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[1.8.x+] Strategia [v1.8.0] [2019-10-22]


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I'm getting 25 reputation for each kerbal recovered, with no strategies active. I first noticed this on Strategia 1.0, but it is still happening with 1.1.0. Here's a log with just Strategia, its dependencies, and GCmonitor installed.


I can't find anything relevant, but this section seems odd:

[WRN 08:20:28.117] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -461.4915 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -320.1254 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -166.1564 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -68.18783 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.

Playing on Linux x64.

Thanks for another great mod!

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Sorry if this has been adressed before, but I've found a minor well... cause for confusion (can't really call that a bug/error): In the <celstial body> program strategies, you have to plant a flag on the given body to succesfully complete the mission. Although it should be obvious that you plant a flag when you first land on a planet/moon, it is not stated in the strategy description.

I started to think that there was sthg. wrong with the Minmus program, when I returned and the strategy was still active. I did another Minmus mission and this time planted a flag (I just forgot the first time). The strategy was instantly completed. 

Obviously this was caused by my stupidity, but it might help others to understand why the strategy is not completed after a successful mission if the description states that a flag must be planted.

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4 hours ago, Wercho said:

I'm getting 25 reputation for each kerbal recovered, with no strategies active. I first noticed this on Strategia 1.0, but it is still happening with 1.1.0. Here's a log with just Strategia, its dependencies, and GCmonitor installed.


I can't find anything relevant, but this section seems odd:

[WRN 08:20:28.117] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -461.4915 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -320.1254 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -166.1564 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added -68.18783 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.658] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.
[LOG 08:20:28.659] Added 0.1293579 (-500) reputation: 'Strategies'.

Playing on Linux x64.

Thanks for another great mod!

Not 100% sure if this will fix it, but I added some check conditions that might prevent stuff from getting registered when it's not supposed to  - do you mind letting me know if it resolves the issue?  Grab the dll here and replace the one in GameData/Strategia

18 minutes ago, Zoidos said:

Sorry if this has been adressed before, but I've found a minor well... cause for confusion (can't really call that a bug/error): In the <celstial body> program strategies, you have to plant a flag on the given body to succesfully complete the mission. Although it should be obvious that you plant a flag when you first land on a planet/moon, it is not stated in the strategy description.

I started to think that there was sthg. wrong with the Minmus program, when I returned and the strategy was still active. I did another Minmus mission and this time planted a flag (I just forgot the first time). The strategy was instantly completed. 

Obviously this was caused by my stupidity, but it might help others to understand why the strategy is not completed after a successful mission if the description states that a flag must be planted.

Fixed the text for the next release.

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3 hours ago, nightingale said:

Not 100% sure if this will fix it, but I added some check conditions that might prevent stuff from getting registered when it's not supposed to  - do you mind letting me know if it resolves the issue?  Grab the dll here and replace the one in GameData/Strategia

Nope, that didn't fix it. If it helps, the 25 reputation shows up in the vessel recovery summary, under the crew page. It doesn't create the popup text that the other strategia bonuses do.

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4 hours ago, Wercho said:

Nope, that didn't fix it. If it helps, the 25 reputation shows up in the vessel recovery summary, under the crew page. It doesn't create the popup text that the other strategia bonuses do.

Hmmm.... looking back @eberkain had also reported this (or something similar), and I'd gotten the (incorrect) impression that it was due to Media Circus I (which was also broken).  I'll dig deeper.  Raised #30.

Edited by nightingale
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I've started a new RSS/RO/RP-0 career with Strategia, and so far I haven't encountered any bugs. I have two questions though:

1) What types of biomes does "To Boldly Go" trigger from? Getting all the biomes on earth is pretty fast, bit does it also trigger from "In space high"? Or does it also get triggered by biomes on the lunar surface? Or just earth surface?

