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KSP/Squad, any activity?


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And all the frequent individual posts from Squad developers here in the forums, responding to individual players' questions and comments, indicating that the devs are not only working full-steam ahead (no pun intended) on the next release, but are also taking the time to actively listen and respond to their users on a daily basis...

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Maybe put some life back into their site then?

Who are the devs here then, I don't see any in the member info column, so how do I know if I'm talking to a 13 year old in a basement or to a Dev?

Edited by Jimbodiah
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7 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Maybe put some life back into their site then?

What are you talking about?  "Their site"?  Who do you think runs this website, NASA?  This site is teeming with life, there are multiple posts here every day, there's a dedicated "Daily Kerbal" forum that has updates from Squad every single day.  What more do you want?

7 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Who are the devs then, I don't see any in the member info column, so how do I know if I'm talking to a 13 year old in a basement or to a Dev?

The way you tell is that under the poster's name, instead of saying "Members" like it does for you or me, it says "SQUAD staff" in bright orange.  Here's an example.

They tend to post when a technical question comes up in their area of ownership, where the community isn't already answering the question for them.  Thus, for example, NathanKell shows up quite a lot in discussions of heat mechanics, aerodynamics, that sort of thing.  RoverDude in discussions about mining, ISRU, or the science lab.  Arsonide for contracts.  Porkjet for spaceplane parts.


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Snark: "Forum" is not "Site". Check the normal site, it announces 1.0 as just released. If I check under announcements here on the forum there is not much activity and the devblogs list some kind of x-mas poster give-away, so no activity there for the last month. RoverDude and Nathan are official Squad employees? Don;t get me wrong, but forum moderators does not mean Squad the company to me. A lot of game forums are run by volunteers/players that have nothing to do with the game itself.

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You can check the Daily Kerbal subforum to check out the dev Dev-Note Tuesday's for information about what's going on.

Every week there is an update, and each day something special like modding Mondays or squad cast on thursday.

Edited by Jr6150x
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11 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Snark: "Forum" is not "Site". Check the normal site, it announces 1.0 as just released. If I check under announcements here on the forum there is not much activity and the devblogs list some kind of x-mas poster give-away, so no activity there for the last month. RoverDude and Nathan are official Squad employees? Don;t get me wrong, but forum moderators does not mean Squad the company to me. A lot of game forums are run by volunteers/players that have nothing to do with the game itself.

  • The forum is directly accessible from the kerbalspaceprogram.com landing page. If that is not an indication that this is the “official” forum and not some fansite, then I don’t know what is.
  • Going from said landing page to the forum leads you to the forum main page. The very first category of posts says “Announcements” and has the subtitle News and general ramblings from the KSP Team
  • The second category of posts says “The Daily Kerbal” and has as subtitle “Daily updates from Squad about the Kerbal universe
  • While it is arguable that “from the KSP Team” does not necessarily means “Squad,” I’d like to see the reasoning why at this point “Squad” would not be “Squad?”
  • Postings in Announcements are either made by “Squad” or by people who are tagged with Squad Staff.
  • All posts in The Daily Kerbal are made by “Squad”

With this in mind:

  1. Where would one get the impression that this is not the official site, but an independent fan site? How much further does Squad need to go to make this the “official” site, aside from linking to it straight from the landing page of the KSP website and referring to it as “our forum?”
  2. Why would, on the official KSP site, people listed as “Squad” and “Squad Staff” not be Squad employees or representatives, but 13 year old script kiddies in their moms basement? Mind you, this site clearly distinguishes between “moderators” and “staff” and we’re talking about staff, not moderators.
  3. The Daily Kerbal is updated... well, mostly daily (except for the weekends). How is that “not much activity?”
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On the main KSP home page, if you scroll down a ways, all the dev notes, news about 1.0.5 and upcoming 1.1, Twitter and Facebook updates, etc. are linked there. As long as you remember to scroll down, even a cursory glance at that page will tell you KSP is still under active development.

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Look I think you are not getting what I mean with "site". I mean site as in the static www content you get when you go to KSP, the page that has the 1.0 announcement. The forum is official, I did not say that, but as a lot of official game forums are not run by the actual devs,

As per your point 2: As I spent a lot of time on other game forums where mods were just regular users that had been there for a long time and got appointed to official status without being employed etc. Hence "Squad Staff" could just be joe-schmoe who is a cool guy and got appointed that title to keep some order on the forums in his free time.

As per 3. I don't come there as when I did there was not much to see and just the same people chatting over some coffee as all the other topics.

Apparently I stepped on some toes of Squad groupies... I will refrain from posting here in the future. It's not my business that their site (not forum dangit!) is outdated and gives the impression the game is getting stale. And I won't even go to asking about any info regarding 1.1, as that is a banning offense for some reason.

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5 minutes ago, rocketbuilder said:

And on the website, click community and scroll to the bottom.

BANG! The Daily Kerbal.

And when one scrolls a bit further down on the main page.. KSP NEWS (most recent entry: January 13, 2016). Bazinga!

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59 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:


Maybe put some life back into their site then?

Who are the devs here then, I don't see any in the member info column, so how do I know if I'm talking to a 13 year old in a basement or to a Dev?

How did you get in my basement!?

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1 hour ago, Kerbart said:

Postings in Announcements are either made by “Squad” or by people who are tagged with Squad Staff.

By the way Squad Staff does indicate Squad employees,  Volunteer moderators have moderator under their name like this.

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