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Display/Science window!

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We need a window like the resource window (That can also be permanently left open) that will show all active displays from science equipment. Fairly simple. We can turn them on and transmit but not see them without clicking on them or opening a bunch of annoying windows with Superkey... The display should also have a button next to it to activate the button to start the experiment. Just a little box next to the display information. Maybe even a toggle to turn on the display. It have a slot for every display capable item and maybe individual science piece. Also potentially to activate the other things on the science items like experiments. Call it the science window!

This could also be used to save alot of keybindings for satelites and stuff if people use them. You could also have a similar window for satelites from the map window and or from the radar map from the space center. then you can do stuff with satelites remotely.

Edited by Arugela
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Making something display something and adding buttons is generally excruciatingly simple in programming. All you do is reference a variable and do the same stuff that is available with objects in all languages.  Buttons are not the hardest things in the world. It's literally the same coding for the already existing object in game. But in a different location. It's a very simple thing to add. That is why I suggested it.

There is no complicated amount of coding to add that sort of thing. Even if they decided to do it the hard way and do low level programming for the fun of it it's not that hard. They should know way beyond that to even begin thinking of writing a piece of software let alone sell it. And any language or tool in existance will have easy ways to make these things. It's probably something they can grab in a few minutes from the tools they use and implement.

Edited by Arugela
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Last time i checked, "ScienceAlert" killed my M700 Survey Scanners...so no prospecting for mining while you have that(you could always uninstall it for the half hour you need to do the scan and continue your search for gold...i mean ore)

I don't want to be "that" guy, who claims all alternative are better...but this works for me

ForScience! - by SpaceTiger

IImagine auto science...whenever there is science obtainable on your craft, this mod will instantly collect that science for you (even at 100x time warp!). At default, the stock science transmission window will appear for you to decide. But the ingame settings of this mod allows you to change this behaviour...automatically put all science into the command capsule(only if kerbals are aboard), automaticaly reset Mystery Goo, Materials Bay experiment and also put that science into the capsule. So it does only the things that the player can do at that moment, but with less grind.

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You don't need "backend work" or a "UI overhall" to add a display in the UI. That is completely insane and you have no idea what that or anything else in programming means. Don't bother people if you are just using your imagination. Especially not correcting people like that. You add one and reference a variable that is already exist. Learn some basic programming. People make those all the time in mods. They do make those but I have no interest whatsoever in making a mod. And It IS insanely simple to make.

Don't be argumentative with people about stuff you don't know the first thing about. It's very childish and annoying and counterproductive to a discussion.

And yes, there are potentially things stopping me from doing so. One of which is my lack of desire. I don't make mods for games! Nor will I.

And when you argue with people you need to first understand what you yourself understand. If you don't know anything don't tell people they are incorrect. Especially not this forcefully. Learn or ask about it instead. A lot of people in games like this know how to program. It's normal. it does not mean they feel like putting the work into a mod. Even if it's 5 lines of code. Some people don't like to do stuff like that for stuff they paid for. Or just don't in general. This game sadly and badly needs fundamental stuff done to it. I'm not in the mood to do the programming for people I spent money for a service or product from(Or even if It was free.). Anything beyond that is not your business and you should not expect an answer too. Nor should you be asking anyone about those sorts of things!

Edited by Arugela
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@Arugela At this time, doing my level best to remain civil, I dare to say you lack formal training in coding. Why or how can I say this? Simple. Adding a display requires user interface work to alter the current user interface to display the data you request. Furthermore if you had formal coding education you would know that the addition or alteration of code can have unexpected issues with other code that may or may not be seen at first or even be easily found. You would also know that such changes would require significant development time that is to be blunt required elsewhere. 

I also say it again, if you DO by some chance have the skill, tools and education to back up your claims that this is "simple" you are by all allowed to modify the game by making said alteration yourself. I formally withdrawal myself from further debate on this with you and I also formally wish you well. 

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