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I feel that the locking down of this thread was rather unnecessary, especially that it still works in 1.0.4. (Well, according to what I tested.)

Even though the author no longer "lives", I still feel that Kerbin City should continue being discussed - It's still working and it's a shame to have a great mod closed down because of a necro.

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  Kozak said:
  FireFaced said:
So, I have resigned from HALCO, and thus the military division should no longer be under my control. There are the options of: You take control of it, or RIC closes it.

Close it.

RIC, you have permission to close it. Or the banana guy. (Vanamonde)

Wait, I just realized that it is already closed. Carry on

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Hey mods :) I wanted to see if this was possible to avoid any confusion.

Ive assumed control of a mod (Civilian Population) from forum user Michael_Hester07. (Under the license, and with his blessing, as per PM's in my inbox)

Ive started a new thread here

Old thread is here.

His last post and activity was the one offering up the mod for adoption. Was hoping to see if the old thread could be closed to avoid confusion and make support easier. (He is of course welcome to reopen it at anytime and reassume control :D )

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