2) Moon Probes requires a crewed orbit (and possibly recovery, can't recall) and not having encountered the moon. This seems a bit harsh, especially in RP-0 where you can't docrewed launches until quite a while into the game, while the moon is the natural first destination. Even Mars and Venus are likely to be encountered before a crewed orbit. Any chance of changing the requirements or instructions for doing it one self?

Anyways, thanks for another great mod that adds another dimension to career mode!

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7 hours ago, a_schack said:

I've started a new RSS/RO/RP-0 career with Strategia, and so far I haven't encountered any bugs. I have two questions though:

1) What types of biomes does "To Boldly Go" trigger from? Getting all the biomes on earth is pretty fast, bit does it also trigger from "In space high"? Or does it also get triggered by biomes on the lunar surface? Or just earth surface?

Anyways, thanks for another great mod that adds another dimension to career mode!

Depends on the instrument, you can get 'in space high' with the gravoli detector instrument. I've also gotten generic 'in space high/low' with transmissions from SCANsat instruments. Basically, if you can gather science there, it'll work, and it's for all biomes. The only thing that really matters is that it's the first time transmitting or recovering for that biome, so, if you get it for say, 'grasslands in space high', you won't get it again for 'in space low'.

Probably the only exception are the KSC microbiomes, I don't think it works for those.

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7 hours ago, a_schack said:

1) What types of biomes does "To Boldly Go" trigger from? Getting all the biomes on earth is pretty fast, bit does it also trigger from "In space high"? Or does it also get triggered by biomes on the lunar surface? Or just earth surface?

It'll get trigged for any experiment that is biome specific on any celestial body.  So experiments that just say "In Space High" don't count (thermometer in stock), but ones that say "In Space High over Kerbin's Grasslands" do count (gravioli in stock).  The idea was to get the player to land in more biomes, which is why I made it only look at the biome specific ones.  I should almost take the space ones out completely since it doesn't make sense to give the bonus for gravioli but not for something else...  I'll have to think about that one.

7 hours ago, a_schack said:

2) Moon Probes requires a crewed orbit (and possibly recovery, can't recall) and not having encountered the moon. This seems a bit harsh, especially in RP-0 where you can't docrewed launches until quite a while into the game, while the moon is the natural first destination. Even Mars and Venus are likely to be encountered before a crewed orbit. Any chance of changing the requirements or instructions for doing it one self?

I've changed it to need an orbit (crewed or uncrewed) instead of a return from a crewed orbit.  Note though that this mod isn't intended for RP-0 - so I have no idea if it will upset the balance of RP-0.  Not saying it won't work, just that it might not work well in some situations.

17 minutes ago, smjjames said:

Probably the only exception are the KSC microbiomes, I don't think it works for those.

Yup, since including those would be contrary to the spirit of the strategy (to go places, not dig in your backyard).

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13 minutes ago, nightingale said:

It'll get trigged for any experiment that is biome specific on any celestial body.  So experiments that just say "In Space High" don't count (thermometer in stock), but ones that say "In Space High over Kerbin's Grasslands" do count (gravioli in stock).  The idea was to get the player to land in more biomes, which is why I made it only look at the biome specific ones.  I should almost take the space ones out completely since it doesn't make sense to give the bonus for gravioli but not for something else...  I'll have to think about that one.

I'm not actually sure if I did get it in space high for the gravoli detector, I just thought that's how it worked and what I used as an example. I've also gotten the bonus cash for EVA reports in space low since that's often the first time I get science for that biome anyway.

Also, I don't do usually Mun/Minmus landings right away, I do orbital science first, return home, and then landing. That's just the routine I use since I always do biomehopping anyway.

I HAVE gotten a generic 'in space high surface scan' or something like that for the SCANsat science transmissions after doing a scan, but that's a little different from the biome specific ones. I don't see a problem with it triggering for SCANsat science transmissions since that's essentially rewarding you for doing the scan and it's once per celestial body, not per scan type.

Edited by smjjames
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1 minute ago, smjjames said:

I'm not actually sure if I did get it in space high for the gravoli detector, I just thought that's how it worked and what I used as an example. I've also gotten the bonus cash for EVA reports in space low since that's often the first time I get science for that biome anyway.

