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How did you come to get your screen name?


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Looking back Douglas Adams was well set in my past. There was the books I read then watched the bbc series. Hadnt really thought much since that latest movie HHGTTG came out. Still after all that I choose MoeslyArmlis in a another fps game (Mount&Blade) around January 2014, because well that was a really tough time and I was well dying mostly all the time. When I started KSP in June and was starting to become aware of the references, this name sorta fit. When I finished reading the description of the LV-N for the first time, I laughed.

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Once I became aware of let's play channels on YouTube, I desired to make one of my own. Thus, the name DanielJeonENtertainments, aka DJEN, was born.

Of course, the YouTube channel part never became a reality.

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  • 3 months later...

I used to keep ferrets as pets, I had 8 of them. One of my girlfriends jokingly referred to me as the 'lord of the ferrets', and the name stuck. I began using it online going back to somewhere around 1987-1988. The second occurrence/appearance of the name was by some guy who was an artist, he had created an account on DeviantArt under that name with an associated Yahoo email account, sometime around 2002. Now there's quite a few out there... but I am the original "LordFerret". My profile picture has been, and always will be, of my first ferret "Jeep". :)

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It's from Kingdom Of Loathing - "Zeke" (My universal nickname) was taken, so I added an s (as in Zeke's)..... and that's it. It fits, because the "S" is also the first inital of my last name.

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I needed a name that would provoke a response to increase the chance of a successful ransom in Eve.

Usually worked...some people will never pay up though. I'll never know why, a ransom is always cheaper than a ship. I'm just an honourable soup pirate scraping by.

Edited by How2FoldSoup
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on other forums and my old xboxlive account i always wanted Raptor (as in the F-22 *ITS SO PRETTY*) but it was was taken so I always change it to r4pt0r, which is usually free.

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I got my name from school. My initials were popular, DC and everyone often called me Lord for my awesomeness.

I often slap Nuclear before Lord DC because i love nuclear sciences. The lord part is also because I run a Type IV space empire.

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well my story is a bit underwhelming

i thought up the Helix portion at random, just popped into my head, the 935 came from CoD Zombies because i like Sci-Fi and Zombies and in someplace i am known as TripleHelix935 or TriHelix935 for short with the Triple/Tri added in just to show that i am beyond human dna since human dna uses a double helix...

and that's basically it

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  • 2 weeks later...

A very slight alteration to my legal name.

If you find anyone else using the moniker 'shynung', or a variation of it, out there in the web, there's a good chance it's the same guy as the one typing this post.

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Well, once upon a time, as a 9 year old, I found this game called "Roblox". Being 9, it was quite appealing. I wanted to make an account.

I decided my username should be something "cool", like jet.

I enter jet in the username box. It's already in use, of course.

I try again with jetter. Still in use.

Maybe if I put two "x"es on the ends? that worked and I would up with my screen name. I've been using it ever since.

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