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[1.12.x] Kerbal Atomics: fancy nuclear engines! (August 18, 2024)


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Those mechanics are not part of Kerbal Atomics, they are part of system heat, you have to install both SH and an optional patch for it. I really have to enforce things being in the correct thread because otherwise content will be lost and users will be confused.

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Okay... but I have to admit, that this might be obvious for you as the designer, but not for me. Since e.g. I had (KA temporarilly uninstalled) both mods installed synchronously, i hardly can see ingame the deviding line between both in terms of their part behavior, when playing around with those very very cool reactor driven engines. So please don't be mad on us.  We might not always know which mods changes the behavior of another great NF Mod, since one doesn't know what changes, if one installs them all at once with all extras. :-)

but you are right. Topics should be discussed seperately - but accidental misplacing might happen. So sorry for that. :-)

Edited by Rakete
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  On 7/4/2021 at 6:40 PM, Rakete said:

Okay... but I have to admit, that this might be obvious for you as the designer, but not for me. Since e.g. I had (KA temporarilly uninstalled) both mods installed synchronously, i hardly can see ingame the deviding line between both in terms of their part behavior, when playing around with those very very cool reactor driven engines. So please don't be mad on us.  We might not always know which mods changes the behavior of another great NF Mod, since one doesn't know what changes, if one installs them all at once with all extras. :-)

but you are right. Topics should be discussed seperately - but accidental misplacing might happen. So sorry for that. :-)


I mean that is entirely on you, as a mod user it is YOUR responsibility to know what you are installing and how extra interaction patches change things, you can look in those module manager patches and see exactly what they do, you can read the forum threads to understand what does what. It's your own fault if you are just going and installing all the things with out checking out what they do and what is going on. There is a reason the extra patches are separate and have to be installed independently, they are for "advanced" users and if you use them it is expected that you know what they are doing and what consequences they have.

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  On 7/4/2021 at 7:21 PM, Akira_R said:

I mean that is entirely on you, as a mod user it is YOUR responsibility to know what you are installing and how extra interaction patches change things, you can look in those module manager patches and see exactly what they do, you can read the forum threads to understand what does what. It's your own fault if you are just going and installing all the things with out checking out what they do and what is going on. There is a reason the extra patches are separate and have to be installed independently, they are for "advanced" users and if you use them it is expected that you know what they are doing and what consequences they have.


Sigh... why did I write, don't be mad on me. The configs set values and stuff. But you should know, that reading someone elses code is tough. If you always get the things always completely right, good for you. But not every one gets every line of code right. Sorry for making mistake... sigh...

I said sorry for misplacing a comment. Not enough? Sometimes I forget how unforgiving a forum can be... :-/

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  On 7/4/2021 at 7:28 PM, Rakete said:

Sigh... why did I write, don't be mad on me. The configs set values and stuff. But you should know, that reading someone elses code is tough. If you always get the things always completely right, good for you. But not every one gets every line of code right. Sorry for making mistake... sigh...

I said sorry for misplacing a comment. Not enough? Sometimes I forget how unforgiving a forum can be... :-/


Well... no need to get stressed. If things go in the wrong place I will 100% forget and miss them. I was just letting you and coyotesfrontier where comments should go on that content!

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  On 7/4/2021 at 7:28 PM, Rakete said:

Sigh... why did I write, don't be mad on me. The configs set values and stuff. But you should know, that reading someone elses code is tough. If you always get the things always completely right, good for you. But not every one gets every line of code right. Sorry for making mistake... sigh...

I said sorry for misplacing a comment. Not enough? Sometimes I forget how unforgiving a forum can be... :-/


Sorry mate, I'm just a crochety old hat whose been around here long enough to have their patience sublimated away by years of "It's not my fault I didn't READ any of the documentation, it's your fault for not making your mods behave how I thought they should!" I tend to get a bit testy and probably a little too defensive of our mod creators, so many highly skilled creators have left because they got burned out by the community support aspect of modding. I still find it a little shocking that Nertea is not only still highly active with all of their mods after all this time but also still  engages with the community at a fairly frequent and high level. Any ways I could have worded my comment a bit better (a bit less aggressive), it's intention was to be a wrap on the knuckles and a reminder to look through all of the documentation before coming to the forum.

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  On 7/12/2021 at 7:08 PM, Akira_R said:

It's not my fault I didn't READ any of the documentation, it's your fault for not making your mods behave how I thought they should!


