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2 mod that need to be added at Default game

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1 hour ago, Kerbal101 said:

In 1967, Komarov had tried to manually rotate the Soyuz-1 so that the solar panel faces Sun. Unfortunately, due to uncontrolled rotation, late stabilization and unknown reason for primary chute to malfunction (plasma? too early deployment?) he crashed at 40m/s. The outcome is known.

Actually Komarov's capsule was molten by the time it landed so Vladmir probably baked to death. But the Soviets covered that up, not wanting to make the disaster sound more horrific. 

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8 hours ago, Workable Goblin said:

Sure it has. It just wasn't the Americans doing it, but rather the Soviets. In fact, the first Soviet docking in space, of Kosmos 186 and 188, was fully automated, and that was in 1967.

There's a couple of reasons for this, overall. At first, it was just because Soviet designers had a habit of treating cosmonauts as passengers in their spacecraft, rather than full participants as they were in the American system, so they naturally designed their spacecraft to accomplish their goals whether or not they happened to have crew in them whereas American designers treated the crew as an important control system in their own right and gave them an important role in operating the spacecraft. Later on, while NASA was preoccupied building its Space Shuttle (which, I might note, docked with absolutely nothing until 1995), the Soviets were building and operating a series of space stations for which autonomous rendezvous and docking was very useful to deliver supplies and, later, station modules (as to Salyut 6, Salyut 7, and Mir). Combined with, again, the American tendency to rely on crew members to perform important tasks and the Soviet tendency to rely on automatic systems, and the former never really bothered with developing automated docking techniques. Most of the research in that area that was performed in the United States was probably for the military, for ASAT systems, or for Mars sample return missions, where capture of a sample capsule in Mars orbit has long been critical to the most popular mission architectures.

Lately, the United States has been spending more attention on these types of techniques, but on the whole fully automated rendezvous and docking has been more of a Soviet and later Russian speciality.

Personally, I like MechJeb. It lets me focus on the part of the game I find fun--designing rockets and managing space programs--without having to be quite so bothered with the part I don't find so fun--flying the rockets.

Well, I stand corrected.  But my point was more that there was more than 1 manned control in all of space travel history, and that is correct ;)

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2 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

@seyss I would say mechjeb over ker. Why? Well tbh the autopilot. There is afaik nothing ker can offer that mechjeb cant. Add to that custom windows AND autopilot, it just can NOT be beat. Mechjeb proud since .21!

I agree with you that MJ is a VERY nice and useful mod. I've already told it twice on the MJ topic. It's a great piece of software, probably much more complexe than most of other mods.

But even if I use MJ often (strangely I don't use the same features in 1.0.x, I used in beta 0.9) it changes the gameplay quite a lot. You can do the same with or without MJ, but skills and gameplay aren't the same.

The only MJ part I would really see in stock KSP is the node editor, even if Precise Node mod is more user friendly. The stock maneuver node is very hard to handle. Also, there are few drag data that KER lacks, (I think)

Integrating mods into the game should improve or expand the gameplay, not changing it.

  • Adding ores in 1.0 expanded the gameplay
  • Adding sat network in 1.1 will expand the gameplay
  • Adding KAC like fieature would improve gameplay
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41 minutes ago, Warzouz said:

The only MJ part I would really see in stock KSP is the node editor

I wouldn't mind the advanced transfer function's porkchop tool either. I know I can just fire up my browser launch, the transfer planner, find my window and aim manually for the ejection angle.. but it's so lovely to have ingame.

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2 hours ago, Evanitis said:

I wouldn't mind the advanced transfer function's porkchop tool either. I know I can just fire up my browser launch, the transfer planner, find my window and aim manually for the ejection angle.. but it's so lovely to have ingame.

Yes that's true. It's very hard for a new player to handle transfer window (I've been trough less than a year ago). The MJ display is much too complexe. That should be set by some display in the trascking station. Transfer window could be displayed like a planning and some kind of quality. dV is not really needed (you can get it by simulating it with a probe in orbit), only dates of departure from LKO.

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3 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

@seyss I would say mechjeb over ker. Why? Well tbh the autopilot. There is afaik nothing ker can offer that mechjeb cant. Add to that custom windows AND autopilot, it just can NOT be beat. Mechjeb proud since .21!

You know how the devs feel about number on-screen. They try to minimize that stuff for the casual players, so i think lots of info rich windows is a big no-no. Even if you can customize and close them...the devs fear for new players being overwhelmed and running away:kiss:

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47 minutes ago, Blaarkies said:

You know how the devs feel about number on-screen. They try to minimize that stuff for the casual players, so i think lots of info rich windows is a big no-no. Even if you can customize and close them...the devs fear for new players being overwhelmed and running away:kiss:

Simple solution: make the numbers only available in the full version. The new players can run away as much as they want _after_ they have paid...

Edited by cfds
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1 hour ago, cfds said:

Simple solution: make the numbers only available in the full version. The new players can run away as much as they want _after_ they have paid...

True that. I feel most of this stuff should at least be an advanced option that you can tick in options menu...if we want it bad enough, we can just activate it with a few clicks. New players wont see too many number and can thus play the "MOAR BOOSTERS!" way, which admittedly was fun:D

Stuff like KER/KAC are all in the game(I usually counted the mass of stages quickly to figure out TWR, very inaccurately but still better than flying blind). So if it can be calculated, and wants to be automated then it should be stock. Even stuff like terminal velocity and suicide burn time can be calculated with info already given...its just a lot to do on-the-spot

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