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Default throttle position to full ?

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Hey Squad, you guys rock and I LOVE this program but just one thing would mean soooooo much. Could you please PLEASE set default throttle position to full throttle? NO ONE anywhere in the world, simulation or real life launches at half throttle and if they do, they surely must be the exception. Please, for the love of Kerbal's, give us full throttle for default launch. The rest of us will bless you and yours for eternity for doing this.

Sorry if this has been suggested before but I cant imagine that I am the only one who wants this.

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2 minutes ago, Kevin Kyle said:

Actually, rockets on the pad to full and planes on the runway to minimum and brakes on would be the best thing. Should make everyone happy

You don't need to put the brakes on at the runway.

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5 minutes ago, pandaman said:

Yes, I usually do this to check controls and stuff.  Especially  before trying to fly a new plane.

Brakes on to build thrust is crucially important for designs that need every inch of the runway, such as large spaceplanes, which the runway is rather undersized for.


I use the mod Auto Actions to do exactly what OP suggests, it is indispensable.

Edited by Nothalogh
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Default throttle to 'whatever' It's an ancient topic/discussion/suggestion. Some prefer 100%, many prefer 0%. Pretty much no one wants 50%.

But as old as this issue might be the solution is the same. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126305-how-to-set-default-throttle-to-0-on-launchpad/
ModuleManager and a simple .cfg with the following text and you're done. Simply change the 'prelaunchDefaultThrottle' value to any value you want.

prelaunchDefaultThrottle = 0


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3 hours ago, Dfthu said:

You don't need to put the brakes on at the runway.

It's fairly typical to have your brakes on while you push throttle to full for takeoff. This is not only to let jet engines spool up, since they don't respond to throttle inputs instantaneously like rocket engines, but also to check for problems. IRL you check your engine gauges with brakes on and throttle to full to make sure they're all performing properly, and abort takeoff if you notice any problems.


1 hour ago, Frybert said:

37% should be default.

I prefer 41%, but that's close enough for a padawan. We could debate the finer points of the advantages and drawbacks of 37% but I'm sure most people just wouldn't understand.

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I'd quite like default set to zero and auto brakes on on the runway - I've made it something of a ritual and rather enjoy pressing the big red Z on my keyboard (I have the K70 RGB from Corsair so I've got a nice colour pan for KSP) before launch.  

It's my one final act before pressing the brown space-bar :rolleyes:.


Edited by Speeding Mullet
removed very tweeny "like"
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A common 'default' for both launchpad and runway does make some sense, and is probably the most 'new player friendly'.

If the default were to be changed from what it is now then I tend to think the best option would be 'Brakes On' and 'Throttle Zero' as this is the safest setting.  If a ship doesn't launch because you haven't opened the throttle or released the brakes its an easy concept to understand.


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I could understand a default of zero, or a default at maximum, but for the life of me I've never understood why they thought 50% would be good. All it does for me is make me either hit Z or X. Even on launches where I want to 'warm up' the rocket engines, I still slowly raise the throttle from zero, because even 50% jerks the rocket around a bunch.


Really though they should making launch default settings (gears, brakes, throttle, so on) something that can be configured by the player. Then they could leave the default defaults to what it is now, but still not irk us more experienced players.

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50% throttle sometimes is perfect for me depending on what ive built. Also, when I get into my car for example it sits at zero throttle until I decide how to start driving (or launch). Its a personal taste for sure, but if it was defaulted to 100% id be forever throttling down at launch. 100% power is only essential (maybe) for a few seconds. 

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Didn't it used to be 100%? I'd be fine with that, but honestly hitting z or x isn't that difficult. I know spaceplane veterans would love brakes set on, but I'm picturing this board flooded with threads by new players trying to figure out why their plane won't go. 

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34 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

Didn't it used to be 100%? I'd be fine with that, but honestly hitting z or x isn't that difficult. I know spaceplane veterans would love brakes set on, but I'm picturing this board flooded with threads by new players trying to figure out why their plane won't go. 

It used to be 0%.
And then there was a massive influx of n00b's (apologies but there is no better word to describe them). They barely understand they had to hit [Space] to launch had no clue you would need to open the throttle to actually move. Dozens of complaint threads followed. As usual SQUAD knuckled under. 0% caused a lot of complaints and they thought 100% was too much. So they compromised: 50%.
And the crowd went wild ... with discontent.

And as usual if you ignore the problem long enough people will give up fighting, get used to it and eventually stop hoping for a real solution.

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6 minutes ago, klgraham1013 said:

...or we could just teach players the controls.  Honestly, do you really think the players guiding the development should be the ones who don't know how the throttle works?

I think it possibly needs something like the 'training camp' intro campaigns on FPSs.  A walk through the controls and basic assembly and flight concepts in the form of a dedicated 'beginners' scenario.  After which progression is made onto the more detailed tutorials.

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