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Flaming Goat Foundry Works - BadS Aircraft for the Discerning Test Pilot

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Welcome to the Flaming Goat Foundry Works Showroom of Death-Defying Machinery! We're glad to have you! Take a look around! The Foundry produces everything from low-altitude short-range aircraft to low-altitude medium-range aircraft... All with one goal in mind: Awesomeness. Awesomeness and maneuverability. Two goals. Also wicked aesthetics. Awesomeness and maneuverability and wicked aesthetics. Three goals. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: The majority of these designs are barely tested and wholeheartedly awesome

OTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: Overexposure to awesomeness may induce transcendence and/or insanity. 

For the moment, the Foundry Works are dedicated to creating semi-rediculous aircraft for people who want to pull absolutly ridiculous stunts, or just have fun flying aircraft with far too many moving parts. Droptanks, canards, airbrakes, and VTOL engines are only four of the Foundry Works' specialties. Acronyms and bizarre wing configurations are another two. There are some more, but I can't list all of them. The Foundry Works has many, many specialties. 

The Foundry Works is getting in gear, and looking for requests. If you want an insane vehicle but don't quite posses the lobotomy arsenal of tools to build it, just let us know, and we'll hop right to it! Within a minimal amount of time and parts, you'll have exactly what you need. 


BEHOLD THE GAPWING DUAL-THRUST SCREAMJET! [Not available for download - I blew up the save file] 

Using the innovative reverse-thrust feature added in 1.05 the Foundry designed the Gapwing Screamjet. A semi-passenger plane with excellent low-altitude capabilities and four engines in the wing space of two. 




The supercharged younger brother of the almost-not-a-boat-plane that everyone doesn't know yet but already loves. Comes equipped with a QuickStart SRB for taking off really fast. There's no real practical purpose for having an SRB strapped to the underside of a plane, but that's the fun of it. 




The upscaled older brother to the very-nearly-not-a-boat-plane that everyone almost knows and doesn't quite love as much as the should. Comes with detachable wings for boat conversion (or semi-planned demolition) and more than enough space in the undercarriage for cargo drops (heh heh). 




It was intended to be a boat. Then the Foundry tied wings on it and tossed it into the air. Surprisingly it worked. Because of the unorthodox fuselage shape, it's easy to mount cargo (or SRBs) to the underside without unduly disturbing the CoM or drag. 


BEHOLD OUR SELECTION OF DROP ROVERS AND CARRY VEHICLES[Not available for download - I killed this save file too - built on request]

I can't dig up this particular design, but the Foundry put enough hours into this project to be able to replicate it in spirit, if not exactness. Rovers for extended journeys and large planes for their transport are Foundry Specializations #6 and #7. If any of of your test pilots are feeling the need... the need for a very long fall followed by more falling followed by some parachuting and then some driving, let us know and the Foundry will leap into action full-time, possibly double-time, to ensure that your order gets completed. 

If anyone wants to make requests, feel free! The Foundry is perfectly willing to build anything, but we specialize in bizarre, multistage aircraft. 

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
Made the post more BadS. Added Download Links. Italicized. Made the post more BadS (again).
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Yeah, these are all old designs, but I'm working on making more. 

The rover pusher was the last in a long line of designs for getting a rover somewhere other than KSC. I tried rockets, cargo bays, rear deployment, and eventually settled on the design above. You just throw the nose down and decouple the rover. The plane falls completely out of control, and completely out of the way of the rover, which is at this point drifting gracefully to the ground. I ditched the save that contained the blueprints though, and forgot about this plane until too late. Oh well, I'll just make another...

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The Chiton SAR Jet is the stablest, most comfortable, awesome plane to come out of the Foundry Works so far. It's intended for use in Search and Rescue, and comes equipped with a BadS twin-tail design and a pair of jumpseats in the cargo bay for transporting stranded Kerbonauts. The Chiton has more than enough power and more than enough fuel to tackle (almost) any mission you throw at it. 

The Chiton flies beautifully at low altitudes, and is stable enough to control comfortably at altitudes as low as 200 meters and speeds as high as 250 m/s (or something). A set of powerful searchlights make tracking down enemies of the state stranded colleagues and carrying them back for interrogation their welcome home party! 



The Chiton has room for two in the cockpit, and two more in the cargo bay. A drone core can be added for a "small fee". 

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
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A slightly smaller, slightly slimmer, slightly lighter version of the Chiton. Other than the visual differences from the Chiton, and the slightly lower part count, and the slightly smaller powertrain, and the decreased crew-capacity (3 instead of 4) it flies just as well, and is just as stable. The Abalone is so stable in fact, that it can fly with only half of its tail

Like this...


