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[1.6.1] RealPlume - Stock [v1.3.1 - 1/14/19] - Better Late than Never Update


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I can't wait to try this tonight!

I have my game modded to the gills and my i5 6600k and GTX970 have a frame rate of about 30FPS with a 150 part craft on the runway WITHOUT Real Plume, when I removed Real plume it jumped up to 40-45.  I have Scatterer SVE SVT etc, so I expect to be hovering in the 40s, but after a retailed regression test of my mod installs I found Real Plume to be the culprit.

I tried just playing without it, but many of the engines I play with (Vens Stock Revamp, the B9 Aerospace Atlas Engine, etc.) just don't have any Engine effects after I remove it.

Why might that be?


14 hours ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

If this helps any, I found copying the RealPlume-Stock and RealPlume / 000_Generic_Plumes contents from my KSP 1.1.3 installation on top of my 1.2.2 installation seems to replace the MODEL_MULTI_SHURIKEN_PERSIST settings with the MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST settings, and not break anything else. I also get a significant frame rate boost, going up from 24 FPS (hitting physics delta limit) to 40 FPS just with four Panthers (and 80+ other parts) on the runway. This is on top of Scatterer and ParaSci Visual Enhancements running and eating GPU time. I can wring out a few more frames by adjusting the stock aero effects setting.

That seems to work as a short-term fix, until improvements are made to the shuriken particle system or the stock configs.


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1 hour ago, mtpatane said:

I can't wait to try this tonight!

I have my game modded to the gills and my i5 6600k and GTX970 have a frame rate of about 30FPS with a 150 part craft on the runway WITHOUT Real Plume, when I removed Real plume it jumped up to 40-45.  I have Scatterer SVE SVT etc, so I expect to be hovering in the 40s, but after a retailed regression test of my mod installs I found Real Plume to be the culprit.

I tried just playing without it, but many of the engines I play with (Vens Stock Revamp, the B9 Aerospace Atlas Engine, etc.) just don't have any Engine effects after I remove it.

Why might that be?



Make sure you removed the RealPlume-Stock folder as well as the RealPlume folder

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16 hours ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

If this helps any, I found copying the RealPlume-Stock and RealPlume / 000_Generic_Plumes contents from my KSP 1.1.3 installation on top of my 1.2.2 installation seems to replace the MODEL_MULTI_SHURIKEN_PERSIST settings with the MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST settings, and not break anything else. I also get a significant frame rate boost, going up from 24 FPS (hitting physics delta limit) to 40 FPS just with four Panthers (and 80+ other parts) on the runway. This is on top of Scatterer and ParaSci Visual Enhancements running and eating GPU time. I can wring out a few more frames by adjusting the stock aero effects setting.

That seems to work as a short-term fix, until improvements are made to the shuriken particle system or the stock configs.

Yeah I am doing this, however the whole reason sarbian implemented the shuriken particle system was because it is supposed to improve performance (at least that is what I gathered) however it seams that on some systems currently it has worse performance, my intention in reporting the lower performance was to just provide sarbian and NHawks with more information to use in the continued development of their mods and possibly help with other user reporting poor performance :)

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4 minutes ago, Akira_R said:

however the whole reason sarbian implemented the shuriken particle system was because it is supposed to improve performance (at least that is what I gathered) however it seams that on some systems currently it has worse performance.

Is there anything common that might pin down the cause of this slowdown? What can I do to help?

My system uses an Intel i7-4771k processor with 32 GB RAM, and NVidia GTX 760 graphics card with 2 GB RAM of its own; it's MSI's Mini-ITX version of the card. And while I do play with a few other visual add-ons, I get a big performance drop using the shuriken particles vs the original ones even without those.

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2 minutes ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

Is there anything common that might pin down the cause of this slowdown? What can I do to help?

My system uses an Intel i7-4771k processor with 32 GB RAM, and NVidia GTX 760 graphics card with 2 GB RAM of its own; it's MSI's Mini-ITX version of the card. And while I do play with a few other visual add-ons, I get a big performance drop using the shuriken particles vs the original ones even without those.

Maybe report your system specs over on the Smoke Screen thread:


So far it looks like all of us that have reported the issue are using Intel CPUs, we are both using nVidia GPUs but one guy that reported over on Smoke Screen is using an AMD GPU.