Please understand, that reading s.o. else's code is difficult, and if you are not used to module manager's config language and the effects certain values in the greater construct of mods that are interacting with each other (like the great NF packages do) have. See, I understand that documentstion need time and eats it away from modding itself. Many KSP mods in general are not very well documented in terms of what each script/patch does with each set parameter. I read all the readmes, but understanding everything for s.o. how does not write mods and patches is sometimes not as easy. I did not say at any point, someone did a fault. I try to ask politely. Not more, not less. I try to help, when I ask if a certain (for me) strange behavior is intended or a bug. I really love especially Nerteas Mods. Sometime mechanics change, old parts from old mechanics remain. That's why I ask. Example: The mechanics to fill uranium changed with the integration patches of system heat. And sometimes asking helps, as we could identify a bug in the localization files. (Not to be discussed here, different NF Mod, just an example)

Another Example: It's hard for a newbee to KSP modding to understand, why e.g. a patch that integrates "only" system heat (at first glance) to NF fission reactors changes the whole the PAW UI and reactor completely even with new reactor features like auto power controll and hibernation, what has nothing to do with the system heat integration at first glance. It's not meant to critisize. I just have to ask, as I don't know the underlying software constructs - how could I? And these things are nowhere to look up in detail. Again, no problem, but then I'll have to ask. I know, perfect documentation eats up much time, that is better invested in programming.

Again, I really appreciate the great work the modders do (think I'm going donate some bucks as soon as I revived my money sending thingy). But if something completely changes unexpectedly and is not documented in a wiki somehow I have only one option: Asking. Please don't missunderstand this as critisism. 

See, I am neither a programmer nor a native english speaker. Sometimes it makes it double as complicated, to get the information I need to use the mods and help finding bugs. Sometimes my not perfect english skills might make me sound unpolite. That is not intended. I'm sorry for that, if that occurs.


In essence: I really appreciate the modder's and especially Nertea's work. I did not mean to make someone angry or annoy some one at any time. But if I ask questions here in the forums, they might help others thst may have the same questions or stumble across the same things. And sometimes the dividing lines between highly integrated mods, that highly synergize, blurr due to cross and side effects for the "simple user", who's is just getting into things and tries to perform a steep learning curve. I will really do my best to ask my questions in the right threads, if I can identify the dividing line between those magnificent highly with each other interconnected mods. I love them

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/11/2021 at 9:04 PM, RhodeWithBrim said:

Not sure if this is intended, but the LOXAugemented mode on all the NTRs have no plume. The nozzle glows and sound plays but there is absolutely no plume. (Waterfall)


If anyone else is trying to get engine plumes to work on nuclear engines in LOXAugmented mode,  Waterfall 0.6.0 broke things I believe since it moved the engineID field inside the throttle controller, so multimode engines no longer have FX effects tied to the main throttle for secondary engine modes.

I believe Nertea is working on a fix for waterfall 0.6+, but in the mean time, downgrading to Waterfall 0.5.0 will fix it!


here's the link to the specific download of waterfall: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/Waterfall/releases/tag/0.5.0

Just replace the waterfall folder in gamedata with this one.

Plumes in both modes are working for me with kerbal atomics, Waterfall 0.5.0 and KSP 1.11.2 , 


P.S. thank you to the mod devs for all the awesome work you put into this mod! These engines are absolutely beautiful

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Kerbal Atomics 1.3.0

  • KSP 1.12
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.18.0
  • Updated CryoTanks to 1.6.1
  • Updated DeployableEngines to 1.3.1
  • Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.2.4
  • NearFutureElectrical NTRs Extra has been removed forever
  • Deconfliction work with SystemHeatFissionEngines, it will now be harder to install both at once and break both mods
  • Waterfall effects updated to support Waterfall 0.6.0
  • New basic LH2, Augmented LH2, gas core, open-cycle gas-core plumes
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Hi, I'm using KA 1.2.1, for now I'm only using the Nuclear Aerospike, I don't know if it's going to happen to other engines, but the waterfall plume only shows when the engine is using LH2 mode, if I swich to LH2Ox the plume doesn't show, also in the WF pannel the effect is there, just isn't working, for example if I throttle the engine the throttle controller doesn't move.

  On 7/21/2021 at 12:10 AM, zagamaph said:

If anyone else is trying to get engine plumes to work on nuclear engines in LOXAugmented mode,  Waterfall 0.6.0 broke things I believe since it moved the engineID field inside the throttle controller, so multimode engines no longer have FX effects tied to the main throttle for secondary engine modes.

