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[1.4.X] SM Armory Group. See Note First post Ref BDA


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/20/2018 at 11:43 PM, jack gamer said:

The tank wheels won't move :(



  On 3/21/2018 at 1:14 AM, jack gamer said:

And other wheels don't move either :(


The tank treads and wheels are dependent on Kerbal Foundries which I’m pretty sure is mentioned in this thread somewhere. Either way you need that for the treads and wheels to function.

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  On 3/20/2018 at 11:43 PM, jack gamer said:

The tank wheels won't move :(



  On 3/21/2018 at 1:14 AM, jack gamer said:

And other wheels don't move either :(


HI, first if you are going to report problems,  just saying  "X dont work "  provides no help whatsoever.  Please attempt to identify the name of the part affected, the KSP version and the KSPW version if applicable.  It has been some time since there was a specific wheel named tank wheel,  however there are a number of military wheels , all with different ratings and set ups.  As well as stocjk wheels there are duplicates in KSPW form and these will not work without the KSPW plugin.

That said i've just run through all of the wheels in AFV's and if fitted correctly they all appear to be working  as intended, although 1.4.1s wheels settings will need a revisit when time allows.
Below ls the Military style Wheel 1 which are quite happily propelling this great lump around with no trouble


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i was wondering if i can add an idea, since i already asked about it on NAS, but sadly, they wont take it, so i was wondering if i can ask here: can the main turret on the submarine M1 and a dual/triple versions be possible to make, and would a surcouf turret also can be made? ty!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Update season starts here

SM Industries

This release for KSP 1.4.x only
SM Industries V
Includes further localisation to LargeBoatParts and SM Marine SM Armory and other projects. Custom categories and One Touch Texture Switch

As the mods have become larger they now tend to dominate the standard categories, to make life easier when it comes to finding parts SM Armory, SM Marine SM Tanks, SM Trucks, SMI Missiles and launchers, SM turrets , SMI SmallArms. SM FullSizedMarine and LBP now have their own unique category

Other notes if using alongside SM Marine note that the complete Typhoon set of parts can be found now is the Full Sized marine category , further vessels for this category will be released shortly .

You may find other parts have moved around a little , and can be found in relevant categories , This has been done to make easier to see the BDA parts among all of mine , and bring some sense of order to the ever increasing number of parts

Further updates will be available shortly
To some extent this ensure that most of the parts will be trouble free in ksp 1.4.x

For all mods

Known upcoming issues, all the robotic parts are pretty much broken, and getting them working again (with IR next) depends very much on dark and secret rituals,  please bear with me while i work out the kinks, and avoid using them even for decoration. RUD may follow any use of the robotic parts.

SM Armory heads up
Retirements,  the following items have been  relocated made obsolete or retired . If they are fitted to your craft  the craft will still load but you will not see the parts available in the editors. In versions following this the items will be completely removed .
MagCannonWMD retired

MagCannonWMDOP retired

TurboLaserTurret relocated/donated

SM_X10LaserCannon relocated/donated

Have no fear this does not mean fewer choices , conversely it means more, as the part total currently stands at 33 various missiles, not replicated in SMI missiles and launchers.  and 85 various large /small  turrets and guns . Including new and overhauled retextured items

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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Anyone else think the SM AFV tank turrets seem a bit...anemic compared to the stock Abrams? I checked in the config and the only major difference I can seem to find is that the AFV turrets don't have a bullet defined

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  On 5/2/2018 at 12:46 AM, loki130 said:

Anyone else think the SM AFV tank turrets seem a bit...anemic compared to the stock Abrams? I checked in the config and the only major difference I can seem to find is that the AFV turrets don't have a bullet defined


Not sure what you’re talking about, as the SM tank turrets all have bullet definitions. So if they don’t have one, there’s a mod conflict, you have the wrong version, or you installed it incorrectly. It’s true that some of the turrets may need some balancing again but I assure you all the definitions are in place.