The Abalone is slightly less suited for Search and Rescue, but it makes a better luxury transport. It can land on water without too much trouble or damage thanks to the double tail and single part wings, but don't expect it to get airborne again. The high visibility cockpit on the front affords gorgeous vistas. 


Caution should be used when taking off. The double tail configuration is BadS but fragile

As always, requests are welcome!

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
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The Skymauler is the pinnacle of stunt-fighter technology. Simple, light, fast, and stable, the Skymauler is a god of the skies. It doesn't have much in the way of range, but it more than makes up for it in maneuverability and blistering speed. With its dual-canards, and afterburning engine, the Skymauler is very close to the sexiest thing the Foundry works has put in the sky. 

Oh, and something else. It won't stall. It refuses to. You can try; you can spin it in circles, and upside down, and crank on the pitch but it will not stall. We tried. We really, really tried. Nothing. This beauty won't let you down. Unless you want it to stall. Then you're going to have a bad time. 


The Skymauler has an operational ceiling. We're just not sure where it is. 


Look at those lines! Not only do the lower wing and frontal canards make the Skymauler look gorgeous, they contribute massively to its maneuverability. 

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
Added italics for emphasis (and lulz).
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Have you ever wanted to fly a passenger plane that was actually stable, and wasn't made from a hundred and fifty wing parts? Have you ever wished that the same passenger plane had far too much power, and more than enough fuel to abuse that power and had six wings instead of just two? Even if you haven't wished even a single one of those things, the TK-909 Zeus is just what you need! It's stable, simple, and has nearly enough power to tear itself a new one. It carries 40 Kerbals, and is equipped with powerful spotlights on the nose for making difficult landings. Its slightly unorthodox wing configuration is perfect for massively unorthodox pilots. If you want a giant plane that maneuvers like it's significantly smaller than it actually is and can reach the north pole (probably) and can also carry enough crew to create a legitimate north pole colony, then you should at the very least look into the Zeus. A basic and wholeheartedly reliable aircraft. 

The Zeus is capable of reaching blistering speeds with it's quad-goliath powercore


When we say slightly unorthodox, we mean slightly unorthodox. The Zeus is both maneuverable and stable, and has a comparatively low part count. Just look at those Aero effects!


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The Flaming Goat Foundry Works has once again leapt to action and developed a reliable rally truck for transporting teams of up to 8 Kerbals. The Dune Runner is lightweight and powerful, and can cross slopes with relative ease. Loading up the crew can be finicky and frustrating, but once you get it running, the Dune Runner is relaxation itself, allowing a cushy ride at speeds in excess of 20 m/s. The Mk. I suffers from some stability issues, but nothing major enough to impede your enjoyment. The Dune Runner is built to jump, though it doesn't always land. 

The Dune Runner Mk I is only the first step on the stairway to rally truck heaven. Stay tuned for updates and upgrades. 



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The Dune Runner Mk II is a lighter, lower, cooler, simpler take on the original. Ditching the truck-ish stylings of the Mk 1 in favor of a rustic buggy look, the Dune Runner Mk II is a real joy to drive. It's far more stable than the Mk 1, has a lower part count, and can tackle even steeper slopes thanks to its low CoM. It's nuclear powered, too, so you don't have to worry about fuel. Ever. The Foundry Works put this beauty through its paces in an unprecedented test run. The Mk II crossed mountains and foothills and highlands with ease, and all without dropping below 10 m/s. (Typical cruising speed on slopes: 16 m/s. Typical cruising speed on flat ground 22 m/s.) The Dune Runner Mk II isn't quite the sturdiest thing, but it's stable and tenacious as a really large pug or perhaps a hammerhead shark


Edited by Ehco Corrallo
Fixed a typographic stutter.
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The Dune Runner Mk III is only a departure from the original formula in a conventional sense. It's more utilitarian, and has ditched the inadvertently aerodynamic hood for a more aesthetically laconic plate of sheet metal. It rides slightly smoother, and is slightly more durable than either of the previous models. The Dune Runner Mk. III is an excellent support vehicle, and is massively capable of long range journeys across Kerbin. Low gravity version not yet available. Paradroppable Edition not yet available. Carries 4 Kerbals, can be modified for larger capacity. 


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  • 2 months later...


The Flaming Goat Foundry Works is happy to announce that research into new wheel technologies has begun, along with the prototyping stage of their latest project: The Golith Superliner, a BigS aircraft for BadS pilots. The Golith Superliner will be the first aircraft in the Foundry Showroom built to be compatible with 1.1. 

The Dune Runner series of rovers will receive an overhaul as well, to bring them into code with the new wheel module. Expect to see a rover dropship at some point in the near future!

As always, requests and comments are appreciated! Here at the Flaming Goat Foundry Works, the customer is always right unless they're wrong!

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
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