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I'm looking into the FireSpitter mod and the list of modules such as FSmeshSwitch, FStextureSwitch2 and FSfuelSwitch.

I'd like to experiment with something that switches Modules inside a .cfg file for a part, like how FStextureSwitch2 switches the textures a part is using.

Specifically, I'd like to give the player the option to click through a list of options for an Engine part in the VAB. Each option is a ModuleEnginesFX with a separate name. The end result be some kind of FSModuleSwitch.

Does this option currently exist?

Can FsfuelSwitch, which I know how to use, be reconfigured towards this effect?

Is @Snjo still around?

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4 minutes ago, wasml said:

I can't offer any advice/direction as I haven't used this myself but there is one mod that used the mesh switch extensively if your looking for examples: Mobile Frame System

I've looked through it, and while it uses FSfuelSwitch and FSmeshSwitch, it relies on 'JSIUtilities' to handle PartModule modification, and that was last updated for 0.90....

Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

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10 hours ago, MatterBeam said:


I'm looking into the FireSpitter mod and the list of modules such as FSmeshSwitch, FStextureSwitch2 and FSfuelSwitch.

I'd like to experiment with something that switches Modules inside a .cfg file for a part, like how FStextureSwitch2 switches the textures a part is using.

Specifically, I'd like to give the player the option to click through a list of options for an Engine part in the VAB. Each option is a ModuleEnginesFX with a separate name. The end result be some kind of FSModuleSwitch.

Does this option currently exist?

Can FsfuelSwitch, which I know how to use, be reconfigured towards this effect?

Is @Snjo still around?

Actualy, I planned such a feature in Interstellar Fuel Switch after 1.1 is released

I didn't want to implement it after Unity 5 was inplemented in KSP which include better interface support

Edited by FreeThinker
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Also, JSI Part Utilities is still working, even though it's an old compile.  No reason to fix what isn't broken!  I think it could be exactly what you're looking for. 


If Mihara doesn't update it for 1.1, I'll jump in and do so eventually, after my other projects are current.

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