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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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- When Margaret Hamilton is your idea of a "pin-up girl". The code monkey, not the actress.

- When you're spending money on "necessities" like Curtas and sextants.

- When you correct people who pronounce it "Gemi-neye" instead of "Gemi-nee".

- When the high point of your month is the arrival of your loot- crate.

- When the only channels you have marked as favorites all show documentaries.

- When you cite game theory during a football game.

- You know it's time to buy a new pair of shoes when your friends tell you, and the new shoes look just like the old ones...

(some of these may or may not apply to me...)


Edited by GoSlash27
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You know you're a nerd when you: (The following is the sequence of events that occurred in the past few minutes)

1. download a barometer app on your phone
2. look at it for a minute
3. Google conversions to atm
4. "Cool." "..." *light bulb*
5. Put it on the floor for a few seconds
6. Get REALLY excited when the pressure goes up by 0.1 mbars! SCIENCE!!!
(7. (what I'm about to do) Go upstairs and measure the difference, then put it next to an AC vent and see what happens)

0.1 mbars!!!!! That's like, uh, well...ENOUGH TO MEASURE!!! I wonder if I can calculate Earth's atmospheric height based on the assumption that pressure goes down exponentially with altitude, and with measurements taken on different levels in my house.

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you know ... when someone targeted your gpu and attempted to modify the voltage setting ...

you know when ... oh no not this again ...

you know when you posted in the "i think i found the internet sewer" thread

you know when you think snowden is a disney movies licensed by ru tube and edited by HK movie.

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  On 2/22/2016 at 1:17 AM, cubinator said:

You know you're a nerd when you: (The following is the sequence of events that occurred in the past few minutes)

1. download a barometer app on your phone
2. look at it for a minute
3. Google conversions to atm
4. "Cool." "..." *light bulb*
5. Put it on the floor for a few seconds
6. Get REALLY excited when the pressure goes up by 0.1 mbars! SCIENCE!!!
(7. (what I'm about to do) Go upstairs and measure the difference, then put it next to an AC vent and see what happens)

0.1 mbars!!!!! That's like, uh, well...ENOUGH TO MEASURE!!! I wonder if I can calculate Earth's atmospheric height based on the assumption that pressure goes down exponentially with altitude, and with measurements taken on different levels in my house.


Ok, I've finished my SCIENCE!!! Here are my results (Pressures are in mbars, altitudes are in steps, a unit of height which is equal to about 0.185 m and which I happen to have a bunch of in my house that are easy to measure):

Pressure (mbar) at Various Altitudes (Steps)

0 Steps

1021.9 mbar
1 1021.9
2 1021.9
3 1021.8
4 1021.8
5 1021.8
6 1021.7
7 1021.7
8 1021.7
9 1021.7
10 1021.6
11 1021.6
12 1021.6
13 1021.6
14 1021.6
15 1021.5
16 1021.5
17 1021.4
18 1021.4
19 1021.4
20 1021.3





Gah, these tables are hard to work with! Anyways, I plotted this data into a scatter plot on my calculator, then told it to find the best exponential curve to fit that data set. The equation was: y = 1021.920684 * .9999722403x

I am close enough to sea level that that distance is negligible (300 m) so I did not account for it. The fun lies in assuming you know nothing at the start, and doing all your measurements from scratch. The curve indicates that at an altitude of 587437.7 Steps, the pressure should be 0.00084574 mbar. This is essentially a vacuum. 587437.7 Steps is equal to 108.675 km. That's pretty darn accurate, don't you think? SCIENCE!!! YAY! :cool:

Edited by cubinator
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  On 2/23/2016 at 1:22 AM, Just Jim said:

You know your a nerd when you first grimace, then run in absolute panic, from a room full of people watching "reality" television...  :0.0:

(this is so me...)


I have a special dark place in my heart for reality TV. It's crowded out nearly all of the shows that are actually interesting :(


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  On 2/23/2016 at 1:22 AM, Just Jim said:

You know your a nerd when you first grimace, then run in absolute panic, from a room full of people watching "reality" television...  :0.0:

(this is so me...)


When the shows you actually pay attention to include NOVA, Mythbusters, Doctor Who and not much more. I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that Mythbusters is ending soon yet...

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...when you have the "what would you like for birthday/christmas/anniversary?" conversation and your other half says "NO WAY NOT IN MY HOUSE!" to every single thing you can think of.

Ok that might not be conclusive evidence of nerdiness but its definitely a symptom.

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  On 2/23/2016 at 12:47 PM, p1t1o said:

Ok that might not be conclusive evidence of nerdiness but its definitely a symptom.


If the things you might want just for fun include sextants, a tank of liquid nitrogen, bigger twisty puzzles, bigger telescopes, drones, robots, rockets, or weather balloons, you are a nerd.

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when you know kim peek brain and this is the same:

A MetaSearch Engine is a type of search tool that will allow a user to conduct a search across 2 or more search engines and directories in one step. These tools do not index sites and compile their own databases; instead they are programmed to search across many of the top search tools simultaneously.  MetaSearches provide a quick way of finding out which engines are retrieving the best results for you in your search.

when you don't like people that blame kim peek for no reason ... because that guy asked for nothing at first ...

when you know exchange market is a joke ... also ...

when you mostly camp the subforum ... because reasons ...

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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You know your a nerd when you regularly wake up in the morning and think something like this:

"Here I am as this particular person in this particular scenario at this particular time out of the infinity of possibilities and I have no idea why.  I am just percieving a bunch of stuff and remembering a bunch of stuff that I can't confirm to be real, I don't even know what consciousness is.  I don't even know why anything should exist at all.  I literally know nothing."

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you joke about real-life applications of Schrödinger's Cat (which can be made literally all the time) whenever the opportunity arises...

...If I can't see anything behind me, do those things really exist? Does the universe simple not render things that no one can observe? Maybe that's why the framerate is so good...

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  On 2/22/2016 at 1:35 AM, mikeman7918 said:

You know you are a nerd when you stalk space probes online.


Glad I'm not the only one. 

My proper Nergasm moment was getting a like from New Horizons on Facebook when I replied to someone's question with an explanation based on stuff I'd learned from KSP.  :)

  On 2/21/2016 at 7:08 PM, GoSlash27 said:

- When Margaret Hamilton is your idea of a "pin-up girl". The code monkey, not the actress.


It's Carolyn Porco for me.

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