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Looking for Apollo Saturn V stock only with lander

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Well, I'm looking to get back in the game. I'm a stock Saturn V builder from way back. Maybe a revised one is in store.


If my game will stop crashing on startup! Gah

Edited by GusTurbo
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  On 1/5/2016 at 1:12 AM, GusTurbo said:

Well, I'm looking to get back in the game. I'm a stock Saturn V builder from way back. Maybe a revised one is in store.


Do it dude. Mine is very near complete! It's been too long since I flew a nice little Apollo mission. I was having a look at the saturbo V the other day, next to that micro SV I made. Good times.

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  On 1/4/2016 at 9:17 PM, Majorjim said:


;-) You need to strut the cargo in the fairing. Either from cargo to base cargo sits on or to the fairing itself. Build a frame from below the cargo then up, outside of the fairing. This will later be deleted.

 The strut from the cargo to the frame. Delete the frame. Load into the game then back to editor, then struts will be attached to the fairing.

There are other ways to load the struts but that way is safest. Strut between stages, strut between tanks. Struts, struts, struts.

 P.S, Struts.




How to do this, I know that I have a strengthened structures, i remember when Squad added fairing they praised it that with it we can build Saturn V replica.  

  On 1/5/2016 at 3:35 AM, AlamoVampire said:

procedural fairings are light years in distance of superiority to the stock "confetti fairings".


oh side note to our OP did you try the FASA parts mod?


I love KSP but i'm to dump for it:D

I have KSP since 2013 i wanted that some day i will able to create SATURN V, 

I know that FASA is inspired in real rockets, but i want use stock parts only(with exception of Kerbal Engineer and MechJeb :D ) 

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  On 1/5/2016 at 3:35 AM, AlamoVampire said:

procedural fairings are light years in distance of superiority to the stock "confetti fairings".


oh side note to our OP did you try the FASA parts mod?


Well, i was going for all stock :) If i had used mods, i would have definitely used tweakscale, would have save quite a few parts :P

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  On 1/5/2016 at 7:58 PM, Pawelk198604 said:

How to do this, I know that I have a strengthened structures, i remember when Squad added fairing they praised it that with it we can build Saturn V replica.  



Hard to say without seeing the rocket up close. Usually a good rule is to strut between tanks, just look inside, place strut on top or bottom tank and strut to the opposite one. Strut heavy payloads. Or PM me the craft file and I will fix it and you can see how to use struts.

 And no Squad where totally incorrect in assuming you could make a Saturn v replica with those things. You cannot fire through interstages or have them release as one part. You cannot correctly model the four leaf parts of the payload fairing.. You have to get really creative and make your own fairings. We didn't have the 'luxury' of stock proc fairings for years so we got quite good at making our own. When I release my Saturn V you sill see how to make your own fairings. They are the best I have ever made. :)

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  On 1/3/2016 at 12:15 AM, Majorjim said:

Thanks man, I am certainly not the only one making complex craft though man. Simply due to the recent changes in the game a lot of designs took a hit from engine nerfs and such. Bubbldevins is the first big one Iv'e seen after the recent updates. Sgt_flyer made an amazing Kerbalised Saturn V, i couldn't find it though..

 Back in the day the big one, and in my opinion still to this day the most impressive and creative use of stock parts ever, is Mulbins Munbug. It was 1300 parts and had a full set of custom made working fairings made from ibeams. Yup it was heavy as hell. I was the first to recreate them, and I posted a tutorial which can still be seen. It is totally moot now that we have offset tools and mods to remove the restrictions though.

 The issues you will have are with weight. The Stock engines are not enough, you will need to clip engines in engines. Do not feel bad about doing this. As it is more complex and harder to make, it is totally valid. As long as it looks and behaves like the real thing you are golden.

 There are loads of good Apollos out there. Just not many recently apart from Bubbs.


I think GusTurbo had an excellent chance to take the Mulbin crown. Don't know what happened to his craft.

  On 1/5/2016 at 1:12 AM, GusTurbo said:

Well, I'm looking to get back in the game. I'm a stock Saturn V builder from way back. Maybe a revised one is in store.