Also, I don't do usually Mun/Minmus landings right away, I do orbital science first, return home, and then landing. That's just the routine I use.

I HAVE gotten a generic 'in space high surface scan' or something like that for the SCANsat science transmissions after doing a scan, but that's a little different from the biome specific ones. I don't see a problem with it triggering for SCANsat science transmissions since that's essentially rewarding you for doing the scan and it's once per celestial body, not per scan type.

Double checked the code, and it shouldn't work like that - is it possible you were getting the "first science for celestial body" bonus instead?

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27 minutes ago, nightingale said:

Double checked the code, and it shouldn't work like that - is it possible you were getting the "first science for celestial body" bonus instead?

No, I'm really sure I was getting the 'To Boldly Go' bonus. I can check with a new (cheated though) save.

Showing it being triggered:


This is what I was saying by 'generic 'in space high surface' or something like that':


I couldn't have gotten the 'first science for celestial body' since I grabbed that with the magnetometer.

Edited by smjjames
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1 hour ago, nightingale said:

It'll get trigged for any experiment that is biome specific on any celestial body.  So experiments that just say "In Space High" don't count (thermometer in stock), but ones that say "In Space High over Kerbin's Grasslands" do count (gravioli in stock).  The idea was to get the player to land in more biomes, which is why I made it only look at the biome specific ones.  I should almost take the space ones out completely since it doesn't make sense to give the bonus for gravioli but not for something else...  I'll have to think about that one.

I've changed it to need an orbit (crewed or uncrewed) instead of a return from a crewed orbit.  Note though that this mod isn't intended for RP-0 - so I have no idea if it will upset the balance of RP-0.  Not saying it won't work, just that it might not work well in some situations.

Thanks a lot for the clarifications. I think I just confused biomes and situations. That's at least sorted now. But I can understand the reasoning for having To Boldly Go being dependant on being landed - it's a bit of a cashcow just getting it while flying or orbiting.

I also appreciate that Strategia can't support all the career overhauls, but I'm just happy it works. And changing it to being an orbit is perfect at least for RP-0. I guess it'll suit other career overhauls too. Are all the strategies done via configs? If so, I can just fiddle with it myself if I come across more stuff that counteracts RP-0.

Another question though: About Massive Scale Launchers, is the weight stated at launchpad or what actually gets into orbit? I realise they're definately not made for RSS scale, but that's easily changed in the configs.

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3 hours ago, smjjames said:

No, I'm really sure I was getting the 'To Boldly Go' bonus. I can check with a new (cheated though) save.


I couldn't have gotten the 'first science for celestial body' since I grabbed that with the magnetometer.

Oh yeah, that's definitely a bug, it seems to be taking "In Space High" as a biome.  Raised #31.

1 hour ago, a_schack said:

Thanks a lot for the clarifications. I think I just confused biomes and situations. That's at least sorted now. But I can understand the reasoning for having To Boldly Go being dependant on being landed - it's a bit of a cashcow just getting it while flying or orbiting.

I also appreciate that Strategia can't support all the career overhauls, but I'm just happy it works. And changing it to being an orbit is perfect at least for RP-0. I guess it'll suit other career overhauls too. Are all the strategies done via configs? If so, I can just fiddle with it myself if I come across more stuff that counteracts RP-0.

There's lots of code and lots of config.  At a minimum though, you should be able to change values quite easily in the config though.  You may want to ping @NathanKell (too late, I did it!) and see how he feels about Strategia in RP-0.  The descriptions are all very Kerbal, and a few of the strategies don't fit too great in a realism focused scenario, but there are some that should fit just fine.  My biggest concern is one of balance - if Strategia injects more funds/rep into the system, does that potentially break RP-0's progression in a bad way?

