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I'm developing a checklist for the WernerChecker mod


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For all who visit:

I'm developing a checklist for the WernerChecker mod to have a checklist for space stations.

So I'm interested in your ideas as to what should be included in this type of checklist.  To start this off, here is what I would expect to check before launching:

  1. Control Source (ie:  command module)
  2. Reaction wheels
  3. RCS
  4. SAS (?)
  5. Power Source
  6. Electricity storage
  7. Communication
  8. Science
  9. Docking Ports

Looking forward to your ideas, thanks

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I think you have all your bases pretty much covered. Perhaps life support for those who use popular mods like TAC LS? I'm not someone who mods so I don't know how difficult this would be to implement in terms of compatibility with LS mods. Hope this helped a little bit.

Edited by SteelyEyedMissleMan
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