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[Alpha] [1.0.5] Hot Contents Orbital Systems - SpaceX Parts In Progress!


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Hot Contents Orbital Systems

A Mod by Sequinox and Joco223


Q: What is Hot Contents Orbital Systems?
A: Hot Contents Orbital System is a mod that aims to have multiple parts for every purpose imaginable. Stock engines are very limited, so I aim to develop a mod to where you can look for a part that fits what you need and it will be there.

Q: Wait a minute, you're not a modder!
A: o_o You got me! This is my first mod I am developing for the community. I started off making some Real Plume configs for the Launchers Pack mod. From there I decided I would like to do something I can truly call my own.

Q: Where can I give you feedback?
A: You can always tell me how I'm doing by just replying on the thread! Feedback is always welcomed and it helps me develop a better mod!

Q: Alright, cool. Anything else we should know?
A: All of my mods will use GitHub for the main download. I believe that GitHub should be used by every mod creator due to the fact that you can see what you are downloading. If you wish, there will always be a download on SpaceDock.


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Hot Contents Orbital Systems requires:

RealPlume (Not included in the download!)
SmokeScreen (Included in the download!)


Planned Stuff:

Grey: In planning

Red: Modelling

Yellow: UV Mapping/Texturing

Green: Unity stuff/Config files

Strike Through: Put on hold


HC-2 Lower Stage Engine: A small 1.25 engine. Comparable to the Merlin 1C.

HB-2: The next tier of upper stage engines. (READY FOR RELEASE)

HA-Multi Engine Adapter: A 9 engine adapter. Comparable the the adapter on the Falcon 9 1.1.


Change Log:

Added HC-1 Orbital Engine

Added the HCE-2
Polished up some stuff with the HC-1

Added the HB-1
Added the HC-FT-1

Added HC-SB1
Rebalanced the HB-1



Help Wanted!

We are currently looking for someone who can do unity configuration and create config files! If you are willing, please message either me or @Joco223.



https://licensebuttons.net/l/by-nc-sa/3.0/88x31.pngCC BY-NC-SA

What does this mean?

You are allowed to remix and redistribute our work so long as you give credit, provide a link to this license and make clear what changes you made.
You may not redistribute this mod for commercial uses.


Development Team

Sequinox - Creator, Thread Maintainer, Unity Configurer, Config File Configurer
Joco223 - Modeller, Texturer

Other Credit:

@Nhawks17 - For the beautiful Real Plume Stock Configs mod
@sarbian - For the amazing SmokeScreen mod.


Edited by Sequinox
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The first demo version has been released! Please note that these demos should give you an idea of what our artwork style is and what is to come. In NO WAY is this ready to actually be played with.

Known Bugs:

- Bottom attachment node still a little buggy
- No shroud on the engine. (???)


- Change HC-1 engine plume
- Change HC-1 engine sound

The next demo release will likely be a bit bigger with some bug fixes(it may even be playable!)

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Demo 2 has been released!


-Added the HCE-2
-Polished up some stuff with the HC-1

Known Bugs:
-HCE-2 bottom attachment node is not where it should be.


The next demo will have the Hot Contents Fuel Tank I1 and the HB-1.

Edited by Sequinox
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It's here! We're out of alpha and we finally get to do cool stuff! There's been some changes, there's been some compromises and there's been some changes to our original plan. So let's jump right in.

-Added the HB-1
-Added the HC-FT-1

Other Stuff:

Unable to upload banner on SpaceDock(???, probably just a me issue.)

Here's the best part: It's playable! Every part works nicely with each other. If you do see any bugs, be sure to report em' and we'll squish em'.

Edited by Sequinox
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Status Update: 3/23/2016

As of today, 3/23/2016, HC Orbital Systems is on a small hold. Dev has been haulted for a short time due to less free time for both developers. I'm caught up with various IRL things, while @Joco223 has been taking some time to familiarize himself some more with blender. This of course means that we are very open to another set of devs.

17 hours ago, The Destroyer said:

Hey looks good man, more than I could have ever done. I would've liked to help with configs but last time I did it was in.... 0.17? Heh. (then a sound mod in 0.22)

Thankjs man! :) It's an easy thing to pick up. If you want to help us out I can show you the ropes of it all. I'm just a beginner myself, after all.

9 hours ago, Andem said:

Could one of you guys make stock plume configs? I don't use it for my personal preference, but I suppose I could use it if you would rather not.

When we pick up development we're going to take a lot of time to polish everything up and get all kinds of stuff in our pack. Stock plumes will likely be included in the next update. ;)


I'm not too good with time, but I wouldn't expect this next update to come soon. Development will pick back up in April, and the next update could take as long as the end of April.

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