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124 members have voted

  1. 1. Name KSP 1.3 1.337 when it eventually gets made?

    • Yes! Take advantage!
    • No, it's only one version...

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13 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

Will a mod please terminate this thread?

Please. I can't comprehend why someone wants the version to be called 1.337. It's an absurd idea. This suggestion really isn't open to discussion because the devs are just not going to do it.


Sure, go for it--it's not like the version numbers mean anything anymore anyway.

What? The version numbers mean everything. It's what keeps the game organized. If we didn't have version numbers, it would sound like "I'm on the version with radiators and stuff, but with out the space shuttle engines". Let's say 1.3 is out. If the devs just suddenly named the next update 1.337, that's skipping 333 versions. This means KSP's version system would pretty much break, and no one would understand how it works anymore.

Like I said, it's a childish idea and was not given even a second of thought.


Edited by Sequinox
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8 minutes ago, Sequinox said:

The version numbers mean everything. ... Let's say 1.3 is out. If the devs just suddenly named the next update 1.337, that's skipping 333 versions. This means KSP's version system would pretty much break, and no one would understand how it works anymore.

How many versions were released between 0.25 and 0.90?

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2 hours ago, razark said:

How many versions were released between 0.25 and 0.90?

Fair point, but I feel like they just really wanted to get to 1.0,

39 minutes ago, AbacusWizard said:

KSP's version system is already broken. May as well have some fun with it.

KSP's version system has been working pretty good so far since 1.0. Let's keep it that way and not use a meme as a version number, shall we?

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Just now, Sequinox said:

KSP's version system has been working pretty good so far since 1.0.

Well, there was the fact that they released two versions under the 1.0.5 number.

Version numbers really are somewhat arbitrary.  As long as each version has a unique identifier (ahem), there's nothing that stops them from numbering the next version KSP 1.1, KSP 1.337, KSP 2.7, KSP 1.Salmon, or KSP: Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

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38 minutes ago, razark said:

As long as each version has a unique identifier (ahem), there's nothing that stops them from numbering the next version KSP 1.1, KSP 1.337, KSP 2.7, KSP 1.Salmon, or KSP

There is nothing that states that they can't in the first place. My point(and my opinion for that matter) is that doing so is childish and I don't think the devs, nor the community. would approve of it.

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*cough* serious attempt to really evaluate my thought about this*cough*

Pretty infantile. That said, it's my opinion.
Highly suspecting it's the opinion of many others.
Squad would lose potential players, people that might be interested in KSP but do not buy the product because grownups tend to review products with "1337" in the title as not being worth their time.

Atleast "Beta then ever" for 0.90 was a catching phrase.

Try suggesting anything within that criteria and that it can apeal to the most people possibly interested.
Companies are very critical about their ad content, their symboling or whatever sells their product. So if your suggesting anything in regards to ads i.e. title texts you better come up with something good.
But I'm willing to believe this post is a test or your making a joke.

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1. Repeated: numbers are not now or EVER letters.

2. Repeated: "leet speak" was then and STILL is repulsive and stupid.

3. Squads own rules forbid "leet speak" and rightly so. 

4. Mods please take this thread behind the shed and burry it under lock and key.

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5 hours ago, Kozak said:

So many buzzkills. This is the best idea!

Sigh. Some of us just don't like the idea, and some of us associate 1337-speak with a rather obnoxious bunch of script kiddies that tended up to disrupt conversations and ruin everyone's day with recycled humor and lame pranks since over two decades now. So not only it's a boring joke with a beard, it actually has leftover food in its beard. Now, making sure that we have versions 1, 1.17, 1.23, 1.42 and 1.5 is much more worthy. Or basing the version scheme on approximations of the E number. 

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Greatest post of 2016! I particularly love the thread tags and that so many peeps are getting their knickers in a twist :D 


12 hours ago, Vaporized Steel said:

Pretty infantile...
At least "Beta then ever" for 0.90 was a catching phrase.

For 1.0 I suggested "Shoulda done beta"... Catchy AND accurate, alas, it was never implemented (did get me an infraction so not all was for naught).


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Reminds me of Slackware v13.37

For anyone worrying about the version numbering, there would always be the possibility of numbering one of the inevitable 1.3 hotfixes 1.3.37, no?

Edited by pxi
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It is seriously time for this thread to come to a close.

Let's review.

  1. OP Suggests version 1.3 should be version 1.337
  2. People disagree

Now let's look at the opinions in this thread.

  1. Version 1.337 is a ridiculous idea that many associate with "llol so mlg mtn xx420quikscopxx". This, in my opinion, is a fair point. Many will not take this game seriously and will result in a dent to the games reputation.
  2. Version 1.337 is a great idea, because:

Now, upon analyzing the opinions, we can see that those who support the suggestion don't have any reason for this versioning nor do they have a defense against the non-supporters.
From here, we can draw a conclusion. This idea was not thought out at all. I started as a silly suggestion with no reasoning behind it and is about to, or maybe already has, start a flame war. The thread is going nowhere and needs to be closed.


It's starting the become difficult not to resort to personal attacks on this thread. That's me being brutally honest here. This post is doing nothing but ruining your reputation in this community, OP. How will anybody take you seriously after this?

That's all I have to say.



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1 hour ago, Sequinox said:

Many will not take this game seriously and will result in a dent to the games reputation.

That's not really it. Not many people treat this game seriously because I'm pretty darn sure it's not supposed to be taken very seriously. It's more due to a dislike of the 1337 crowd, because in experience of at least some of us they tend to be the Internet equivalent of the rich lad groups that trash restaurants for fun. It's something you get the first time a bunch of script kiddies wreck an IRC channel you hang out at just because they had more bots around, or when another bunch takes down your country's connection in the middle of your chat with your girlfriend (ah, late nineties, when 35-million strong countries had just a few upstream pipes) just because someone wanted some random channel and had an older brother working at some ISP or something. Oh, and turning discussions on Slashdot (I'm that old, I remember when people used to go to Slashdot) unreadable. To make things even worse, l337sp34k is also some of us did as teenagers, and therefore are madly embarrassed about now ;-) so there's a certain culture clash which would make such a name a rather groan-worthy joke for a chunk of the audience.

And me, if I want a groan-some joke, I'd rather go with a pun.

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Personally I think it's a bit of a silly idea. I'm not offended by it or anything but I guess I don't think it's a particularly funny joke, and would only add to the confusion regarding the already-dubious version numbering scheme.

I wish we could go back to having a numbering system that actually made some kind of reasonable sense. Full versions for complete overhauls, first decimal versions for major changes (which would include updates like 1.0.5, which added substantial new content), second decimal versions for minor revisions, bug fixes, etc. There's nothing to be done about the existing numbers, sadly, so we're stuck with 0.90 that's really 0.26, 1.0 that's really 0.91, 1.0.5 that's really 1.1, another 1.0.5 that's really 1.0.6, and eventually 1.1 that will really be 1.0, 1.2, and 2.0 all at the same time.

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7 minutes ago, Motokid600 said:

Wow.... Ladies and gentlemen you took this way to seriously.

Well it is tagged "serious proposal" & "not a joke" is it not? :P

Edited by steve_v
This editor is downright broken. copy-pasting those tags turns them into a bullet point list.
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