I believe Nertea is working on a fix for waterfall 0.6+, but in the mean time, downgrading to Waterfall 0.5.0 will fix it!


here's the link to the specific download of waterfall: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/Waterfall/releases/tag/0.5.0

Just replace the waterfall folder in gamedata with this one.

Plumes in both modes are working for me with kerbal atomics, Waterfall 0.5.0 and KSP 1.11.2 , 


P.S. thank you to the mod devs for all the awesome work you put into this mod! These engines are absolutely beautiful


This is also happening to me

  On 7/23/2021 at 10:50 PM, Nertea said:

Kerbal Atomics 1.3.0

  • KSP 1.12
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.18.0
  • Updated CryoTanks to 1.6.1
  • Updated DeployableEngines to 1.3.1
  • Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.2.4
  • NearFutureElectrical NTRs Extra has been removed forever
  • Deconfliction work with SystemHeatFissionEngines, it will now be harder to install both at once and break both mods
  • Waterfall effects updated to support Waterfall 0.6.0
  • New basic LH2, Augmented LH2, gas core, open-cycle gas-core plumes

Nertea, 1.3.1 works on KSP 1.10.1? So I can fix the issue that's described above.

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  On 7/23/2021 at 10:50 PM, Nertea said:

Kerbal Atomics 1.3.0

  • KSP 1.12
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.18.0
  • Updated CryoTanks to 1.6.1
  • Updated DeployableEngines to 1.3.1
  • Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.2.4
  • NearFutureElectrical NTRs Extra has been removed forever
  • Deconfliction work with SystemHeatFissionEngines, it will now be harder to install both at once and break both mods
  • Waterfall effects updated to support Waterfall 0.6.0
  • New basic LH2, Augmented LH2, gas core, open-cycle gas-core plumes

The nuclear aerospike LOx augmented mode waterfall config isn't updated to match waterfall 0.6.x, engine ID is still in the old place instead of the new one. Can you check that out in the next update.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/9/2021 at 8:27 PM, Nertea said:

KA 1.3.2

  • Updated bundled ModuleManager to 4.2.1
  • Fixed Emancipator side plume scales

Fix confirmed, thanks for the fix in no time!

(Funfact: In german I would say, "Der Fix war fix." meaning, this this fix was fast -- little pun, as fix means also fast in my native language :D)


Someone else wrote today (but I can't find the posting anymore in the forum), that the emancipator's main plume would not work correctly. I can not confirm. For me, all works correctly.


ugly test-rig-screeny for verification:





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  On 8/11/2021 at 5:24 PM, Rakete said:

Someone else wrote today (but I can't find the posting anymore in the forum), that the emancipator's main plume would not work correctly. I can not confirm. For me, all works correctly.


That was me. Forgot I resized the engine with tweakscale. It's easy enough to fix in-game as well with the Waterfall FX editor.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/1/2021 at 6:39 AM, Me.hasOwnProperty isHappy said:

A minor visual bug - the Stubber's heat texture isn't seamless. The others seem to OK

  Reveal hidden contents

Also all engines with extendable nozzle bell (Cryogenic as well) play engage sound when animation starts and ends. Not sure if it is intended to be so, just a bit confusing.


Confirmed for the sound thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to show off something I made with Kerbal Atomic Engines:


40 Deliverance engines and 32 million units of Liquid Hydrogen gets a USI 20m Atlas Factory, Habitat, and Greenhouse, plus all 25 2.5m Kontainers (full), a reactor, all the necessary radiators (even to cool the engines when they are running at low throttle), and the Global Construction  Ground Assembly Line to Minmus in a single stage.  Vessel Mass fully fueled is 5,330 tons, Kerbin TWR is 1.49, total delta-V is 6646, and it has 176 parts.  There's enough delta-V left over that I'm sure I can bring along some Convert-O-Trons and drills to refuel and go just about anywhere else, so this seems to be a great craft for single-stage-to-anywhere-and-build-whatever-else-you-want-when-you-get-there that will end up being the main colony bootstrap lander for my far future generational colony ship.

With that said, 176 parts slows the game down pretty considerably.  I'm going to try to build a smaller version based on the 10m USI Atlas domes.  Also, now that I've proven I can do it with a "safe" engine, I don't mind replacing the Deliverance with some Far Future X-42 Nuclear Salt Water Rockets just to keep the part count down (assuming I don't end up just replacing the extra engines with more radiators).

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