1 hour ago, a_schack said:

Another question though: About Massive Scale Launchers, is the weight stated at launchpad or what actually gets into orbit? I realise they're definately not made for RSS scale, but that's easily changed in the configs.

What gets into orbit.

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6 hours ago, NathanKell said:

I've pretty much ignored the admin building thus far in RP-0, because (gee, I wonder why Strategia exists) the stock strategies are...yeah, best not go there. I'd love to chat with you about how to integrate Strategia.

Good stuff, whenever you're available I'm happy to discuss via any of the usual channels.

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New bugfix release.  Download here.

Strategia 1.1.1

  • Fixed issue with reputation being awarded when it's not supposed to (thanks Wercho).
  • Make crewed mission requirement a little bit clearer (thanks Zoidos).
  • Make moon uncrewed missions only require an orbit of the homeworld (thanks a_shack).
  • Fixed issue with FlyBy mission caused by Contract Configurator 1.9.8 (thanks smjjames).
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Hello, all! I am a brand new user to Strategia, and as such, I have a question that I hope doesn't make me sound too stupid. What exactly are "milestones"? Are they simply the objectives of a contract, or are they the accomplishments that you achieve when you reach a certain point in your program (those messages that pop up when you travel past a certain speed or reach a certain height). And do milestones include contracts added by other mods (such as SCANsat or RemoteTech)?

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40 minutes ago, fallout2077 said:

Hello, all! I am a brand new user to Strategia, and as such, I have a question that I hope doesn't make me sound too stupid. What exactly are "milestones"? Are they simply the objectives of a contract, or are they the accomplishments that you achieve when you reach a certain point in your program (those messages that pop up when you travel past a certain speed or reach a certain height). And do milestones include contracts added by other mods (such as SCANsat or RemoteTech)?

Not a stupid question at all.  You had the right of it - they are the message that pop-up when you hit certain situations ("World Firsts Milestones").  Currently, there's no way for mods to add milestones, so they are all stock.

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Oh, okay then. I haven't left KTO in a really, really long time (starting fresh nearly every time a mod is updated). Just of curiosity, do you (or anybody else) know of a file in KSP's directory containing a list of these milestones, so I know what to expect?

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38 minutes ago, fallout2077 said:

Oh, okay then. I haven't left KTO in a really, really long time (starting fresh nearly every time a mod is updated). Just of curiosity, do you (or anybody else) know of a file in KSP's directory containing a list of these milestones, so I know what to expect?

As far as I know it's all in the code, so if you're looking for a list you'd be better off searching the forums or wiki.

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I am pretty sure installed the mod correctly. I installed all of the dependencies. Do the strategies unlock or is something wrong? Do I have to activate something? Maybe I completely missed something obvious and in that case I am sorry and I will shut up.  The other mods I have are listed below maybe there is a conflict. I doubt there is a problem here is my Player.log and KSP.log. I don't think there is a problem but its there just in case you need it.



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58 minutes ago, sp1989 said:

I am pretty sure installed the mod correctly. I installed all of the dependencies. Do the strategies unlock or is something wrong? Do I have to activate something? Maybe I completely missed something obvious and in that case I am sorry and I will shut up.  The other mods I have are listed below maybe there is a conflict. I doubt there is a problem here is my Player.log and KSP.log. I don't think there is a problem but its there just in case you need it.

The strategies should all just show up.

Make sure your dependencies are up to date - you're on Contract Configurator which is quite old, and I see errors related to it in the log.  I'd suggest KSP-AVC to help with that (it'll provide notifications of mod updates when you start up).

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I'm running Strategia 1.1.1 and I think I've found a bug in the Pilot Focus III strategy.


Namely it's massively increasing the specific impulse of all my engines, and much more than listed. I first noticed this when my delta-V suddenly shot up 50% and my first stage twin boosters got my rocket to 220 km by themselves. :-)

For instance, the Mainsail on one of my probe rockets lists a Specific Impulse of 515.0s with Pilot Focus III on, but when I cancel that strategy, it goes back to the normal 310.0s.




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