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Silly question is it cheating to use user made .craft ships?


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8 hours ago, Cloakedwand72 said:

Silly question is it cheating to use user made .craft ships?Just curious.Ps i have safely docked with out Mechjeb sense 2012.

Are you a user? Do you make ships and press "save"? If yes to both these questions, then you have a user-made .craft file. This does sound like a silly question.

Or was this just trolling?

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Silly question indeed. As any question starting with "is it cheating" when it comes to KSP. This isn't a competitive game, so there is no cheating, apart from cheating yourself out of doing stuff without whatever you're using. Just play the game, and stop worrying what other people think is the "right" way to play. Wanna use craft files? Fine, go ahead. Wanna use mechjeb? Cool, go on. Wanna use the ALT+F12 Menu? OK, do it. Whatever it is, just DO IT. Do you feel something is cheaty? Well, then let it be if it makes you feel better to not do it. And that's the only reasonable answer to give to any "Is that cheating" question in KSP. Period.

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1 hour ago, r4pt0r said:

Stop spreading that falsehood. The PS2 era and newer GTA games were all single player and had dozens of cheats in each game. Modifying values to give your Skyrim character a 50000 damage bow is cheating. Enabling no-clip or godmode in the Half-life games is cheating. 

Yes you can cheat in a single player game. Stop trying to justify things by saying its not cheating because its a singleplayer game.



Edit: and yes, I have done the above things before, but that doesn't mean I'm going to say "m-me, cheating? no, never" I was just screwing around a bit, having some fun. Still cheating.

I never have and never will apologise for telling the truth.
To cheat would be to gain an unfair advantage over another. In a single player game changing whatever game parameter can not ever be cheating since there is no other player. PERIOD!
Unless of course when you ARE competing with another player through challenges, high scores, achievements or whatever.

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"Cheating" is relative to what other players who play the same game consider cheating.

Ie. Screen watching during split screen games could be considered cheating to one group of players, while being perfectly acceptable to another group. In single player games it could be something as simple as putting on -noclip, any one else who played the game will consider you a cheater for using -noclip to get through the game...unless they did as well.

Whether something is cheating or not in a single player game is largely dictated by the community of people you personally know who play it, or by forum members if you are a forum goer. If the majority of people think it is cheating then it pretty much is for all intents and purposes... whether you care or not is a different matter.

Basically you can cheat in a single player game but only in a relative manner to how the majority play the game.

That said, if you live alone in a box, in a cave, under a rock, on the moon and you never talk to anyone about KSP or go to the forums then yes, it is impossible for you to cheat since you exist in a vacuum with nothing to compare yourself to.


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If a tree falls in the forest but nobody was there to hear it - did it make a sound?

If a cheat cheats in the privacy of his own game - is it cheating?

Yes, technically you can cheat in a single player game but then you get into the vexed question of 'what is cheating'? Even KSP includes a bunch of options that are nominally cheating (infinite fuel etc.) but they're all easily accessible, indeed designed to be accessed from within the game. Is it 'cheating' to just use the tools you're provided with?

We could argue about that all day and that's without getting into the perennial Mechjeb arguments. At the end of the day, Tex_NL's point still stands - however you define cheating, in a single player game, the only person you're cheating is yourself.

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2 hours ago, Tex_NL said:

I never have and never will apologise for telling the truth.
To cheat would be to gain an unfair advantage over another. In a single player game changing whatever game parameter can not ever be cheating since there is no other player. PERIOD!
Unless of course when you ARE competing with another player through challenges, high scores, achievements or whatever.

In a way, you are competing vs the creator of the game. Game is made with certain design, with goals and obstacles. Achieving those goals and overcoming those obstacles is intended way for a game to be played. If you modify the game rules in a way that were not intended by game designer, you are cheating. Yes, I've been called "pedantic autistic" before. :)

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12 hours ago, Cloakedwand72 said:

Silly question is it cheating to use user made .craft ships?Just curious.Ps i have safely docked with out Mechjeb sense 2012.

a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
You should have used this word
 Since= in the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present.


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6 hours ago, Tex_NL said:

I never have and never will apologise for telling the truth.
To cheat would be to gain an unfair advantage over another. In a single player game changing whatever game parameter can not ever be cheating since there is no other player. PERIOD!
Unless of course when you ARE competing with another player through challenges, high scores, achievements or whatever.

I never asked you to apologize, I asked you to stop "spreading that falsehood". That is to say, stop lying.

In a single player game changing any gameplay parameters is obviously cheating. you are acting outside of the normal rules of the game in order to get an advantage of some sort.

You are cheating the rules of the game itself.

For example, KSP has rules on fuel use. using an engine burns fuel. Using Infinite fuel for testing things is fine, but don't say that it isn't cheating due to some perceived technicality. it is and that's fine, no one cares, go ahead and test.

But dont try to deny it.

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I think what the OP actually asked was whether it was cheating to use .craft made by other users. Setting aside the eternal question of whether cheating does or doesn't exist (...and seriously, isn't there another thread for that question? Oh, they're all locked. Never mind.), does anyone who believes in the existence of cheating actually think that downloading and using someone else's .craft constitutes a cheat?

My opinion: I do believe that it is possible to cheat in this game.I do not believe that using someone else's .craft is cheating.

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14 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Don't do that. If you think a thread needs moderator attention just hit the report button, it is not appropriate to call it out publicly like this. Refer to Rule 3.2. The thread isn't breaking any forum rules (so far at least), and we're not generally in the business of preemptive locking so it will stay open for now.

As for the OP's question: Play how you like and don't worry if other people think it's cheating. The only cheating in KSP is if you cheat yourself out of enjoyment of the game, if you like playing with other people's craft then by all means go ahead and have fun with it.

The ugliness comes from responses to his insistence that everyone should use MechJeb when they've just said they choose to play without it.


Using.craft files is fine! They won't get you anything you couldn't get already, since the parts need to be unlocked first. You're skipping a great part of the game if you never design your own vehicles, but maybe you'd rather just fly them. So go for it.

Edited by Tfin
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19 hours ago, OrtwinS said:

You must do everything by yourself, by hand, without the aid of any calculator (use pen and paper! just like the TRUE rocket scientists did back in the 40's!).

Ahh.. youngsters today.. *sigh*

What makes you think they didn't use calculators? Of course they did! But back then, calculators actually required a functional brain to make use of them.. they were called 'slide rules', and every rocket scientist and engineer carried one.

This is Wernher von Braun's slide rule. (it seems to have lost its' sliding cursor, though):



And this one was carried on-board Apollo 13:



Back in high school, I owned 3 slide rules.. but the invention of the pocket calculator in the early 70s virtually killed off the slide rule in just a few short years. They are still manufactured today though, and can be found online. See if you can get one, and learn how to use it. (There are even slide rule apps available for your phone)  :)

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We need a slide rule mod for KSP. Have a KER style button that toggles an onscreen slide rule window that you can slide around with the mouse to do calculations.

When you upgrade tracking station to T3 the slide rule then changes from a basic one to a K&E 20" Log-log Duplex Decitrig model.

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