If my game will stop crashing on startup! Gah


go go, i think you have a chance at the Mulbin crown with your experience and previous Saturbo.

Edited by inigma
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  On 1/5/2016 at 10:04 PM, inigma said:

I think GusTurbo had an excellent chance to take the Mulbin crown. Don't know what happened to his craft.

go go, i think you have a chance at the Mulbin crown with your experience and previous Saturbo.


Sorry guys but it can never be beaten now. We have editor tools offset mods and a load of other benefits. What he did then with what was available is astounding.

 Don't get me wrong gus's SV is great and a lovey example of stock parts used well. Even if you make an almost exact replica, you know, impossibly good you could never say it was a better build, for the reasons I gave above.

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I should add that it is totally possible to make an overall better Saturn V than the munbug. it is broken now and never actually flew very well. Lag was horrific even in version 0.90 and the new lander is unbalanced and very hard to fly.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 2:12 AM, Columbia said:

I can't even successfully manage Skylab's two-stage Saturn V, or even a Saturn 1B, let alone an Apollo Saturn V.


You have to embrace a more 'outside the box' approach. Stock parts being what they are. The biggest engines are ugly and rubbish ASL. You must clip engines if you want a real look and performance. It's just a fact of making it stock. Some people make overly simple Saturn Vs but sacrifice far too much of the glory that is the Saturn V. It should make you gasp when you see it. then excitement. Then fear. Then joy. Then fear again. then joy. then fear again and lastly, satisfaction.

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  On 1/5/2016 at 10:04 PM, inigma said:

I think GusTurbo had an excellent chance to take the Mulbin crown. Don't know what happened to his craft.

go go, i think you have a chance at the Mulbin crown with your experience and previous Saturbo.


That means a lot to me! Thank you.

I'll get right back to it if someone can figure out my game crashing situation.


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  On 1/7/2016 at 1:52 PM, Majorjim said:

You need a slower ascent to avoid the unrealistic flames on ascent.



So how set mechjeb to accelerate according to dynamic pressure because i think here is the problem.

MechJeb have setting like

"Limit Q to: xxxx PA

Or "Dynamic pressure fadeout xxxx PA   


I think if put the right number the mechjeb adjust throttle to Dynamic pressure, 

But what numbers put there: that is the question :D

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  On 1/7/2016 at 5:05 PM, Pawelk198604 said:


So how set mechjeb to accelerate according to dynamic pressure because i think here is the problem.

MechJeb have setting like

"Limit Q to: xxxx PA

Or "Dynamic pressure fadeout xxxx PA   


I think if put the right number the mechjeb adjust throttle to Dynamic pressure, 

But what numbers put there: that is the question :D


No idea dude. I don't use it. Fly it by hand and see. If its too fast limit the throttle on some engines.

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  On 1/7/2016 at 5:16 PM, Majorjim said:

No idea dude. I don't use it. Fly it by hand and see. If its too fast limit the throttle on some engines.



I just not know does i can handle the manual launch of such big craft, even real SATURN V had automatic launch, or i just "have trust in real Jeb skills": :D 

I want to have perfect equatorial parking orbit  

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Along with my part count no object Saturn V I am also making a low part count version, under 200 parts with a rover and science pack in the lander. Also with a custom payload fairing. It's easy to fly and uses a few of Squads 'fairings' to save parts. YAY?

It's such an easy build it should be done tonight. I just need to give the descent stage of the lander more dv.

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  On 1/8/2016 at 5:13 PM, Majorjim said:

Along with my part count no object Saturn V I am also making a low part count version, under 200 parts with a rover and science pack in the lander. Also with a custom payload fairing. It's easy to fly and uses a few of Squads 'fairings' to save parts. YAY?

It's such an easy build it should be done tonight. I just need to give the descent stage of the lander more dv.


Should be a sight to see, you doing something with such a constraint. I did take a look at mine, BTW. I am getting the hang of fairings, I think with just the little mod that lets you get rid of the confetti and select the number of panels (stock clamshell fairings), I can modify Phoebus to have all those faring-related things you like so much, and a not-2.5m-but-also-not-3.75m S-IVb. Without adding more than 10 parts, of course ;)


Rune. So far it's a perfect shape, and a lot of staging explosions.

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