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Advanced Cockpit, B737 style IVA cockpit with functional systems


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Hi all,

First time posting here so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place.
Over the past year I've been working on an IVA cockpit for space planes. The interior is modelled after the Boeing 737 and includes some of the function that the real plane has.
(adjusted for the limitation and physics of KSP).

It needs RPM to run and I'd like to thank MOARdv for implementing most of my requests!
All of the custom models you see in the cockpit such as the displays, throttles, yokes, button and switches are all done by personally Alexustas who made the ALCOR mod.
Big thanks to you sir!

This would be the place where I put all the really awesome screen shots of the cockpit in action...


Its features are:

  • Realistic PFD with altitude, airspeed (knots), heading and attitude.
    Also displays/Will display;
    - pitch limit
    - stall speeds/overspeed speeds
    - Flight Director (Roll works, pitch doesn't)
    - Radar altitude
    - Localizer + G/S (early stages)
    - Autopilot mode (when the autopilot is finished)
    - Vertical speed is coming soon.
  • A "functioning" autopilot! Very early stages. (needs Pilot Assistant)
    Which can;
    - Maintain a set heading.
    - Maintain a set altitude/vertical speed.
    - Maintain a set speed.
    - Turn off on its own when the plane is in an uncomfortable position. E.g. When you lose power, stall or experience too many G forces!
    Which will (hopefully);
    - Perform ILS landings
    - Follow a flight plan
    - Follow waypoints
    Can be turned off, or partially turned on so that you can control pitch while the autopilot control heading and speed.
    Also comes with CWS! which is the B737s equivalent of SAS!
  • Flaps and Spoilers! (needs FAR)
  • GPWS that uses real world alarms for real world reason. (basically I spent way too long working on this)
    - Will warn you if you are descending too quickly (SINK RATE)
    - Will warn if the ground seems to be rising faster than you are (TERRAIN TERRAIN)
    - Will warn if you are too close to the ground but not in landing configuration (TOO LOW TERRAIN/GEAR/FLAPS)
    - Will warn if you bank to much (BANK ANGLE)
    - Will warn if you lose altitude after take-off (DONT SINK)
    - Will give you altitude callouts and warn when you are reaching your minimums.
    - Warns you when you descend below glide slope (GLIDE SLOPE)
    - And switches to turn the alarms off if you fancy some aerobatics!
  • Some automatic systems that make landing easier;
    - Auto-brakes (brakes are turned on when the plane hits the ground with gear down and thrust at idle or reverse)
    - Auto-spoilers (same as above but with the spoilers)
  • A radio. Currently only 3 channels, serves no purpose except for listening to it (will add more channels in future)
  • Lots of buttons, switches and levers that do useful stuff!

Windows 10 allows you to record game play! So I have put some testing clips on youtube;

Test of GPWS - https://youtu.be/kdxZZipxh0o
"Successful" landing attempt - https://youtu.be/gQvCmVi98GY
Super High Tech Radio - https://youtu.be/Fnq0DD7Cz54
Using the autopilot - https://youtu.be/_YHyhlosrw0
Landing with autopilot - https://youtu.be/5dzBMHgx9go


"Successful Landing Attempt"

ILS Landing

It's not finished yet and still has lots of issues but I just wanted other peoples opinions on it.

Are you interested? Have suggestions? Let me know what you think!

Edited by DeputyLOL
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This is beautiful. Really good job, especially for something that isn't finished yet!

I'd be more than happy to test it for you.

A suggestion: ten switches/buttons to control action groups, and a request: two switches on the overhead panel for 'seatbelts' and 'no smoking'. :-)

Edited by Kyrian
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Oh man, I've been waiting for something like this for AGES.  This is looking freaking awesome! When this finally gets finished up, maybe with your experience making this cockpit, you could make a Mk.1 version for something like a fighter, or something more flexible like a Cessna cockpit.

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  On 1/15/2016 at 6:16 PM, Monkthespy said:

Oh man, I've been waiting for something like this for AGES.  This is looking freaking awesome! When this finally gets finished up, maybe with your experience making this cockpit, you could make a Mk.1 version for something like a fighter, or something more flexible like a Cessna cockpit.


Cessna/Piper cockpits would be magnificent, along with a Twin Otter and something big like an A350 possibly.

But that's for another time. I'm excited for this one!

Also, question: if you have PilotAssistant installed as mentioned in the OP, does the master autopilot switch and all the little knobs work like in the real thing?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

@DeputyLOL, perhaps you should have made an explicit link to your new B737 IVA topic (the one in your signature), updated the original post with reference to the new topic, and asked the moderators to lock this one.  Here's the new topic.


Edited by Jacke
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  On 8/3/2016 at 3:03 PM, Jacke said:

@DeputyLOL, perhaps you should have made an explicit link to your new B737 IVA topic (the one in your signature), updated the original post with reference to the new topic, and asked the moderators to lock this one.  Here's the new topic.




Thanks but I don't think you looked hard enough... Look at the first thing in the original post...... :P


But, thank you for the suggestion of locking this post! This is my first mod so I have no idea what I'm doing.

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