for you... i bet you found the Source folder only for DDS4KSP...

Here's the link to the correct .zip:


Heres the thread you need:


You do NOT need DDS Loader, or, IIRC, the DirectX components, as stated in a paragraph near the bottom... Those were needed before KSP switched to natively using .dds...

Not that it matters, but folder size on disk in the GameData folder, after converting to .dds went from 13MB to 8.7MB...

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 12/19/2015 at 7:49 AM, Stone Blue said:

@Francois424 Sorry... I guess I should have looked for a link for you... i bet you found the Source folder only for DDS4KSP...

Here's the link to the correct .zip:


Heres the thread you need:


You do NOT need DDS Loader, or, IIRC, the DirectX components, as stated in a paragraph near the bottom... Those were needed before KSP switched to natively using .dds...

Not that it matters, but folder size on disk in the GameData folder, after converting to .dds went from 13MB to 8.7MB...


Well I get all sorts of exception errors...

The first one when starting it (which I can bypass to get to the program. 
I pick the proper folder
it detects 5 files
I select to convert all 5, and get another exception error of the same type than the first one. something about DDS4KSP.IMGManager.

I've tried coping all the DDS4KSP files into one folder...  just to test; no effect.
Looks like it just does not want to be easy.

Edited by Francois424
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Hmmm... If you got the .zip from that first link, it should have 2 folders & an .exe:  DDS4KSP, Source, & dxwebsetup.

All you need is the first folder. Go into DDS4KSP, and open the DDS4KSP.exe...Then you select Folder->Open, select ONLY the unzipped kommit_nucleonics folder... It should find 16 files to convert...Hit the Convert button, and it should be done...Then go into the nucleonics folder, and move all the .ddsified files somewhere outside the main KSP folder...

That should be it...

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Opening the ZIP file I have 2 folders: DDS4KSP & Source

Going into DDS4KSP I see the DDS4KSP.EXE, and I run it : "Unhandled exception" (in French as my system is in FR), but the program opens if I hit 'continue'

"Folder -> Open" does not allow to open a zip file, but selecting the un-zipped Kommit_Nucleonic folder,
It finds 5 files (normal as I've reduced the mod to 2 parts, the fairing and the FTmN280)
I Hit the 'Explort all to DDS' button.
I Hit the 'convert' button (Keeping all default values)
*BOOM*  Unhandled exception again...  I click 'continue' again... No files gets converted.

Just my luck with computers... haha.
Anybody else have any Idea ?  In the troubleshooting thread of DD4KSP someone reported same issue but no answer was given...

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I sent a PM to Kommit Him/herself.  With any luck he still roams the forums and would be in a good mood to throw me a bone here.   If I could have the original mod (well the one with the rounded parts) in DDS that would go a long way/
If not it's going to have to stay as a TGA file (should not be much of an issue with KSP 1.1 64-bits coming (SoonTM) but I wanted to standardize to prevent any future issues.

Thanks for your help tho.

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