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SM Armory for KSP 1.4.3 and BDA 1.2.1 ONLY

Updates for KSP 143
New Items

AK 100 Naval turret NEW for 1.4
AK 130 Naval turret NEW for 1.4
AGM-109H NEW for 1.4
ASROC1 Anti submarine/ship rocket turret fires 3 custom RGB 60 rockets New for 1.4
ASROC2 Anti submarine/ship rocket turret fires 15 custom RGB 60 rockets   New for 1.4
BGM-109  Tomahawk cluster missile NEW for 1.4
BGM-109A Tomahawk NEW for 1.4
BGM-109C Tomahawk NEW for 1.4
MK45ish5in  Naval turret New for 1.4
QF4.7 120mmx2 Naval turret Naval turret New for 1.4
UDAV181 Anti submarine/ship rocket turret fires 10 unguided RGB 60 Rocket New for 1.4

Re textured items

Old and sci fi items retired or relocated
TurboLaserTurret SciFi Retired relocated
MagCannon SciFi Retired relocated
X10LaserCannon SciFi Retired relocated

Full parts list



SMI Missiles and Launchers V0.01.03 KSP 1.4.3 BDA 1.2.1 ONLY

Updates for BDA 1.2.1 and KSP 1.4.3


3m80Moskit NEW for 1.4
3m80MoskitRR NEW for 1.4
AA8Aphid NEW for 1.4
AA10AlamoD NEW for 1.4
AA10AlamoF NEW for 1.4
AA11Archer NEW for 1.4
AA11bBansee NEW for 1.4
AA12Adder NEW for 1.4
AA13R37Arrow NEW for 1.4
AS14Kedge NEW for 1.4
Asrokish1 NEW for 1.4
Brimstone AGM radar guided missile NEW for 1.4
Brimstone Sea Spear NEW for 1.4
FritzX The Granddaddy of anti ship missiles NEW for 1.4
KAB500Llgb NEW for 1.4
Kalibr3M14T NEW for 1.4
Kalibr3M54T NEW for 1.4
Kalibr91RE1 NEW for 1.4
Kalibr91RTE2 NEW for 1.4
RamoraMLT missile launched torpedo NEW for 1.4
RamoraSCT super cavitating torpedo NEW for 1.4
VA111shkval Super cavitating rocket powered torpedo NEW for 1.4

533Quadtubes Torpedo tubes NEW for 1.4
533Twintubes Torpedo tubes NEW for 1.4
BrimAGM3 Launcher racks for Brimstone and similar missiles NEW for 1.4
BrimAGM5 Launcher racks for Brimstone and similar missiles NEW for 1.4
CMS109 Containerised missile system fires 4 Kalibr or tomahawk missiles NEW for 1.4  To be used with caution (not supplied)
CMS109B Containerised missile system fires 1 large missile NEW for 1.4  To be used with caution (not supplied)
MK141GMLS Harpoon type launch canister launcher NEW for 1.4
P1KSLT fixed launcher for P1000 Missiles NEW for 1.4
P1K2SLT " " " " " " NEW for 1.4
ZIF101LauncherMK1 heavy marine missile turret NEW for 1.4
ZIF101LauncherMK2 heavy marine missile turret NEW for 1.4

Now the notes. These missiles are not tuned to work in FAR.  
The Containerised missile launch system is still not fully AI ready and it has difficulty with timing.  Only use the CMS of both types for manual fire only




Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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SM AFV's KSP 1.4.3 BDA 1.2.1 Only

SM AFV's KSP 1.4.3 BDA 1.2.1
Updates and cfg changes to existing vehicles
Increased armor all round
New parts
There may be more parts, i really don't know anymore .......

Without exception ALL of the robotic parts can be considered broken. They will not function in 1.4.xx They are left in as they are fitted to a lot of craft. Please note that should the issues not be able to be resoled some items may be removed, and some may be converted to WB's Kerbal Actuators where appropriate



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