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I've been working on rewriting the plume configs for a 1.0.0 release of RP and haven't been noticing any performance issues, but I also haven't been testing it beyond adjusting the plumes so I will have to look more into that. I'm hoping the rewrite will help with performance. I'm currently working on making configs for actual plumes and not the engines so it's taking me longer on those with the little time I have. I'd go ahead and report your specs to sarbian just in case he finds something though.

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Anyone who wants a FPS boost, go to the linked post and download the latest SmokeScreen sarbian released. It contains performance improvements that will not be in RPS until the next update!


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No idea how to do a pull request, so posting here - 

RealPlume-Stock\Space Launch System\RS-25.cfg

...are missing a curly brace, in case it matters!

Additionally, some of the quote mark characters in these files gave my little curly-brace-detective script a heart attack for whatever reason, dunno if that matters either:


Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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18 minutes ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

No idea how to do a pull request, so posting here - 

RealPlume-Stock\Space Launch System\RS-25.cfg

...are missing a curly brace, in case it matters!

Additionally, some of the quote mark characters in these files gave my little curly-brace-detective script a heart attack for whatever reason, dunno if that matters either:


Can you post this as an issue on the repo so I don't forget to fix it.

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On 2/9/2017 at 1:49 PM, Nhawks17 said:

If you need a how-to for installing this mod you shouldn't be playing modded KSP :wink: 


On another note, expect an update no later than this coming Sunday. Hopefully it'll fix some issues people have been having.


I can install perfectly fine, I was just taking the mickey out of the fact it doesn't tell you how to install it, even though the subtitle clearly stated that.

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1 hour ago, HawkedUpSpace said:

I can install perfectly fine, I was just taking the mickey out of the fact it doesn't tell you how to install it, even though the subtitle clearly stated that.

Understandable. The post will be getting an update when I get the 1.0.0 version finished so I'll be sure to clarify.

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11 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

Ive been wondering. Is there a way to make it so all engines maintain the minimum throttle effect for a period of time after shutdown/at zero throttle. No thrust. Just the effect.

Hmm... possibly... I'd have to check, I know I could get the effects to show at zero throttle I just don't know about having it only show for X amount of time.

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12 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

Ive been wondering. Is there a way to make it so all engines maintain the minimum throttle effect for a period of time after shutdown/at zero throttle. No thrust. Just the effect.


20 minutes ago, sebi.zzr said:

Hope this helps a little :)

Then yes, it should be possible in theory :wink: 

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15 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

Interesting. Well dont go loading up your work plate because of me. I wasn't sure if it was something that could be easily done or not. But, uh... while you're at it throw in a little green flash on ignitions :P

That's not something I'm capable of unfortunately haha. As far as I'm aware there is no particle like that in the "library" for RealPlume and I have no clue how to make particle effects :P 

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I know it's already a known issue and has been for quite some time, but is there any way of fixing the bug where making the root part of a craft the engine causes the plume not to show? Thanks.

EDIT: I found a workaround :)

Edited by BananaTime101
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I've installed Real plumes then this mod then Realfuels. In real fuels the readme says to put a folder that has to do with plumes into " Realfuels" folder... but I don't think it takes into account that we would install this mod aswell. So i'm wondering do I put the realfuels Real plume config into realfuels folder or into the folder for this mod?

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7 hours ago, Dermeister said:

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I've installed Real plumes then this mod then Realfuels. In real fuels the readme says to put a folder that has to do with plumes into " Realfuels" folder... but I don't think it takes into account that we would install this mod aswell. So i'm wondering do I put the realfuels Real plume config into realfuels folder or into the folder for this mod?

It shouldn't matter where the RealPlume configs go. There are ModuleManager patches and can be read anywhere in the Gamedata folder.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/23/2017 at 5:08 PM, Alexoff said:

Why is mammoth plume so boring - just small blue glow? It's the most powerful stock engine, it's plume should be the most powerful too!

Actually the mammoth and vector plume actually make sence. If you look closely, you can see clear red-ish plume below the blue one and some of the most powerful rockets in the real world have engine plume similar to those. And personally they are my favourite plume! :)

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