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You Know You're A Nerd When:


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when you don't read chineese but you feel it:

someone ask APP用银联充钱进钱包秒到 但是用银联购买游戏会卡 这一定是G胖的阴谋每次都要多充钱

then you "randomly" (more or less way to say) pick up caracter, reorder them, copy pasting in google translate (not looking at the translation)

once you "feel" the answer is done, you check the translation without checking the question and publish the answer


then you check the question, and you can either cry or laugh because accurate somehow

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

You know you're a nerd when your biology teacher has to ask you to stop answering his questions so the rest of the class can have time to think about them...

the same to me:

You know you are a nerd when your Biology, Math, English, and Geography tell you to be silent so that everyone can participate.

You know you are a nerd when you see an ad of something you like and then do not stop investigating about the topic, for me its space, motor and computers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know you're a nerd when you physically try to put down your speedcube before going to a different room and your hand doesn't let go when you put it on the table. This happened to me just now, and I just couldn't not post it here.

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when ibrahim = simon(simeon) = pierre = petros = more oh great ...

when serious headache

( when the void is in the rock ) oh rlly ? (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aïd_al-Adha#Rites_et_traditions_islamiques & https://vimeo.com/1166968)

when " En souvenir , de cette soumission totale d'Ibrahim à son Dieu " = "the rock can't be without the void" or alike

when you don't give an avogadro a boot it

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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I have the following in my man cave....

Breadboards (the electronic kind)...

Tons of resistors, caps and chips...

20 computers, all working, and various laptops...

Seriously, I used to be a computer tech before I retired thanks to the MS and stuff...

but worst of all...

the first IBM I owned had a CPU speed of 4.7Mhz and that was considered FAST.... (jumpers on the MoBo) ... Mono Video card... MFM 10 Meg HDD... and no floppy drive, it was a cassette interface.... (sneeze and the MFM would be wiped...)

YES.... I am proudly proclaiming I am a Nerd, first class!

BTW.... one of the first IBM virus authors was a Kiwi, and I knew him!!!

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hah, there first Apple that I owned was 4 Mhz and came with 64kb of memory, no HDD, a 5.25 inch floppy drive, a black and white monitor. It had an instruction set of 64 that literally could be programmed in hexadecimal (faster than assembly language). The first 'internet' connection was 2.4 kbaud and required a VT100 terminal emulation mode. My first chat room as sci.aquaria on the usenet, you had to read practically all the messages on the usenet to see what was in your group. My first build was a 386-DX2-40 built in 1990 it had 64 mbytes of ram (yes, 64) since then I have built about 30 pc's mostly for work. I tend to recycle parts but keep connectors, no space for dead computers.

First computer was with punch cards. Music was the system for creating code, fortran. PCs were just starting to come out of the box, pretty much a novelty at the time.

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When you feel uncomfortable putting exclamation points after numbers to indicate excitement. 1! and 2! are fine, but anything larger than that...how to do it? This also applies to punctuation in general, it feels weird putting a period after 1.1.3, but it feels weirder if I don't and then have to start a new sentence!

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54 minutes ago, cubinator said:

When you feel uncomfortable putting exclamation points after numbers to indicate excitement. 1! and 2! are fine, but anything larger than that...how to do it? This also applies to punctuation in general, it feels weird putting a period after 1.1.3, but it feels weirder if I don't and then have to start a new sentence!

I thinks that OCD.

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On 6/27/2016 at 4:14 PM, kiwi1960 said:

I have the following in my man cave....

Breadboards (the electronic kind)...

Tons of resistors, caps and chips...

20 computers, all working, and various laptops...

Seriously, I used to be a computer tech before I retired thanks to the MS and stuff...

but worst of all...

the first IBM I owned had a CPU speed of 4.7Mhz and that was considered FAST.... (jumpers on the MoBo) ... Mono Video card... MFM 10 Meg HDD... and no floppy drive, it was a cassette interface.... (sneeze and the MFM would be wiped...)

YES.... I am proudly proclaiming I am a Nerd, first class!

BTW.... one of the first IBM virus authors was a Kiwi, and I knew him!!!

Similar story here. 3 years of vocational electronics classes, plus the fact I was an avid hobbyist as well. Couple that with the fact I still have a Commodore C64 and it's floppy drive, a well as my old Amiga 1000 (68000-series CPU clocked at 8MHz, 3.5MB RAM, and an external 100MB SCSI drive).

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i guess that's a collector sort of xDr




@cubinator because tricky copypast quoting

On 05/07/2016 at 4:32 AM, cubinator said:

When I'm asked "what's up?", I am prone to this situation:


Instead of trying to come up with a real answer, I say "nitrogen, mostly". :P It's not untrue!

so you use a sell fun and your not interested in orbital mechanics ? mmmmkay ..... xDr human .... are they even serious ... on the others hands they seem to like cells phones ... weird ...

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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