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The New Moon Challenge

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The Challenge:

Find an asteroid that's class C-E, and redirect it into a stable orbit between Kerbin and the orbit of the Mun. Name it whatever you want.


-MechJeb is permitted, but only for the boring parts (e.g. catching up with the asteroid). You must launch the rocket and redirect the asteroid without MechJeb.

-Asteroid size may only be class C, D, or E. Class A and B asteroids are not permitted.

-No mods where that will make this really easy (I'm looking at you, Hyperedit) and no warp drives or OP engines. Also, only use F12 if ABSOLUTY NECCESSARY.



Any Class C-E Asteroid

Launch a probe to study and redirect it.

Build a colony of your choosing on it once in Kerbin's SOI.


Only Class D & E Asteroids

Launch probe to redirect it.

Build a colony and refueling station.


Class E Asteroid ONLY.

Launch lightest probe possible to study, NOT redirect.

Launch crewed rocket to redirect.

Build a colony with housing space for 30 kerbals, and a refueling station that can hold up to five spaceplanes.



Probes must have all science experiments on them. 

Colony should be able to house 10 kerbals.



Probe Weight

10 tons or less- 5 points

7 tons or less- 10 points

5 tons or less- 15 points

2 tons or less- 20 points

1 ton or less- 25 points


Asteroid Size

Class C- 2X Multiplier

Class D- 5X Multiplier

Class E- 10X Multiplier


Kerbal Housing On Base

5+ Kerbals- 10 points

10+ Kerbals- 20 points

20+ Kerbals- 50 Points

50+ Kerbals- 100 Points

100+ Kerbals- 10X Multiplier


Orbit Altitude

600,000+ Km to 500,001 Km- 20 points

500,000 Km to 400,001 Km- 40 points

400,000 Km to 300,001 Km- 60 points

300,000 Km to 200,001 Km- 80 points

200,000 Km to 100,001- 100 points

100,000 Km to 70,000 Km- 200 points

2X Multiplier if in a polar orbit


Refueling Station Capacity (Counted as docking ports on your station)

1+ Ship- 10 points

3+ Ships- 50 points

5+ Ships- 100 points

10+ Ships-150 points

50+ Ships- 1,000 points


20 points for every structure

20 points for the first person to create a badge for this

1 point for every photos (5 photo limit per structure)

5 points for every video (5 video limit)

Add up the points to determine your score. Your station can be a work in progress.

Have Fun!









Edited by KerbalCorgi
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  On 12/29/2015 at 9:35 PM, SpaceplaneAddict said:

This is the good basis for a challenge, you have most of the elements of the Challenge Submission Guide, I suggest you prove all of these mods can be done by doing it as proof.


This, however, it a very good basis!


I'm pretty sure it can all be done, with the exception of the 1 ton limit. I dunno, maybe some crazy engineer might be able to pull it off.

I like it! Good scoring system!

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Hmm. I'll have to try this one out- I've never actually successfully redirected an asteroid before. And the way the probe works out in Hard, I can easily meet the mass limits, especially with a transfer stage. So.. yeah. Hard mode it is. Wish me luck!


Update: Is the Materials Bay required on the probe? That's one heavy piece of equipment...

Edited by Kagame
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Doing this.  Hopefully.

http://imgur.com/a/Uemdj - Probe has explored the body, retriever on the way

http://imgur.com/a/J39uO - Ooof. This thing is a dog.  Got a crewed retriever intercept now, moved into Kerbin SOI, have to go to bed.  I'll see if I can get a capture tomorow.  I think not enough fuel, so I may try for aerocapture, E-class style!

Edited by Jetski
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OK, after 14 passes aerobraking at around 45K over Kerbin and burning off a few of my manouvering thruster modules, I made it into a 75x76 orbit. 

Just brought up and docked a habitation ring, housing for 196 Kerbals and a huge gob of mono.  Also I overbuilt the engines so I have a Mammoth and 2 big tanks of LFO.  Thought it was pretty huge, but it's dwarfed by this asteroid (see the last pic).

Total Score so far:
probe <1 ton all science instruments = 25
E-class = 10X
low orbit (75K) = 200
Kerbal housing = 196 x10? not sure how that works

Bringing up a refueling station as soon as I figure out how to calculate "capacity".  # of docking ports open maybe?
Also, how do we insert imgur albums nicely these days? The old BB code doesn't work right.


Edited by Jetski
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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/7/2016 at 3:14 AM, Jetski said:

OK, after 14 passes aerobraking at around 45K over Kerbin and burning off a few of my manouvering thruster modules, I made it into a 75x76 orbit. 

Just brought up and docked a habitation ring, housing for 196 Kerbals and a huge gob of mono.  Also I overbuilt the engines so I have a Mammoth and 2 big tanks of LFO.  Thought it was pretty huge, but it's dwarfed by this asteroid (see the last pic).

Total Score so far:
probe <1 ton all science instruments = 25
E-class = 10X
low orbit (75K) = 200
Kerbal housing = 196 x10? not sure how that works

Bringing up a refueling station as soon as I figure out how to calculate "capacity".  # of docking ports open maybe?
Also, how do we insert imgur albums nicely these days? The old BB code doesn't work right.



Now that is kerbal a ring attached to an asteroid lol

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