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[1.6.0] Extrasolar v1.8.0 [12/21/18]

Andi K.

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@abda123 @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures About CRP. The mineable resources that you are accustomed to when using USI mods will all be present. They add themselves to every body from planet mods. But if you're looking for specific resources like Karborundum, and any resource at all that occurs in atmosphere (except for Karbonite, Argon and Xenon) and any that occur in space, you will not find them.

Also, Valentine's Day hype in Valentine's SOI. :P 


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7 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@abda123 @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures About CRP. The mineable resources that you are accustomed to when using USI mods will all be present. They add themselves to every body from planet mods. But if you're looking for specific resources like Karborundum, and any resource at all that occurs in atmosphere (except for Karbonite, Argon and Xenon) and any that occur in space, you will not find them.

Also, Valentine's Day hype in Valentine's SOI. :P 


Okay thanks for clarifying that for me.

I feel like I should've released the upcoming update yesterday on Valentine's Day.

Edited by AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures
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Hi, first of all: thanks for making an expansive planet pack instead of replacing the stock planets! I haven't gotten around Valentine yet, and I'm really looking forwards towards it! I've got a question about the Mission Control missions: is there a way to inhibit Valentine-related missions until I can actually get there, or even until I've exited Kerbins SOI? I've been getting spoilers, that there actually are planets around that mysterious star! No, I haven't looked at the photos in this thread...I seriously despise spoilers in some areas, and Kerbal space exploration is one of those!

Thanks! Best regards,


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2 hours ago, Midline said:

Hi, first of all: thanks for making an expansive planet pack instead of replacing the stock planets! I haven't gotten around Valentine yet, and I'm really looking forwards towards it! I've got a question about the Mission Control missions: is there a way to inhibit Valentine-related missions until I can actually get there, or even until I've exited Kerbins SOI? I've been getting spoilers, that there actually are planets around that mysterious star! No, I haven't looked at the photos in this thread...I seriously despise spoilers in some areas, and Kerbal space exploration is one of those!

Thanks! Best regards,


Your welcome! This bug had been confusing me for a long time, but I was able to find the source of the problem in something totally unexpected. This will be fixed after the next update.

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Hey guys! Extrasolar has been updated. This update makes major improvements to Extrasolar, including new cloud textures, new biomes, and new terrain textures, among many other things. Take a look at the full change log on the OP if you want to see everything that has been added/changed.

If you are updating a save from version 1.6.1 to 1.7, please back it up. If you are experiencing problems with your spacecraft being in strange orbits, please open Maol's config file in Extrasolar/ValentineSystem/CelestialBodies/Lomina/Maol.cfg and where it says "Template = Tylo" change to "Template = Gilly" without the quotes. Do the same thing for Serex's config file, which is located in Extrasolar/ValentineSystem/CelestialBodies/Heba/Serex.cfg.

You can download the update here: https://spacedock.info/mod/202/Extrasolar: Planets Beyond Kerbol

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Just now, eberkain said:

I cant get the spacedock website to load no matter how I go to it, probably my ISP having issues.  

No it's not just you I'm not able to access Spacedock as well, coincidentally right after I post the update :P

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So new install is going super lite on mods, I checked and a regular transfer takes 800 years.  So is there a small mod that adds an engine that would make transfers possible while not at the same time invalidating all the other engines.  What would your suggestion be?

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27 minutes ago, Jeb's Pirotecnics Guy said:

Are there any ideas for future planets/moons

or maybe an astroid belt in the rings of Lomina.

That's a good idea. I was thinking of eventually adding a dwarf planet or two as well.


4 minutes ago, eberkain said:

So new install is going super lite on mods, I checked and a regular transfer takes 800 years.  So is there a small mod that adds an engine that would make transfers possible while not at the same time invalidating all the other engines.  What would your suggestion be?

I would go for this mod:


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8 minutes ago, wallum61 said:

Apologies if this has already been asked, or if it seems a (very) stupid question, but does this work with any versions of scaled RSS, or any ideas on how to make that be a thing?

I have not tested it with any versions of RSS, so I'm not totally sure. You can test it out, but I'm betting it won't work. This is an interesting idea, though, and now that you mention it, I'll definitely be adding RSS compatibility in the future, perhaps even in the next update.

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2 hours ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

I have not tested it with any versions of RSS, so I'm not totally sure. You can test it out, but I'm betting it won't work. This is an interesting idea, though, and now that you mention it, I'll definitely be adding RSS compatibility in the future, perhaps even in the next update.

I tried bunging it into my current mod compliation but it appears not to work. I shall test it with SSRSS and RSS and let you know, but with QSRSS and SSRSS it would be a very nice analog to Centauri. 

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It seems there is a little issue with Fust in the latest release. In the config file, VertexHeightNoise uses the noiseType = RiggedMultiFractal. That should be ridgedMultifractal, I think? And a bit further down, there is a line with just 'ridgedMode' without a value (could be something like 'ridgedMode = Low'). I'm not sure what the effect is of these things, but I came across them when updating.

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38 minutes ago, domassimo said:

It seems there is a little issue with Fust in the latest release. In the config file, VertexHeightNoise uses the noiseType = RiggedMultiFractal. That should be ridgedMultifractal, I think? And a bit further down, there is a line with just 'ridgedMode' without a value (could be something like 'ridgedMode = Low'). I'm not sure what the effect is of these things, but I came across them when updating.

You're right, it is RidgedMultifractal, not RiggedMultifractal. I guess I made a typo. Somehow it still works, so that's strange. I'll fix that typo at some point.

As for the VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 thing you were talking about, I honestly don't even care about that PQS mod so I don't mind if it doesn't work. Everything should look fine on the surface of Fust, so you don't need to worry about that. Thanks for pointing those things out for me though!

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