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What Are Your KSP Aspirations?

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When the route from KSC to KSC2 becomes less dangerous wreck littered point of no return for mark 1 derived land trains and instead becomes a well worn path of predictable and dependable cargo and passenger runs for mark 3 sized all terrain sure footed land trains


formidible machines built through custom mods to ply the lands of kerbin as a ship conquers the sea

A simple thing for some..perhaps boring for others..


 the ability to jump into the cab behind my steering wheel and throttle setup with a strong coffee and some good music as the terrain flows by has truely been one of KSPs most immersive gifts only interupted by the questionable nature of smaller mark 1 trains

Once mark 3s are built and modded..things will change

To settle in for a long drive upon familar known roads learnt upon sacrifice and success as the detriot twin engines argue and reverberate with one another settling into a symphony at cruise knowing that no sudden change in terrain is deadly but rather a challenge for the train and her driver would be a proud moment indeed


Foot on the deadman pedal and hand not far away from the throttle as KSC gets smaller behind the train knowing it doesnt mean eventual destruction and death of all involved..

Hours later pulling into KSC2 yard..refuel the locomotive and her reserve tanks.. Offload cargo.. Uncoupling flat cars and slowly driving the loco to the stabling area ready to depart the next day..with no death..minimal destruction and a class number to be proud of eventually repeating the return trip


This is the stuff of accomplishment... Not end game..but itd mean everything over years has been worth it


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Hmm, I think I have already reached that time actually.  My end game was always to do a grand tour, and I did.

I'm working on a career with SKY (5x scale) and different combinations of mods make nearly endless possibilities for new challenges to attempt.

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Stock Grand Tour with one ship (plus separate Eve lander) - almost there

Then career mods - remotetech, life support, OPM, CLS, EPL, KAS, advanced parts (Mk4, NearFuture, others)

Then we'll see what 1.1 holds?

Edited by fourfa
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A manned return from Eve was my endgame that made me feel like I "beat" KSP.


But... there's still stuff left to do and probably always will be. After returning for Eve, the Jool-5 in version 0.90 was a different set of design problems that I hadn't tackled before. And I have yet to fly a spaceplane on Laythe.

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For me, my end game has been at least one station and base on every body in the solar system. I've gone through maybe 8 saves and I've never reached that goal once :P And, now that I'm playing with Outer Planets, I'm going to be busy for a very long time...


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My end goal is to build a sustainable infrastructure to support the trade of a multi-planetary economy using Realism Overhaul. I want to have human colonies on the Moon, and Mars, with mining expeditions being sent to gather materials from the Asteroid Belt, while tourists visit the methane lakes of Titan and scientists gather soil samples on Pluto.

I am not even close to any of this.

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  On 1/5/2016 at 6:50 AM, fourfa said:

Stock Grand Tour with one ship (plus separate Eve lander) - almost there

Then career mods - remotetech, life support, OPM, CLS, EPL, KAS, advanced parts (Mk4, NearFuture, others)

Then we'll see what 1.1 holds?


Hard mode: Grand Tour with TAC on one ship and a kerbal that puts flag on every object that can hold flags.

Impossibru: same as above, but single stage.

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There will always be more to do. But some of my current definite goals:

Complete my first fully-operational shuttle. Then make a better one, then another, etc.

Make my first base, on the mod world of Serran. Then make more.

Find a suitable canyon somewhere, and bridge it.

Land on every one of the planets and moons in my modded "100 Worlds" installation, which is exactly what it says on the tin.

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  On 1/4/2016 at 7:05 AM, ThisUsernameisNotOriginal said:

What do you guys see as the end game of KSP?  What justifies as a "closed book" for you, when you don't have to launch any more rockets, when Jebediah can officially say, "Job well done"?


In career mode, it's when the game updates and breaks my save, or the save becomes corrupt, etc.  My career games are designed to build on themselves so everything I do leads to something else indefinitely.  There is no planned end-of-mission.

My sandbox games, OTOH, are usually created for a single,  specific purpose, some particular mission I want to do.  This can be simple or complex, stay on Kerbin or go to another planet, be serious or totally silly.  When that goal is reached (or proves to be impossible), the game is over.

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